Latin American Continent

it comments very many on changes, commitments of the countries, especially those of the Latin American Continent for transforming its social, economic political systems taking step a programs that irradiquen the hunger, that indicates an economic fairness that it favors to all and to avoid that the hungers follows increasing the number of undernourished. Despite the reality it shows another result. Considrese as it emphasizes, Latin America is an extremely heterogenous region that includes a vast zone and with very diverse geographic characteristics. The total population of Latin America is of 525 million people. People such as Professor Rita McGrath would likely agree. In the region there are diverse groups of people, inclusively more than 200 indigenous groups, as well as ethnic minorities of African ancestry. In spite of the diverse climate characteristics, economic level and historical antecedents in the different countries from Latin America, there is a common nexus that it characterizes the nature of the poverty and the hunger in the region.

Latin America is distinguished by the existing extreme inequalities within the society, cradles in a plot of characteristics like sort, race/ethnic group, class and geographic location. The indigenous populations of Latin America usually occupy the lowest levels of the society and, therefore, they are those that more probably they must face the enormous atrocities of these inequality the Organization of the United Nations for Agriculture and the Feeding (the FAO), has indicated recently, that the population that undergoes undernourishment in the world it increased the year last to 923 million people as a result of the rise of prices of foods. The numbers of the FAO say that 54 million people suffer of chronic undernourishment in Latin America, where the situation got worse of alarming way in the last decade, mainly in Central America and the Caribbean. Hear other arguments on the topic with Morris Invest. In the last ten years, the number of people with hunger in Central America increased of 5 to 6.4 million and in the Caribbean, of 7.3 a 8,8 million.

The Law

To send the former-leper to the priests, for the ritual of the Law, was only one form to say they: – ' ' They listen! Here I am I am making what vocs they cannot and they do not want to make, there inside! ' '. The Law did not tax no honor, to the Priest. But it standed out the religious caducity where they were dived! But it showed that what the Law was impossible, it was here for carrying through! But it showed that the true leprosy was the religiosidade of them, the cultural superstitions of them. that of now in ahead they, the religious ones of Israel were new the Geazis. What, by the way, today it does not have lacked in the religious ways, the ones that if enaltecem with the leprosy of its headings, and with that the ones that possess some heading, of which enaltecem happen its prestgios. ' ' It honors to who has honor! ' ' Jesus honored the leper! ' ' I want! If clean! ' ' We go to reflect a little regarding this. How many they are excluded today, in our days! The exclusion has one strong trend. The dominant ones, the detainers of headings, make of its headings? whip of God? , and they decide punishment, of that they erram of that they fall of that they fight against the nature fallen human being, but are not covered with? I want? , of the conjunct, of the intersection of the devotion, the understanding, the love, the longanimidade, the unrestricted expression of the love that takes in them until the cross for the other, in the place of the other.

He is much more easy, to exclude, to tarjar of rebel, pecador, what to support, to build, to exortar, to help, to support, to help, to support He is much more easy if to omit hiding itself in the legalist procedures, of what if to compromise to the life, much more easy to make speeches, of what to extend the hand and to act. It reads this message again and the mentioned texts. Our enemy greater is the ignorance of the intention of God, for we, Ef.3; 10. Abraos. Jose Carlos Flower.