It's just a student dormitory at higher educational institutions. Students are leaving on vacation and that the premises are not empty, they are trying to pass an independent or an organized tour. Their main advantage is low cost and purity, it's not hostel with its possible disturbance and noise produced by the free western youth are not particularly make some noise. As a rule, for all holidays there are empty seats, even on New Year celebrations may live here. Principle dispersal of tourists in the 'Student Housing', as elsewhere, a different, perhaps a settlement in a double room with bathroom in-room possible in the rooms by type for two double rooms, one shower and toilet sharing is in the dorms and rooms where wc and showers are located in the corridor. Of course, the cost depends on the type of accommodation, but the difference in cost is not so large as desired, in other words, it is the place for students, and they make much difference, as opposed to middle-aged tourists, and absolutely no significance to have a private shower or not, they do not pay. Still, the main difference from the hostel dormitory in the fact that room, as a rule, can be placed two men, while in the hostel are not uncommon case of beds in a room up to 12 persons and above, and bunk beds. Dormitories cost distributed in the same way as other placements, but still a significant price difference, that is closer to the center, the more expensive, no. For professionals on how to copy and placement of this publication as their own, want to write a few words: Lord, your labor of copying, I am to some degree pleasant and tourists are even useful, because a big difference which way it comes, this publication to the end user, for me there, so my work will be available greater number of tourists who come, or just going to come to the Czech Republic. But, respecting me as an author, in this case, this article does not count them for work and add to the article link to a site that hosts this publication initially. And if these things action is not compatible with your notion of copy, here's a reminder: The reprint of this article is available with reference to a publication and website from which you are copying.