Relax Hospital

They may be the most stable element in the process of communication with the school, and for this they need to have precise knowledge of the status of your child and be supported by professionals to assume their responsibility in the education and treatment of it. Educators should respect cultural differences of families and at the same time, do everything possible for parents to give a satisfactory answer to the needs of their children. A very important tool to channel the concerns and actions of parents in education are the Parents' Associations. All these associations are concerned about the education of their children and some women develop very active in this regard by publishing brochures for parents and teachers and developing programs and curriculum materials for classrooms and schools hospital. – The role of teachers: Once you have the relevant information, are free to organize the props, make curricular adaptations and gain acceptance of the sick child by their peers, based on a careful assessment of the effects of the disease and treatments in the academic and cognitive functioning of children. They make back to school program, whose objectives are to involve the whole school community in this program, prepare the class group to accept and understand the new status of your partner, provide the child with strategies for action against the group and set curricular adaptations appropriate for their educational needs. Since children are suffering from the consequences of the disease should be integrated into the therapeutic process and actively participate in decisions concerning their school life.

Responedr should be prepared to questions from their classmates, and teenagers, especially, have to express their views on how the information is given to teachers and peers. develop strategies that enable them to overcome their fear to return to school. – The hospital classrooms: While the child is hospitalized, and once their physical condition permits, it will be convenient to start the school work in the hospital classroom. These classrooms are in most hospitals and their goal is to continue, as far as possible the educational process of each student hospitalized. This requires collaboration with the centers. The objectives of the hospital classrooms are: – To promote the overall development of children in all its aspects.

– Avoid the marginalization of the hospitalized child's educational process and alleviate the syndrome hospital through the continuity of school activities .. – Avoid social isolation can not attend enable the school and relationship processes and socialization of children hospitalized with others who are in the same situation as him. – Compensate or rehabilitate any deficiencies (neurological sequelae). – Develop school curricula in collaboration with the school. – Relax and reduce stress through leisure activities recretativas. – Distract and encourage the child. – Facilitate the integration of school after the long period of absence from school.

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