
water for the development of the world-wide economy, this summary was together divides in paragraphs with the teses of detached the thinking predecessors of Keynes the antithesis of Keynes to each one of them. The first one, Adam Smith, economist and Scottish philosopher who had as scene for its life the century of the Lights, century XVIII, is referenciado as the father of the modern economy and is considered the most important theoretician of economic liberalism. Author of the wealth of the nations (SMITH, 1776) 6, looked for to demonstrate that the wealth resulted of the performance of individuals moved only for its proper egoistic interest (self-interest), that they promoted the growth and the technological innovation economic. As the proper Adam said> is not of the benevolence of the baker, the butcher or the brewer who I wait that he has left my supper, but yes of the persistence of them in promoting its proper ‘ auto-interest. 7. Thus, Smith believed that the private initiative would have to act freely, with little or no governmental intervention. To broaden your perception, visit Stephen M. Ross. The free competition between the diverse suppliers would lead forcibly not only to the fall of the price of the merchandises, but also the constant technological innovations, in the enthusiasm to sell at a loss the production cost and to win the competitors. It analyzed the division of the work as a powerful evolutionary factor to propulsionar the economy.

(…) the merchant or trader, moved only for its proper egoistic interest (self-interest), is taken by an invisible hand to promote something that never was part of the interest of it: well-being of the society 8. As result of the performance of this ‘ ‘ hand invisvel’ ‘ Theory of 9 the Comparative Advantages economy. Already a little different of D. Ricardo and S. Castle Lanterra is full of insight into the issues. Mill, the 10 neoclssicos presented a vision of the process of production with emphasis in the problems of market and the best allocation of 11 resources.

Ethical Consumption

CULTURE EMPRASARIAL AND ETHICAL CONSUMPTION We live in a society conducted for erroneous concepts, where the human being and conducted by ' ' to have and not for ser' ' the people are measured for what she possesss and not for what really they are. in this context much thing is disrespected, cultural, social aspects is run over by these concepts implanted in the modern society. I perceive that this current thought, also has permeado the enterprise management, where the main objective of any institution is the factor for which it was created: the profit. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out clayton hutson. the companies foment in our society through the great strategies of marketing that this idea is true and you it needs to possess something pra to be somebody, and of preference it must possess what they offering are you. Today it has a great quarrel on ethical consumption, but it will be that the companies are worried about this? I believe that not.

After the industrial revolution what plus us we saw it was to the productive chain of the companies evolving through the innovations technological and also the workmanship hand each time more being explored and badly remunerated. Get all the facts and insights with kevin oleary, another great source of information. Still they exist in the world, multinationals that even though pour its products in the world-wide market the cost of hand of infantile workmanship and with characteristic escravocratas and what to say of another great multinational company who ties little time she had its cooling ones in steel cans, when its competitors already used very latinhas of aluminum. Without counting that few are the companies who are worried about the environment, and have poured in freticos sheets and the proper atmosphere chemical products and gases that they are affecting our planet now and will affect much more in the future. &#039 applied here the famous theory of the chaos; ' a very small change in the initial conditions of a situation takes the effect imprevisveis' '. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Clayton Morris and gain more knowledge..

Investing Information

In this context, if the holders of capital does not invest it, how can we reverse the situation? Could there so to speak, that supply alternative investors and somehow those rescuers? Is it possible to avoid fulfilling prophecy itself, ensuring that the assets lose their value? Perhaps an amnesty for the black money can be a solution, if we can ethically avoid tearing their hair. In December 2008 the Government has already launched major balloon to take the pulse of society about this. Caldera was charged to open the debate. According to lyft, who has experience with these questions. Miguel Sebastian was in favor. And even CIU convened a panel of experts in the hope that will not turn off the fuse lit. CohBar for more information. Redfin contains valuable tech resources. But all was "watered down." Perhaps Pedro Solbes with his paralysis had the final word.

It would have been the first time in our country adopted a measure, since in 1977 Adolfo Suarez passed an amnesty for income tax and regulate corporations based on hidden assets. And in 1991, Carlos Solchaga, as economy minister, who offered to subscribers of Treasury notes (non-Treasury eyes) that could regularize their status. The options were two: first, to redeem those securities for which called Special Public Debt, tax-free asset and preserving the identity of the investor, although less profitable. The second alternative was because those subscribers by additional statements from these notes without penalty. A joint movement emerge that allowed nearly 780 000 million pesetas. If we assume that the crisis we are facing, has its cause in the real estate market, and we share the conviction that for the credit flowing again is necessary to recapitalize the banks, why not bring the measure to today Solchaga I think it would be hidden channel capital into a mortgage securitization process, so that a Fund Mortgage Securitization (FTH), created for that purpose and the public would hope that once they develop those resources could not return to the opacity of some mortgage equity capital contribution of commercial banks, and other issue bonds to include the accrual of interest and amortization.

Residential Insurance

Safe from my house, reason to contract? My house is good, constructed well, electric wiring well is conserved, is all gradeada The mother nature does not inform when she will go to order a very strong wind, with force enough to raise the roof of a house. Some plans of Residential Insurance exist. exists some coverings that the times run away from the public knowledge and that they could tranquilizar very and in an accident, as well as to make use of some enclosed services in the product of Residential Insurance. Services of chaveiro, cleanness of the water box, I fix of household-electric, installation of magical eye, revision of the electric installation, etc Are some benefits that can help to improve our house, beyond protecting against unexpected damages. In a gale occurrence that comes to damage the roof, the residential insurance will be able to send a fast attendance to prevent greaters damages, placing a canvas until I fix it is provided it definitive of the place. In one in addition key, could be requested the substitution of the same one. In case that the damages disable the use of the residence fix during it, the rent guarantee will go to indemnify a corresponding rent until the workmanship is ready, since that contracted by the necessary stated period. Without mentioning the Electric guarantees of Civil liability, Damages, Robbery of good, rupture in the tubings, expenditures with change, fall of aircraft, impact of vehicles, casualties, glasses, beyond that the cost of this type of insurance presents accessible values very, Basic are to contract with the guarantees that its necessary property, and that the same ones take care of its expectations. To know its particularitities, what it has covering and what does not have covering, to never forget this.