Healthy Diet

If we really propose it to us, we can fulfill to cabalidad with a diet heals and balanced, which will help us to remarkably improve the health of all our organism and therefore also to improve the state and appearance of our skin. And in this section it is that we must focus more when we spoke of homemade advice for the cellulitis. The foods are several that we must introduce in our diet to see some results, since vitamins and minerals compose that them are indispensable to fight the cellulitis. We have for example that to include a dose of iodine, mineral which we only needed in small amounts, our diet since this one aid in the distribution of fats and sugars in our organism and collaborates in the burning fire of the excess of fats, among others benefits that it owns. We found it the iodine in the fish and the marine seaweed. Also we must be kind to maintain excellent iron levels in the blood, since this micro mineral helps in the transport of I oxygenate to all the cells of our body.

The recommended thing in when to homemade advice for the cellulitis, they are daily doses that we needed are among 8 and 11 milligrams to the day. And you can do it to this including mushrooms, spinach, parsley, raisins among others things, in your daily diet. On the other hand, the chromium, which is a micro mineral, exists in small amounts in our organism, is very used to control the sugar levels in the blood, especially in the case of the diabetic people. The chromium deficiency can bring about problems to metabolizar fats, causes of the cellulitis. It is why we must include integral rice and other cereals like the barley, fruits droughts, seeds like the nuts; fruits like the apple; vegetables like the lettuce, the Popes, brcoli; meats like the thigh and breast of chicken and seafood. Beam Click to see a practical and simple formula Here that it helped you to melt and to eliminate the cellulitis for always.


Normally the most important events we looked for to celebrate them and the friendship is a gift in the life of the human being who could not ignore itself between the dates of celebrations, is for that reason that has been created the day of san Valentin not only for the enamored ones but also to celebrate the friendship. And this day demonstrates your friendship and affection giving something more useful than the traditional roses or chocolates, the flowers is marchitan, the chocolates get fat, the dolls are empolvan and even sometimes they cause allergies so Why not to give the properties of the oil of argn and to give the beauty and health for the skin hair and nails? And not only beauty, the oil of argn also aid to take care of the health of the body when helping to heal superficial wounds, when protecting the skin and hair of ultraviolet rays and humectar deeply the skin giving him smoothness, elasticity and preventing diseases with the skin thanks to its antibacterial, antimicticos and antiseptic effects. In addition if to who you offer to him the gift is to your pair he is sensational that you give with majase including, this oil has incredible relajantes properties, so while desinflama and acquittal the pain adoloridos muscles, humecta and leaves the skin beautiful and polishes, your pair will thank for it infinitely to you. The properties of the oil of argn do not finish here, this oil helps the people who suffer of reumatismo to desinflamar the joints with a slight massage, so if you have an elderly friend or your pair is elderly, gives oil of argn, I assure to you that they will thank for it much more to you that if you give an expensive branch to them of flowers and will be thousand times more useful to them. To apply oil of argn in the dry hair or mistreated would help to repair it and to give back its brightness, sedosidad and manageability to him, whereas to the nails the aid to maintain its hardness and it gives more brightness them, it gets the stains out of whereas them. Like sides if you #***a-refl mng it to your pair not only is a gift for him or she, also it is a gift for you, because when your pair is fixed, it does for agradarte, and to whom it does not like that our pair is seen better? And if she is to a friend or friend, this others to never give something to him makes who it shine more good, because a true friend is somebody who is glad for the good things that he happens to him to his friendly, and looks for the benefit of these, so it takes to joy to the life of your friendly and llnalos of beauty and health in this day of san Valentin, I assure to you that never you found gifts better than the beauty and the health and in the oil of argn these giving together. It remembers that " faithful friend is the medicine of vida" your you can be the medicine of your friendly and your pair giving to them oil of argn during this day of san Valentin.

Economic Crisis Results in SewageLeak

Part of a debt was issued by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, two quasi-governmental agencies that guarantee debt coverage, as we read in The Economist yesterday. Many predicted that this housing bubble post was a result, with all the risks that ensued, but they took some steps to avoid it.

No, while the party continued, it had to follow the rules until they took the chair and more people began to be stopped. According to The Economist: many of the effects of the crisis are happening in unexpected places. One of the latest casualties is the sewer system of Jefferty County, Alabama, USA. The County has agreed interest rate swaps worth U.S. $ 5.4 billion in an attempt to limit its financing costs. But the basis of the decision was weakened by credit problems of a single line, which secured the bonds of the sewer system.

The result was a sharp rise in financing costs. A group of banks led by JP Morgan, is seeking to put $ 184 million in collateral, the County refuses. As the dispute grows, the sewer system debt has been lowered.

The Color

Aluminum retains heat poorly, but now there are technologies that make the metal more 'warm' – with a variety of insulated boxes. Prior to that, aluminum is practically not used in residential construction, despite its strength and longevity. Windows from aluminum with insulated inserts (so-called 'warm') are usually the same or slightly more expensive than high-quality wood, and pure aluminum (so-called 'cold') – even cheaper. The main characteristics of the profile are its width and number of cameras. The latter applies only to plastic and metal profiles, which, unlike wood, are hollow multi-chamber elements. On the number, size and location of cameras depends largely on the strength of the profile and its insulating properties.

For aluminum profile having just hollow chambers, such as a plastic, not from the point viewpoint of effective conservation. Therefore, the metal profile by insulating the jumper to force 'break' into two parts, a hollow chamber filled with thermal insulation material. Plastic profiles differ not only over high heat-shielding properties, but also by the fact that it is easier to clean and wash. From the standpoint of structural solutions manufacturers of plastic windows are more in pole position. For their manufacture produces a large number of not only basic but also support (Additionally gathered) the items. This expands the architectural possibilities of pvc windows and simplify their installation. Windows, collected with the help of these elements can have virtually any shape (from square to a complex arch), the color and style decisions, as well as any type of opening.


And of course, ancient vineyards, with species selected and recognized. The winery, as I said, had recently been re opened as such, having been forgotten for a hundred years, being used only sporadically for the cultivation of mushrooms, as rightly guessed. It is solid work, well designed and planned for use, and underlies all the original buildings of the hamlet, having communication with any of the houses, some exterior opening that serves as a vent, and two major inputs, one main arcaded walk from the ground, taking advantage of the gap between the lowlands of the bank and higher where sits the hamlet. This entry to the right of the church and below it, as is de Aranjuez, the invoice is kept, Baroque, and large enough to allow both the passage of two horse drawn carriages of the time of its construction. The winery is able to visit: It was a successful commercial tactic. Indeed, the gallery was blinded. I was not really hidden.

Just could not imagine where could carry. No one remembered or figured in the plans had been developed recently. If you did not know it was there, or are looking for, there were no signs that indicate. Another brick wall appeared more than those who discontinue the vaulted gallery. Brickwork, if heeded, more recently than the rest of the walls. Even now its location was simple, because logically blank wall was used: in support of a large jar, very high and wider at the center, no doubt an accomplishment, for not being accessible, since her mouth touched the roof, despite the height of this, "This kind of jars used to stand, as I said Eugene, using a second-story appeared on whose soil the mouth, because his height was more than a normal apartment building, and its volume proportionate, measured in quarters.

Ventilated Facades: Main Structural Elements

Ventilated facades: Key Elements of Designs For additional warming of outdoor structures between the wall and cladding can be installed insulating layer – in this case, in this case ventilation gap is left between the lining and insulation. In the ventilated facade design individual layers are as follows: wall insulation, air gap, the protective screen. Such a scheme is optimal, because layers of different materials are arranged with decreasing indices of their heat, and resistance to water vapor permeability increases from outside to inside. 1. Bearing wall A wall is a fulcrum for system. At the device mounted facade, are essential parameters such as: deviations from the walls vertically and horizontally, "littered" corners that are detected by the method of surveying.

Also of considerable importance is the material of which it is built and its degree of wear (if you have any). 2. substructure construction consists of brackets that attach directly to the wall, and bearing profiles forming the skeletal system, with special fastener elements mounted plate (sheet) tiles. The main purpose of designs is to securely attach a plate coating and insulation to the wall so that the insulation between the panel was finishing the ventilation gap. This excludes adhesives and other "wet" processes, and all connections are made mechanically. 3. Heat and sound insulation layer itself insulating layer protects the wall by alternating freezing and thawing, thus equalizes the temperature fluctuations in the wall and prevents deformation, especially adversely affecting the high-rise buildings. Thermal insulation has other advantages – increases the heat storage capacity of the wall and increases the sound insulation in a wide range of frequencies more than twice.

Construction Tips

Where to start construction: 1. The choice of location (the illumination level of the ground.) 2. Digging. The walls are best done at a slight angle. Depth is desired by 60 cm 3. Align the bottom. 4. Drainage (drainage pipe in the ground).

5. Sand Pillow 5-10cm. 6. Laying of the film to the reservoir (the film is not stretched, the wrinkles will go under water pressure). 7. You can put a wall of stone. 8. Filling the pond water.

Trimming the ends of the film. Fish. In the pond with a depth of 3h3h0.6 pm all year round living Rotan, Carp. In the summer of freshwater fish, well get accustomed perch. But do not look overpopulate pond fish. Vegetation in the pond. Lily, lily better to plant in a pot filled with sand. Very good winter, carry a complete freezing of the reservoir to the bottom. Uhod.Vesna: In the period from flowering trees shed pollen, which is necessary to collect a gauze net. Summer. Water in the pond is recommended to periodically update the part. Autumn. Fallen leaves. In autumn it is desirable to cover the pond grid to reduce the hit to the bottom leaves. Winter. pond of prefabricated forms may suffer due to distention of the ice. Therefore, the drop on the surface of the unfrozen pond, plastic bottles, sealed tubes or paleno.

Electric Heaters

We are so accustomed to their home helpers that do not even think about how they work. Electric heaters are operated normally when the voltage in the range from 5% to 10% of rated. All parts under voltage, isolated from each other and from the body of the instrument. Insulation resistance at maximum temperature must be at least 1 Mohm. It must stand for 1 minute 1000W AC 50 Hz. Heating-equipped non-replaceable patch cords, where they are out of the body should have a good shield, or insulation, contact pins are properly insulated from the housing and a protective shield against damage and accidental contact with power on. Connections between the conductive parts provide reliable electrical contact. When installed in flats electric stoves, electrical wiring and equipment protection must meet the power consumption.

To electric heaters were fire-resistant, the surface on which they are established, should not be heated more than 65 C. Today it is widely used have air conditioning. Given that current models have unique properties such as heat and cool the air they are placed everywhere. They provide maximum climate comfort in the summer saving on heat and winter frost. Of course, replace heaters, they are not capable, but to support us to supply heating may well be. Requirements placed upon them, are determined by technical conditions and can be fulfilled with high-quality manufacturing of air conditioners, namely: 1) at rated voltage decrease in performance should be no more than 10% of the face, 2) electric motors to be run properly and work for inclusion in the network with a voltage rating not less than 10%, and 3) data hardware must withstand the speeding speed electric motors for 25% of the face within two minutes, and 4) the noise generated during operation should not exceed the established norms of 5) swivel motor with a rack should ensure smooth rotation and secure fastening the motor in position, the angle of rotation in the vertical plane must be not less than 60 ; 6) motor bearings should be designed to operate without additional installations lubricant for 250 hours 7) Isolation windings shall withstand for 1 minute power 1000 watt AC power frequency, 8), insulation resistance of motor windings relative to the body should be at least 1 Mohm; all know how polluted our atmosphere.

Household air purifiers remove from our apartment smoke, dust and soot. Staying healthy in our time is very difficult. But if in time to take care of yourself, You can avoid the disease. Recently acquired data are simply enormous popularity. This is due to the fact that each year the number of cars on the street is not reduced, but added, which in turn negatively reflected in the atmosphere. Household air cleaners are designed for people who are thinking about what is actually breathes modern man. The ecological situation of our country, especially big cities makes We purify not only water but also air.

Central Bank Housing

If the person does not pay for utilities is the tenant of residential premises, the landlord may require a court order of eviction and the tenant are living with him members of his family in case of failure to pay payments for housing and utilities for more than 6 months. But they provide more living space, whose size corresponds to the area facilities that exist in the dorms. Ie employer may be evicted in the living room, which will be much smaller in area than that which he held until the eviction. The most common is the responsibility of collecting the debt in court with a residential tenant premises. In that case, if someone in the family refuses to bear the costs of utilities, living space has a right in court to collect from a member of the family of the costs of paying housing and utility services. If a person – the owner of the dwelling, then evict him on this basis is impossible.

But if he is late or does not fully pay their bills, he will be obliged to pay penalties. Its size is a three hundred bets Central Bank of the Russian force at the time of payment of the unpaid loan amount for each day of delay starting from the day after the payment deadline to the date of actual payment inclusive. Increasing the size of the penalties are not allowed. In the event that the owners of apartments are a few people, the responsibility to a supplier of housing communal services will bear all owners in sootsvtetsvtii with their shares in the apartment. It should be noted that the housing organization may recover eksplutotsionnaya debt in the last three years. If you have debt up to 50 000 rubles. requirements collection is considered the world's judge of the residence of the debtor, if the amount exceeds 50 000 p., these requirements are dealt with in federal court. In the case of recovery of arrears, the court also vyzskivaet with the defendant (The debtor) the state fee.

House Construction

If you have the desire and time, it made some efforts to build a sauna yourself you can. Frankly, I find it difficult to submit without a country site outhouse as a sauna. Of course, every nation, and even in different localities have their own traditions and peculiarities in the construction of the bath. Fashion trends make the owners of cottages and country houses do Finnish sauna, Turkish bath, Japanese ofuro and other varieties of baths, but most still prefer traditional Russian sauna with steam bath, with high humidity, with the ability to whisk steam and observe other rituals of bathing and washing facilities procedures. Usually bath is the first building on the summer cottage, as it can be used as temporary housing during the construction of the house, which by the time of construction, and the cost exceeds the bath. By the construction of baths can be approached with varying degrees of thoroughness. Some Native American tribes, for example, make a depression in the ground, tamped it, dug a hole in the middle and fold back on the fire heated stones. Set top tent, splash water on the rocks and 'Steamed' in a closed tent.

If this is not for you, and you decide to go to the construction of baths with full responsibility, then before you will face many issues that need to be addressed. There are many construction options, even such seemingly simple structures like a sauna. This also applies to the foundation and walls, and roofing materials, and stoves, and many other aspects of construction work.