Classic Antiquity

The preconception generally is related with the ignorance, seen here as the absence of knowledge concerning determined subject. Invariably one meets folloied of the stubbornness, that is its faithful slave. We do not have leaving to take in them for these points of view and yes after one determined knowledge of a subject to take off our conclusions, thus preventing a daily pay concept. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Vadim Belyaev. racism appears in the Culture Occidental person, on the certain conceptions on the Nature Human being that had based its descriminao, in view of its exploration. The discrimination of the men, in the Europe was acceptance until the o century XIX, as something natural. In relation to the slaves since the Classic Antiquity that if argued if these were enslaved by its very nature (racist thesis) or for social condition. In old Greece, philosophers as Plato and Aristotle (sc.IV and III B.C.), had looked for to base the slavery on particular aspects of the nature human being of the slaves.

Its racist argument that was however far from being acceptance. The slavery in general understood as an act of violence of strongest on weakkest. This age the conception that predominated between the Romans. Today which is the belief according to the capacities human beings is determined by the race or ethnic group, many times express in the form of an affirmation of superiority of a race or group on the others. It can be disclosed as discrimination, violence or verbal abuse.

The theories racist contemporaries appear in century XVIII. The scientists of the time had strengthenn themselves for identifying and classifying the different races. They are considered inferior (in special the black race) and only one is assumed as superior (the European white race). We perceive the existing preconception for the whites to the blacks since the time of the slavery, therefore it was refused between whites, but acceptable for the blacks.

Brazilian Politics

The brasiguaios have in its great majority European descent on average having the 30 40 years. With this approach between Brazilians and Paraguayans the two ethnic groups instead of if giving well xenofbicos conflicts are entering (aversion for the foreigners). Paraguayans accuse the Brazilians to occupy its lands without affirming that it is an illegal act, therefore they do not have the writing that they bought that this land of them. The Paraguayans accuse the Brazilians with if segregating: to say its proper language, to use a proper currency, to display the flag of another country and to possess best lands in Paraguayan territory. In a strong wave of nationalism, they complain of that the second language of the children of the brasiguaios is the Portuguese, instead of guarani. The brasiguaios allege that its children had been always discriminated in the school and that Paraguayan Justice is contaminated by the anti-Brazil politics that invigorates in the country. Abuse of the two sides exists being, therefore difficult to establish a balance for the two sides.

Plant of ItaipuA Plant of Itaipu was constructed in 1970, in the river Paran, in the verge between Brazil and Paraguai.Hoje it is responsible for about 25% of the electric energy of Brazil and 95% of the Paraguai.A population were taking for the diffidence since at that time the people did not have as much ecological conscience that she is had today. The potential of Itaipu puts the plant in the top of the whole world hydroelectric plants, with a capacity to generate up to ninety billion kilowatts/hour per year. Thus, the Plant Hydroelectric plant of Itaipu is one of the biggest plants in the potential of the world. Brazilian interest for the Brazil Paraguayan mainly has a very significant interest for Paraguay because of the Plant Hydroelectric plant of Itaipu.O price that Brazil has to pay for the energy arrives to be for a strategical reason. Therefore about 95% Brazil it consumed of energy of this plant and 5% Paraguay only consumed being these data of the year of 2008.Assim, if it was not Taipu Brazil would have serious problems of electric energy. Commerce paraguaioA majority of the people of general form can find that Paraguay alone lives of illegal commerce vendendo firearms or gadget. But this is not total truthful, therefore the legal merchandises are an appositive one of the Paraguayan entrepreneurs to use to advantage advantageous productions of production of the Paraguai.Dependncia of Paraguay with the BrasilO Paraguay depend on Brazil as for the Plant of Itaipu, therefore if it allows a return of great part of the produced energy comes to the Brasil.O Brazil is one of the great purchasers soy, cotton, oils vegetal, forest meat and products. Bibliographical reference: , the-Paraguay-and-the-interest-national, 414383,0.htm Had access Had access day: Had access Had access:…/novo-preco-da-energia-paga-ao-paraguai-reforca-integracao-regional-diz-petista-3853.html Had access: Had access: Had access:

Araguana Property

In this in case that we can affirm that a property in the areas noblest of the city, and located well it will have greater value in the real estate market; regarding the localization, Villaa says in them: ' ' … The first one is of the products in itself? the buildings, the streets, the squares, the infrastructure. The other is the value produced for the agglomeration. This value is given by the localization of the buildings, streets and squares, therefore to this localization that inserts in the agglomeration. The localization if presents as well as a value of use of …

' ' (VILLAA, 2001, P. 72). We notice previously in told facts that the State through its performance when implanting definitive equipment privileges nobler areas, giving it localization, that in turn &#039 increases its; ' value of troca' ' use e. Fact seen in the noble parts of Araguana, that its localization fruit of values previously cited, a it a bigger value in the real estate market. The State, in its municipal scale, only has as the one of its goals, infrastructure implantation in urban, that this process of implantation, it happens of form to privilege definitive areas for real estate pressure of the greater layers purchasing power, and promoters, aiming at with these improvements, the valuation, and consequently the increase of the price of the property of these areas. It is this performance differentiated in the space, they generate localizations differentiated in the urban space, and with different social content, regarding this Corra fact, says in them: In view of this intention the capitalist State creates mechanism that leads to the residential segregation and its ratification. Thus, the differentials of taxes territorial and land are a strong discriminante factor, affecting the price of land and of the property and, as consequence, happening in the social segregation: the groups of raised income more inhabit in located more expensive property in quarters where the price of the most raised land to.


To the other Spaniard lots inside of two or three blocks had been yielded, in each direction. It is Spanish area of residence constituted the center. To a bigger distance, in the direction of the exterior, and leaving space for the exploration of this center, areas had been reserved in which the indians could establish themselves. These areas constitute barros. The measure that the city grew the center was absorbing barros and the indians had been if moving for more beyond. The measure that these increased in number, the area that they occupied and if becoming the biggest one. More growth continued vagarosamente in harmony with established the social and cultural structure.

(HANSEN apud CORRA, 2005, pg. 27). The State nowadays, acts in the same way segregativa, previously cited, a great example of this fact is the Been capital of just created of the Tocantins, where the urban space was thinking rationally, since its foundation to take care of the Capitalism, and this can be observed in its tracing. Araguana was not planned since its foundation, of segregativa form if, according to purchasing power of its inhabitants; plus its growth and implantation of equipment they privilege the classrooms highest of the society, materializing of this form, this process. The State through the urban renewal, values definitive areas, mainly at the first moment the areas more central offices, this fact attributes to these places a new price, that is, active the real estate speculation, after the property suffers a variation in its prices, regarding this fact Saints speaks: … Undertaken Operations of renewal in the urban centers, whose resulted it is, also, to activate real estate speculation banishing parcel from the present population and imposing new logic to the city as a whole. This logical one is of the valuation? distinguishing depreciation of the diverse urban sectors. As, however, these projects CURE are generally associates to the program of the average cities, destined agglomerations to receive decentralized modern economic activities, the common result are the increase of the value of all the equipped lands and the reactivation, in superior level, of the space processes that already define problematic the urban one.

Arrudas Brook

Because they are become attached to the places where always they had lived. Because they prefer to be next to where they work. Because they are victims of the real estate speculation. Because they had invaded the land. Because they are proprietors and make what them she is of interest, despite opposing the legislation and its proper rights.

Because the public power does not fiscalize of adequate form; it is irresponsible and abetter; does not want to be worn out itself politically. For incapacity, attachment, preference, invasion, irresponsibility or right? Many are the reasons of the most different culprits. E, with the time, the hillsides are invaded and busy plains of flooding under our looks and the most different damages. Then, when we inhabit in an area of risk of boost glide flooding or, we accept the facts and we ahead assume our responsibility of the possible occurrences: marshy and inclined lands go down under the force of the gravity, as well as the plain of the rivers are flooded during the full ones. Technologies against flooding can be employees, but with efficiency never drawn out, have seen the reveses of the Arrudas Brook in Belo Horizonte, against which millions already had been used.

Of form that he is more sensible to respect the natural forces because the shock is inglrio. E, in Itaguara, in turn, of the mounts of the Rosary to the valley of the Conquest also if extends to as many concerns and disputes despite the municipal and federal laws are very clear, especially in relation to the areas that cannot be busy (declivity above of 47%) or whose occupation is submitted the geotcnico finding (areas between 30-47%), or that they are of permanent preservation (30 contiguous meters to each one of the edges of courses d? water with up to 10 meters of width), many, to the default, make to be valid the proper will under its account and risk; indifferent to the consequences, if they worry only about the proper interests. However, in some way, all we are connected and the actions of some happen, more early or later, more or less, on the others! In this direction, imagines if all the devastao and degradation that already we imposed to the planet, really, if to come back against us? Not for pessimism, but for realism: ‘ ‘ the man is the Land, and the Land is the Homem’ ‘ To take care of, then, to the ambient legislation must be faced as the best way of protecting in them of ambient disasters, not as a limiter form of the right of ownership, but for the life! New and urgent conscience and culture on the space are necessary, not only on the part of the public power, but, also, for the civil society! We need more conscience and forecast! To take care of more than the hillsides, moving away our housings from the same ones, as well as of the deep one of the incased valleys! To plant more trees, exactly because the few that existed in the streets of Itaguara had been decimated! We need to consume and to waste little! the edges, waters and animals of the old Conquest? They need protection and to be unobligated to load our sewers.