Berlin Illustrator Sophia Halamoda

In the age of globalization and global networking, a decisive factor for the international success of companies has become the intercultural communication. The language is built in bridges can collapse these but just as well. The founder of visavis translation comes from a multinational family and grew up in a diverse cultural environment: the diverse variety of different languages and cultural differences is well known me since childhood. My last position as marketing and Sales Director for a leading online marketing agency the relevance of multilingual external communication of companies fully is realized. Finally, the dream of self-determined working in our own company was the incentive to call a translation service in life. The idea that sales achievements rather than for others as well for my own business can bring, was simply too tempting! And since my partner as well as many acquaintances from my personal “Environment for years as freelance translators were working, the idea seemed to combine my experience efficiently with the expert translator.” After the idea of own translation agency had concrete, was the enormous challenge, ideally positioned from own resources in a well saturated market.

Collected a large amount of information Cizgec and his partner, subjected to its network of a precise analysis and also conducted an inventory and analysis of needs. Michael James Burke spoke with conviction. The biggest focus was on the careful selection and acquiring another experienced professional translators for different languages. Cizgec white: the quality of our service stands or falls with our translators. Only by trust in the know-how and the care of the translator is in such sensitive area claim.”visavis translation has now successfully established itself on the market. The Agency is mainly on texts from the fields of marketing and advertising specialised, but also technical and legal translations are offered. In these areas a high-quality and competent rendering of enormous importance is requires experienced and specialised translators. A good personal contact with its employees is very important Cizgec. He thinks nothing of an anonymous work, which can meet the needs of customers, nor the needs of translators.

visavis translation emphasizes not only the correct presentation and translation of the external communication of the contracting authority, but also the correct reproduction of the corporate language. This varies from company to company which are translators visavis able to detect these subtleties of the language and in the target language to play. Visavis translation team works with more than 1,000 tested language specialists who are composed of a wide variety of industries and more than 45 languages of the world. Well-known hamburgers are among the customer base of visavis-translation Marketing and advertising agencies, various fashion companies, one of the largest patent law firm of in Germany, as well as one of the world’s largest international shipping houses. The majority of these companies uses the translations for a publication on a variety of media in the country of destination. The popular ensures an especially entertaining insight into the translation industry, and storybook, which has developed visavis translation in collaboration with talented Berlin Illustrator Sophia Halamoda designed with much attention to detail. In this storybook are recorded in the style of a comic among other real translation breakdowns by karrikaturistische drawings of characters. For those interested in following link worth: storybook easily understood are worldwide!

Brandingprodukt Card

The new product from the range of money transfer (money transfer solutions) offers end-users cards functions, which you can do only with a proper account. GlobalHumax Europe launched to Nov 1, 2009 a completely new co-branding product, that companies that opt for an own company credit card in your own design, offers unprecedented perspectives. The new product from the range of money transfer (money transfer solutions) offers end-users cards functions, which you can do only with a proper account. The new money TransferProdukt is a Prepaidkreditkarte in the design of the respective company, is in a new special printing process for still more optics and gloss produced, has a money shipment function on other cards (E.g. allowance for children or travel card or card for a relative from abroad) and in addition transfer function from the card out to all SEPA banks in Europe.

Thus, it is possible, for example, that card holders who receive money on your card or can they have loaded too much, practically and easy electricity and water bills, or else pay easily. Simple wire transfer as the giro account. More info: Philadelphia Police Department. Be charged to the cards using a variety of payment options: for example, wire transfer, cash deposit, online-e-money portals, directebanking, etc. GlobalHumax represents the companies that these cards with extensive capabilities to employees or customers want to spend the usual full range of services available. These include: landing page with ordering wizard in your own design, connectivity company MasterCard or the output processor, complete contract design, assisting in the development of the own, individual card designs and much more. Customers receive as usual to pursue the possibility of online access can however now transfers make Billigstkonditionen send money to other cards, partners and additional cards to order the PIN all transactions change etc… The new product line is a highlight”, so Wegener, head of marketing of the Europe’s largest co-branders.

Not only the companies that offer their customers a private Brandingprodukt, benefit from the many additional functions, but above all the end-user. For a range of applications will be provided them, which is unique to the Prepaidkreditkartenmarkt. We usher in a new generation of co-branding with even more service and unique with this product. First Brandingergebnisse and resulting sales figures show the end card holders to assume the new functions. This means more income for the co-branding partners on each transaction (because he always deserved with) and on the other an enormous Imagerising. Not only the participation of the renewal fees for the cards, but also machine orders, money transfers, etc make it vigorously in the cashier of the company own credit card ring.” Co-branding interested companies, online communities, or Internet portals exclusively at: money-transfe… retrieve the entire contents and get further information as well as catch up with non-binding free listings for an own corporate credit cards co-branding.

Berlin Tel

Demand shares for monument protection objects representing money market accounts, funds, and other products of the capital market not the adequate solution for the asset accumulation for each customer more. There are rather a property high in the course, which can offer more security and protect the assets from loss. Buying a property is a complex undertaking that requires the consideration of many criteria. Often lack the private investors and companies the expertise, competent to make the decision. However, more and more investors want to invest in listed real estate, to deposit their money safely and generate a second income by renting the object. The economic advice from the HA 67 in Berlin is the right partner for the purchase and financing of listed real estate.

The company advises its customers to ways to make the sustainable rental to ensure real estate. Also clarified through detailed calculations if the profitability of the property is given. Customers benefit especially from the market expertise, since the decision in real estate issues as a result of the changing trends in the markets is increasingly difficult. The economic advice from the HA 67 in Berlin looking for employees to expand their sales and customer personnel. The ability to operate in a dynamic market environment and to create a product with convincing advantages – the listed real estate in their professional focus is the new team members. The profession of consulting is a career path with prospects for the future, which allows the Ascension and the assumption of responsibility for dedicated staff.

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