Builders and Realtors

As you know, the psychology of any human being arranged so that the Hundreds of builders and realtors will he choose those which are more often heard or read? strangers? even with the fantastic promises of discounts and installment payments have little interest in it. Impeccable reputation and high prestige earned over the years, and all this time, the company must consider the interests and needs of their customers and take responsibility in front of them. Over time, services, companies can vary, but the reputation remains intact. Step 2. What waiting for a buyer of advertising? Prior to that, we looked at advertising from the perspective of an advertiser, we'll see what is expected of her customers. Because the ads focused on the needs of the audience, a lot depends on the social level of potential buyers promoted properties. Residential customers in economy class are primarily interested in cost per square meter and the location of the house.

For them, developing advertising, containing the image of the house (a computer model or a real pictures) and brief information about him. For potential buyers of luxury housing more important emotional characteristics such as severity, restraint and style. By purchasing a penthouse, a man realizes his dream, finds a new way of life, rises to step up the ladder of social status. Accordingly, the advertising for this audience should reflect the philosophy of luxury living, create an attractive image, the legend, and the advertising message should not be too much? loud?, shocking.

Wooden Houses

In fact, "town house" – a product of simple and easy to manufacture a minimum of land, greatly reduced the cost of construction and communication. Today around the world townhouse, born in the cramped city, has become the format of suburban housing. But our area, unfortunately, can not boast of houses of this type. Consumers in the Kirov of townhouses prefer individual houses with their own land. Build "their" house people in places such as bad, Borovitsa, Shikhovo, Fences, The Comintern, Sadako, Costin, Ganin, very popular destination for city Sloboda.

At this point in the Kirov region there is no completely built cottage village. The settlement of this type in Doronichev built on 40%, 2-3 in the settlement plan to build a Russian estate near Kstinino. In the Net Ponds and only develops suburban construction. Popular are those areas in which advanced communication – definitely electric, preferably – water supply and sewerage (sovereign for the area selected under construction), the presence of gas in place increases the cost of a facility is approximately 2 times. How much will the splendor? As we have found a vacation home will cost less flat, but what would be the ultimate cost of the project? The greatest demand is for homes in 100-150 square meters.

m. Each square meter is 15-30 thousand rubles. By making some simple calculations, we get up from 2.5 to 4.5 million. Of course, this amount can not be assigned to all objects, but push already have something. The final price of the object is affected by many factors: the size of the house, area, and certainly not least is the material from which made the object. At the current housing market, such popular materials such as brick and wood. Their advantages and disadvantages are well known to consumers. Brick building has a high durability, reliability, and has good termozaschischennostyu. But there are also negative factors – Brick does not tolerate long absences owners, require regular protaplivaniya. In addition, a brick – one of the most expensive materials. Cost of construction is of 21 thousand rubles per square meter. m. Wooden Houses – Traditional for Russia in general and for our region in particular – environmentally, aesthetically, the timing of construction relative to compressed files. But with the mass building of wood does not meet several requirements: it has limitations to design changes and floors. Despite this, the construction cost is still high – from 20 thousand for the quarter. m

Wood Housing Materials

Tree in Russia is almost always remained the most used wall materials for personal dacha construction: high heat insulation, the classic appearance of a relatively small cost and highest the degree of environmental friendliness – a long time to make the wood is really the best option. But significant negative qualities of the houses made of wood lot, which together with the incessant increase in the cost and decrease the quality of construction of wooden houses is the basis for the search of better building materials. But, the best substitute for wood, perhaps surprisingly, is the tree itself. Arbol – a modern lightweight concrete on porous aggregates, consisting in 70-85% of wood chips normalized size and mineral binders (cement). It was he who, in principle, a tree, all collected all the outstanding properties of this timber, but not has its negative qualities. In modern building wooden country houses the most famous have laminated board, a simple timber and logs. But the companies made these kinds of materials is rarely designed to build thicker walls thirty centimeters, previously logs of less than fifty centimeters were simply inapplicable in the construction of residential buildings due to significant heat loss.

In Our age is an acceptable tree diameter is virtually unavailable. A desire to retain the value of homes within reasonable limits, rarely allows for even relatively cool, but still produced a log in 30-35 inches. Therefore, the most frequently used is absolutely unacceptable for good homes – with a diameter of 20-25cm.

The Warehouse

In general, a professional florist search is not easy – in Moscow, training courses florists worth several thousand dollars, so if you're in this business came from his heart, the very best finish courses – and the colors become better understand and be able to control the quality of services. If space allows florist, you can sell not only fresh cut, potted flowers and, so all sorts of pottery, fertilizer and other … Well, Of course the existence of the warehouse with the appropriate temperature conditions, which allows to significantly extend the life of flowers, coupled with increased turnover can significantly increase the volume of purchases, and therefore the need for services Most wholesalers simply disappears – it's time to go out by the manufacturer or it is easier for local greenhouses and, of course, for importers. Pricing, as well, and range of colors in the salon significantly different from the version of the tent – first from the cheapest products should immediately give up – a buyer with limited cash in your shop just do not go down. On the one hand encouraged the increased solvency of the average buyer, with the other demands and customer needs are also increasing.

Yes, and you already have to compete not only on price, as occurs by the service. In order to increase profits and create additional amenities for visitors to many floral shops are actively practicing the delivery of bouquets, cooperation with the wedding salons, design companies, and also provide corporate services to clients floristic. Especially that flower – a pronounced seasonal business and in low season (eg winter) is associated services to help a little to compensate for the decline. In general, turn your imagination and look for professionals, they become a decisive competitive advantage in this phase. So in addition to the increased revenue be prepared to increase allocations to payroll to individual advertising budget, Cost to attend various exhibitions and courses – to continuously maintain the required professional level … But you have to regularly pay the rent – which is in a good location is not small, and investments in basic trim, too good to fight off … Not surprisingly, as claimed by the owners of these shops – will pay floral business no earlier than one year and a half.

Well, to err and to reduce overhead costs may continue to open several more points of sale of flowers, but not necessarily for salons or studios, can those same stalls, which begins with – so you will block various trading niche. And if your very very Napoleonic plans – why not buy a plot, and do not parallel the cultivation of flowers in greenhouses – to be one hundred per year to gather more than thousand of tulips or gladiolus. As they say it would be desire … and perhaps a few years of your neighbors will not call you except the king or queen of the flower business … But you can start with just one tent and day supply of flowers! You say that you can not afford?

House Plants and Feng Shui Housing

Time does not slow down the run, everything flows, everything changes, except that a person's love for flowers is unchangeable. Moreover, the more we learn about the world, the more we love their "green darlings." When there are no greens in the house, it becomes cold, devoid of life colors that Feng Shui is considered a bad sign. Too many people set up home on the rules of Feng Shui, often willing to buy online store full of feng shui, but what to do with your plants do not really know, and are arranged according to their own preferences. And what we get from this – Feng Shui in the home is good, but misplaced it ruined plants. Make home a stylish and successful in Feng Shui to help, not all plants, some of you should refuse. However, you can arrange them so that they will not interfere with the smooth and harmonious flow of Qi energy. Let us not forget that all the plants in Feng Shui are the elements of growth – the Tree.

Home – Devoid of a Tree, deprived and development. If you want you have good luck and prosperity in your house have to live flowers. In Feng Shui works with all the plants, but some clearly prefer: plants with round and thick leaves, as well as having magnificent globular shape – like a green hat. The favorite form of leaves in China and Japan – thick and juicy round leaves, mostly succulents. In South-East Asia believe that they are attracted to the house of wealth. Good smells produced by potted flowers and potted plants are also very important.

If, in the absence of plants you can use incense or oil burner, then the presence of our green friends – their natural flavors. Plants with large bright flowers and magnificent forms are strong, they have high life potential, there is positive energy – all they can give the house itself. In each house there defects that need correcting. That's what will come in handy climbing or running down the plant, as well as high and large tubs. It is believed that plants with long leaves and sharp spines can change or movement Qi energy in the house and destroy the power of owners. However, the rules for that and there to make one exception. For example, a cactus because of thorns and a peculiar form of the plant considered bad, but if it is placed on the window, for blind (that is, to remove its negative influence), it would scare away thieves. Agree, not everyone uninvited overnight guests decides to overcome this natural barrier. And if on the same windowsill will stand awesome form (but good inside) dog fu – the more the attacker would not dare enter the house. Grow flowers, place them according to Feng Shui, and it will help you realize your greatest desires and potential opportunities.

Russian Country Homes

Another half-century ago (quite small by the standards of the history of the term), people mostly lived in the countryside, but today we do not conceive of its existence outside the major metropolises. And yet sometimes you want to go somewhere in the wilderness, away from the smog, noise, crowds, in the end. So the "house in the village" – is not only a source of fresh milk, but also a place of mental and bodily repose, the cherished dream of civilization oppressed townspeople. It is believed that one of the things that this man has done in his life – to build a house. But what if there is no building skills nor the ability nor the time? Of course, the house, built entirely with his own hands – is ideal, but in order to achieve this ideal is better to get the cherished contributions to the Savings Bank and turn to professionals. Including trust them with not only construction but also work on the design of the cottage.

We, the citizens, so long live in conditions for life are not very suitable, that is hard to imagine how to live differently. But many will recall that "Khrushchev" was once built on the time to resettle people from the barracks, but in fact were the same large apartment barracks. People are going to live in them until then, until indeed built convenient, comfortable home, but most live in them until now … But, today, attempts to to transform the bleak five-story building – being overhauled, interior remodeling, attic are built … But how could we not tried to decorate the room inside, we can not change any material of which is constructed house, no view from the window.

Therefore, when building your own home is very important to foresee all, to think over every detail. In the end, unlike in urban high-rises, a country house should be located in a cozy, environmentally friendly area, and apparently look good to have a presentable appearance. Therefore, it is very important, what style of interior design for the interior of your cottage you choose. In addition, the house in which to live year-round, need to consider a lot of technical details, such as heating, plumbing, electricity and so on. Unity with nature – it is certainly admirable, but not round the same year he surrender. Therefore, we must combine practicality with aesthetic qualities. After all, it will house with a capital letter, the house where you always want to come back, your personal surroundings, your living space. Therefore, it is necessary to equip with maximum comfort, not pity neither the strength nor the means, so you do not correct the deficiencies or to deal with disabilities and fully enjoy life. So, you need to think about little things, what would be your house. And it is better for this consult with these experts. Of course, people often buy ready-made country estates, and not just land. These houses can be rebuilt, to change their interior, but if you can, advises Forum Bank, it is better to build the house, so to speak, from scratch. So you not only save money but also be able to take an active part in all phases of construction and personally supervise the quality of construction and finishing. Source: Omsk – News and Events

Real Estate Agents

Real estate agency is – a professional assistant in the property market, providing a full range of services and real estate transactions (purchase, sale, exchange, exchange, lease (rental) property of any status). Problem real estate agency to do any operation with real estate the most comfortable and safe. How to choose a real estate agency? When choosing a real estate agency can not rely on the duration of the agency, presentable office and big promises. The best way to select the agency is the so-called "word of mouth", curious by friends, acquaintances, relatives, whether they are treated to an agency and as a result of them. In any case will never be lazy self to read and check all the documents.

Private real estate agent – a private real estate agent can only be a citizen apply for a "sole proprietorship" and pays taxes on their income, otherwise – it's conman lawless. Private real estate agent acting in accordance with their knowledge and often quite scarce information resources. At the same time it is a real estate agency impressive organization with experts in various fields. Working in real estate agency – working real estate agent (realtor) is not simple as it seems to the majority, it contains many various complexities. In this profession should always remain active on the fact that no one can say in advance on which side of the agent will be in the next hour and what issues he will face. But one of the largest difficulties could be just the communication with customers, because people are different and not everyone can quickly find common ground with the man whom he sees for the first time. Occupation Real Estate Agent (Realtor) is very complicated and requires a lot of effort, both physical and moral. Causes tremendous respect a man who despite all odds, doing it well!

Real Estate Housing

Real Estate: We buy an apartment without repair and realize their own interior. Source: last dream come true – you are the owner of his own apartment and the basic desire – to an early start to repair. For example, change the wiring, plumbing upgrade, merge or break a room, install doors and windows. But it turns out that all planned expenditures may be much smaller, and everything else plus legal and building code have been violated. Modern Realtors say housing should be chosen so that in him you and your family feel yourself comfortable and convenient. Of course, the best option: a small apartment in the city and spacious country house. Townhouse is usually acquired solely for the week, but in a country cottage comfortably spend a weekend surrounded by family and friends. The apartment, which was acquired without interior is very profitable acquisition because it allows them to reduce the price of new housing on the purchase of 30% of its market value.

Of course, finishing work will be, but in them the process you realize your ideas and desires. We give invaluable advice: if you want to protect yourself from unnecessary problems in the first year or two, do not buy housing on the upper floors. Just imagine the following scene: Multi-storey houses are famous for lots of neighbors. And if your neighbors at the same time you will be engaged in repair, as well as in elevators to transport building materials and furniture utensils and so on, at least, it will be very uncomfortable for both you and them. In that case, if you already can be called by the owner of a new apartment and you have a frantic desire to redevelop, then follow these tips. First, the project will be properly ordered from the experts of the business, so you insure themselves against possible adverse effects. Most strictly forbidden to demolish the bearing walls, my appearance of the facade.

If you're going to make adjustments to the plan of the apartment, you will need permission. The whole range of bodies which provide such a right, you can get to the Interdepartmental Commission. Weaknesses are permitted during alteration of heating, ventilation, water supply. In these situations, you will not suffer only you but also your neighbors and come to prosecution. Therefore, to avoid confusion and legal squabbles, the correct solution would be to pre-book design project, to make estimates and choose reliable contractor. And in conclusion let me give you one more valuable tip: do not be afraid to buy an apartment without finishing it, and then design, focusing on their own wishes and views. Source:

Kyiv Real Estate

The last few years had to speak only on acceleration or deceleration of growth rate in real estate prices in Kiev. But, unexpectedly, even to many experts, the prices came down overnight, and then completely dashed by speed mountain avalanche. And, anticipating that this situation will last at least until the autumn. The average sales price of apartments in the secondary market has declined by 12%, and considering the possibility of reducing the Kyivmiskbud the cost of square meters in new buildings at 7-10%. Today you can find the "Dormitory," the former ridiculous two months ago the price of 35 thousand dollars. The cheapest district of the capital still Desnyansky and most expensive – Crypt. For the year price has changed most of all real estate in Darnytskyi area – down by almost 21.5%. And least of all Podil's'ki fell flat in the "old town" – about 8%.

What do they say about the situation the experts? In their opinion, it is on sale no more than 10% of apartments, which are another economic situation would have been on the market. The reason is that finding a buyer difficult. Those who are in urgent need of money, sell apartments at a significant discount. The remaining 90% of the potential sellers prefer long lease, not sell their property, and expect a rise in prices. Projected to decrease prices for the 3rd quarter of 2009 by 30%. A therefore, we should wait and get the opportunity to buy decent housing "in the cheap".

It is highly probable reduction in price and "the primary organization." After the spring of prices of construction materials, due to lack of demand and oversupply, will fall at least 20-30%. State intervention is able to establish the situation on the market, but equally it does not change for the better, because to say something with certainty experts are not taken. But suppose the resumption of growth in prices Only by mid-2010, the planned completion of the global financial crisis, but this time the average price of Kiev apartments at risk to fall by 50-60 and even 70%.

Mortgage Credited Buyer

Now firmly established in the mortgage our modern life. Many are afraid not to enter into commitments for years to come. And perhaps they are right? All processes in mortgage lending occurs in accordance with Federal Law "On Mortgage". According to which, it is possible the simultaneous registration of ownership and lien on residential, nonresidential and to this rule does not apply. As a result, banks are forced to develop schemes of transactions non-residential premises with the participation of credit. Only a few banks do not only work with non-residential real estate, but also actively promote the service. The scheme of the transaction based on the same principles, but much detail different. We must first register a pledge – the depositor can vystupitprodavets of the space.

The pledge is made on the borrower's credit obligations obespechenie in favor of a third application is filed litsa.Kreditnuyu buyer (he pay for the purchase). Settlement funds are transferred to the buyer, who takes them and puts it on deposit in the cell, where they lie until the whole process. Receive money from the cell will be the buyer, after re-registration of ownership of the new owner. The bank as pledgee must give permission to move and encumbered with the seller to the buyer, and to sell the premises. Both party transactions are at risk. At a minimum, the seller, making out a pledge, to be sure that the buyer, as they say, "soskochet" and the deal goes through. The buyer is also at risk: the seller may not want to sell, and the loan is already issued, and he will have at least vyplatichivat interest that you know, is not good. But as we know, nothing ventured, nothing expensive drink bourbon! Read continued to – all secrets revealed rielterstva here.