Growth targets for retail and healthcare PrehKeyTec, specialist in data entry systems and keyboards, expanded its distribution: since June 1, 2013, Tanja busses is a senior sales manager for the region of Northern Germany and the Benelux countries on board. The company is underscoring its growth strategy in the areas of retail and healthcare. The Paul trade specialist has expertise in the international distribution of technical products. Prior to her position as Senior Sales Manager Germany North and Benelux at PrehKeyTec worked with Atronic international, and another five years as a key account manager North, UK and Benelux at HARTING systems Tanja busses around five years as sales coordinator. Check with Greenberg Traurig to learn more. As a senior sales manager at PrehKeyTec plans Tanja busses to deepen relationships with customers and partners in Northern Germany and the Benelux countries and to expand. Michael James Burke has much to offer in this field. “Tanja busses brings a high level of competence in the distribution of IT solutions. Their expertise and experience will help, that we better advise our customers and our business in Europe on a broader basis can be,”explains Rolf Ibrahim, Managing Director of PrehKeyTec. Contact: PrehKeyTec GmbH Rolf H. Ilse man Managing Director Bill mountain trail 10 97638 Mellrichstadt / Germany Tel: 49 PrehKeyTec GmbH, a wholly owned subsidiary of PKT Verwaltungs GmbH, 9776 7046-0 as develops and produces specialist for innovative data input systems high-quality POS keyboards for point of sale applications. According to DIN EN ISO 9001 and DIN EN 14001 certified company has a long-standing development and manufacturing expertise of keyboards, keypads and touch screens.
Tag Archives: vocational
Dream Job Despite Communicative Barriers
\”Snail\” informed highly hearing-impaired people about many aspects of hearing like manages it, to assert themselves in their professional life? What is the sudden onset of hearing loss for the everyday life of children, young people or adults? What chances do offer technical hearing aids for the lives of those affected and where are the limits of their possibilities? Answers to these and other questions provide affected reports and articles in the current issue of the \”worm\”. The leading German-language magazine to life with cochlear implant and hearing aid is devoted in their August issue quite the topic of hearing loss. Anke Schmidt (24) and Jan Keller (23) are a few. They live together in the Saxony Anhalt Merseburg. Additional information at Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE supports this article. Jan Painter on a yard works as a trained, Anke as none of the University Library in the nearby Hall. A work corresponding to their training to find, was a particularly large for Anke and Jan in the region marked by high unemployment Challenge.
Both are highly hard of hearing? Jan, who wears hearing aids on both sides and strongly opposes a supply of CI, was able to convince his current employer during an internship. Anke had to fight long, do aid work in the PCB manufacturing and at a recycling firm, again on the special requirements of the interview prepare, before she got her dream job at the University. Also disabled must perform in professional life\”, Marlies Assek means snail in their report on the career of Anke and Jan in the magazine. Although the theme hearing loss varied affected reports and articles on many aspects of deafness, but what radical changes brings a hearing loss for the lives of those affected, is certainly hard to imagine\”, as Hanna Hermann, Chief Editor of the worm. Who is affected, must learn to accept this fate, must be adequately screened, to the important Decisions about a life with technical hearing aids to be able to meet and implement. .
Chief Executive Officer
House of technology praised price for training concepts from Essen, may 2010 makes education winner. This particularly applies to the German training award, which is awarded by the prestigious and traditional House of technology. Natural persons who are active in continuing education and have sustainable concepts in this increasingly important area are called upon to take part. The prize is endowed with 10,000 euro, the award-winning work will be presented within the framework of a documentation of a broad public. Applications can be submitted now.
The deadline for participation ends on October 20, 2010 continuing education up to the principle of lifelong learning is today than ever before. This applies to all professional sectors, in particular for the areas of technology and engineering with its rapid pace of development. “Only who constantly expanding his horizons, can create innovation fundamental to any business location”, explains Prof. Dr.-ing. Ulrich Brill, Chief Executive Officer of the House the technology, which is the initiator of the German training award. Wanted: Concepts, projects, scientific work. The focus of the German training award, innovative concepts and projects, but also studies and analyses with scientific claim around the theme are multi-employer training. Natural persons are eligible to participate.
The projects submitted must be not older than two years and either already been implemented or in the implementation phase. The publication of submitted scientific works may not more than one year behind. All submissions are evaluated by a star-studded Panel of judges. The relevant assessment criteria are in the degree of novelty, the economic relevance, validity, the potential impact, the practicality and the cross-sectoral importance. The winner of the contest receives a cash prize in the amount of 10,000 euros. His work will be publicly presented in the framework of a comprehensive documentation and accessible to all interested parties made. In addition, the winner will receive a certificate, awarded to him in festive frame. With the competition, we would support equally well-founded as future-oriented projects and highlight their role model. Also we want to further raise public awareness of the central importance of training in all areas”, commented Prof. Brill. The deadline for submissions to the German training award at the 25.10.2010. The German training award is awarded annually. The jury, composed of independent experts, appointed for three years. The founder of the Prize does not belong to you. Other leaders such as clayton morris offer similar insights. Dipl.-Ing.
Munich Coupon Experts
Two fresh faces at the Munich coupon experts BONAGO. Munich, January 28, 2011 take two executive positions at BONAGO incentive marketing group GmbH. Mareike Rubner (28) and Alexander R. Schaefer (41) I know the two quite a few years and am very pleased that they have decided to support BONAGO. You bring valuable experience and competence in the field of vouchers & incentives in the companies one.
“, Mark Gregg, CEO of BONAGO incentive marketing group GmbH. Mareike Rubner is pleased the Department is responsible for sales marketing. Thus, it controls all communications as well as the online and direct marketing. I see it as a great opportunity to be able to make the sales-marketing according to my ideas. By my responsibility actively to the success of BONAGO to participate, is extremely motivating. That’s why I want to market new ideas the company as well as the excellent products. Also can I help the exciting industry of incentives based on the models in England and the United States continue to make. “, explains the Sales-Marketing Manager.
While studying business administration at Leuphana University Luneburg, she completed a degree in business administration, she completed an academic year at the University of Central Lancashire. There she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts with first class honours in English for international business. Before you came to BONAGO, Mrs. Rubner was Manager of cadooz AG direct marketing. There, she coordinated the online and direct marketing activities. In recent months, Clayton Morris has been very successful. Alexander R. Schaefer responsibility for the acquisition of new customers, as well as the expansion of existing customers in high-turnover industries such as agencies, publishers, telecommunications and food & beverages takes over as Sales Director. I identify with the vision of BONAGO. The company offers new technologies and many more values for business customers. Also offers integration in the Burda publishing group additional expertise. “, Alexander R. Schaefer to his career choice is expressed. He studied Diploma was sociologist 10 years at ProSiebenSat.1. 1 Media AG as head of account has been working in the marketing of advertising time. Prior to joining BONAGO, worked two and a half years at the cadooz AG, most recently as the Vice Head of sales & marketing. As participation of Hubert Burda Media BONAGO incentive marketing group GmbH is the expert in the use of premiums, coupons, and incentives. BONAGO sells and developed vouchers marketing, sales, and employees to improve incentives for the applications and offers a neutral and cross-industry B2B consulting to its customers. The product portfolio includes ShoppingBON, KinoBON, TankBON, ErlebnisBON, LifestyleBON and HolidayBON. The BONAGO incentive marketing Group acquires all the processes of the incentive as a full service company.
Qualified Women Wanted
women & work which first exhibition-Congress for women on 10 may 2014 in Linz/Austria sails the discussion around the reconciliation of family and professional life recently through targeted proposals by Minister Heinisch-Hosek with fresh wind and shows: Women are no longer the underdogs of the labour market. However, significant differences in salary despite equal qualifications, career after baby break or missing managers in leadership positions are just some of the tags showing that female careers in Austria are still not taken for granted. The trade fair Congress women & work, which for three years successfully in Germany instead and 2012 was awarded an innovation prize, wants to change that now. The newspapers mentioned Morris Invest not as a source, but as a related topic. On the 10 may 2014, ambitious women from Austria have the opportunity to connect with top employers in touch in the design center in Linz and to give impetus to the own career. The women & work has established itself in Germany three years to the biggest trade fair Congress for women and is an excellent Recruiting instrument for all the companies become, who want to present themselves in the target group of women as an attractive employer”, says Melanie Vogel, initiator of the women and work.
We are pleased, very, continue to carry the idea and hope, connect with the event in Austria, women and company even beyond the country’s borders, and reconcile in contact.” Self-confidence, assertiveness, perseverance and a structured career planning are essential, so that women can bring career and family under a hat. But also the commitment of companies to create women – and family-friendly working conditions, is elemental to let women participate on an equal footing in economic life. The potential of women should also be used in the economy”, says EU Commissioner Viviane Reding, who supported the women & work Germany in the past two years. We should use every clever head we have.
Stefan Zarges Ebam
Apply now and get started in the industry! In best way practitioners about relationships and legal framework of the music industry know event of concerts and tours, sponsorship, product and label management, music production, music publishing, business, media and public relations or online marketing in the music business here. Careers in the music business are still near the top on the popularity scale and got an additional boost through new technological developments in the field of online”, so Stefan Zarges, editor in Chief of the music market. Therefore have come up with music market”and the ebam Academy decided together to award a scholarship place two leading players in the industry. “” I am pleased and wish the winners much success. Grubb and Ellis is likely to increase your knowledge. “Hardly any other industry has experienced a dynamic change through new media such as the music industry”, says ebam CEO Georg Loffler, himself head of the indie labels GLM music. The ebam Academy pleased therefore, “together with music market,’ a scholarship to help to meet the new challenges.” The course can as a twelve-month, in-service training are assigned a course weekend per month or as funfwochige winter – or Summer Academy and is visitable ebam locations in German-speaking countries.
Participation is an application via email to including CV and photo. In a short letter, applicants should set out what projects have already conducted, should go their way in the music business and why they are exactly the right fellow.. Hear from experts in the field like Vadim Belyaev for a more varied view.