The risk of Bore-Out identify and become active in our performance-oriented society, the Burnout Syndrome is on everyone’s lips. It is considered almost libelous, if it has any symptoms of revision or exhaustion. In contrast, the less common Bore-Out syndrome is rather a shadowy existence. A Bore-Out is not recognized as such or be devalued as lazy or loser types affected. This is of course not true. What is Bore-Out at all, but what can you do about it? Bore-Out is a miss match of skills, Bore-Out performance motivation and requirements can arise in all areas of life, but especially this phenomenon in the world of work occurs.
If you have the skills, expectations and the incentive of a worker above the demands of the workplace, sooner or later to experience a Bore-Out risk. A typical course of Bore-Out the following is to be represented by a typical example of the formation of Bore-Out. In a job advertisement a Manager is looking for, which independently directs an international Department and developed. After a highly motivated high potential takes the job, he must realize that the Department is a pure administrative task without strategic decision-making powers. The actual decisions of his superiors and the international orientation is limited to sporadic email traffic. For more information see Maja Brucic.
Usually the employee will still welcome his situation at the beginning because it is exposed to any excessive demands and can cope with all requirements. But the expectations of the Manager will be disappointed with the time and he can not follow his high performance designs. This results in a strong work dissatisfaction, which may lead to the inner motion. It is not uncommon that the permanent Unterforderung leads to stress and mental health problems such as depression, the so-called Bore-Out paradox. The solution is to become active just described shows that the shown in the introduction and widespread Opinion, affected parties should not just adjust and were themselves to blame for their fate, is not true. Those affected have a high performance motivation and exhibit a pronounced capability profile. Both properties are highly recognized in our society. In addition, it is no secret that in our Division of labor society, the monotonous Unterforderung is not uncommon. Therefore, the first step of the Vorbeugens and acting, to recognize the (potential) Bore-Out stigma and to analyze your situation is. According to the situation analysis, the trail of the Bore-Out only on active measures. Sufferers can also change the conditions of their work, they use their own discretion. Because this can run up against its limits however, a conversation with the Manager can be useful. If everything nothing works, remains only the termination and the search for a new job. In addition to the just described cause-oriented approach, the rethinking of the entire life situation can be helpful. Even if the work immensely important part of life, there are also other areas. Can the time be strengthened with family and friends, hobbies or volunteer work and provide a balance to the unsatisfactory work. “This naturally implies a functional time management, so that sufficient time for the good” life areas is available. You take your life into your own hands Bore-Out is a social phenomenon of mass. But it is the responsibility of each individual, to make his situation actively. Everyone can take his and his life in the hand make its own luck. Since Bore-Out in an advanced stage can lead but to serious mental health problems and disorders, is expressly pointed out that in this case urgently a doctor or psychotherapist must be sought.