Private Oldage Provision

Attractive pensions, with the Sofortverrentung security is through all of the population of one of the basic human needs. It loses the well-known saying of the former Federal Minister for labour and Social Affairs Norbert Blum the pension is safe “in importance. With the awareness that the statutory pension is no longer sufficient to keep the personal standard of life in old age, alternative private pensions increasingly to the fore. Many writers such as Robert Speyer offer more in-depth analysis. Because no one knows how old he actually is. So, great savings can be quickly used up. For assistance, try visiting Expert on growth strategy. Security, then, offers a private Sofortrente. The private Sofortrente enables a guaranteed, regular and lifetime pensions, against a one-off payment regardless of age and health.

Depending on the request, the pension payment this can be constant, dynamic or part dynamically. Optional pension guarantee period, increased pension in case of maintenance, payment of the remaining balance in the event of death (post return) can be as well as Pensions supplementary insurance to safeguard the family members agree. Some insurers also offer Sofortrenten as individual pensions. This pre-existing conditions and health-detrimental lifestyles affect directly to an individually calculated personal pension. Offers of up to 50% higher monthly benefits compared to traditional products on the market are to achieve, if the insurer can assume a lower life expectancy of the applicant.

Generally, the customer can draw on a classic German pension insurance, which allows him a stake in the possible surplus earned by the insurer about the guaranteed annuity. Continue to British pension funds are offered, which provide a policyholder participation, also via the guaranteed pension. The participation of British pensions in the past but well above those of the German insurers were through the higher equity exposure in the cover stock. The Sofortrente is also tax attractive. Usually, not the whole Sofortrente, but only the portion of the income will be taxed. A tax reduction of age also ensures that the tax rate in the contract decreases with increasing age of the recipient. From a security standpoint, the Sofortrente scores also. The Sofortrente remains intact even when an unlikely insolvency of the insurer, since the protector Lebensversicherungs AG as a backup facility of German life insurers would step in and continue to pay the guaranteed lifelong Sofortrente. The retirement for people who have already reached the retirement age or are about, and increase their pension, for example, through the already paid Lebensversicherungssumme is useful. The Sofortrente is also highly recommended for freelancers and the self-employed, who have deposited in their working life in no pension insurance and their saving are the only retirement income. Even inheritances can be secured by a Sofortverrentung for life. However young people the possibility of Sofortverrentung open and this can be also be useful under certain circumstances, higher is the monthly Sofortrente with same deposit with age due to the statistically increasing probability of death.