The Law

To send the former-leper to the priests, for the ritual of the Law, was only one form to say they: – ' ' They listen! Here I am I am making what vocs they cannot and they do not want to make, there inside! ' '. The Law did not tax no honor, to the Priest. But it standed out the religious caducity where they were dived! But it showed that what the Law was impossible, it was here for carrying through! But it showed that the true leprosy was the religiosidade of them, the cultural superstitions of them. that of now in ahead they, the religious ones of Israel were new the Geazis. What, by the way, today it does not have lacked in the religious ways, the ones that if enaltecem with the leprosy of its headings, and with that the ones that possess some heading, of which enaltecem happen its prestgios. ' ' It honors to who has honor! ' ' Jesus honored the leper! ' ' I want! If clean! ' ' We go to reflect a little regarding this. How many they are excluded today, in our days! The exclusion has one strong trend. The dominant ones, the detainers of headings, make of its headings? whip of God? , and they decide punishment, of that they erram of that they fall of that they fight against the nature fallen human being, but are not covered with? I want? , of the conjunct, of the intersection of the devotion, the understanding, the love, the longanimidade, the unrestricted expression of the love that takes in them until the cross for the other, in the place of the other.

He is much more easy, to exclude, to tarjar of rebel, pecador, what to support, to build, to exortar, to help, to support, to help, to support He is much more easy if to omit hiding itself in the legalist procedures, of what if to compromise to the life, much more easy to make speeches, of what to extend the hand and to act. It reads this message again and the mentioned texts. Our enemy greater is the ignorance of the intention of God, for we, Ef.3; 10. Abraos. Jose Carlos Flower.

More Climatic

The vegetation tambmserve to reduce precipitation incidence in the ground and modifies aconcentrao of the humidity in the atmosphere and the adjacent surface. It possesss ambient muitasfunes, being able to be used in the architecture, civil engineering, the climatic control, the control of the temperature and the umedecimento of air. 3. URBAN CLIMATE EARQUITETURA IZARD & GUYOT (1980) abordamas climatic questions in the context of the bioclimtica architecture. They question comose can provide, to the occupants of the buildings that if construct currently, comfortable ambientesinteriores spending the minimum of energy, if not using maisque the disposals purely architectural. To answer the essequestionamento, are boarded aspects related with the climate, quaisse between them detach the more excellent climatic elements: the temperature of daily air and seuregime, the humidity of air and its daily regimen, the speed and the devento sector and its daily regimen, and the intensity of the direct and diffuse solar radiation, in daily regimen. KONYA (1981) relates, as the elements climticosprincipais for human well-being and the drawing of buildings, to radiaosolar, the temperature, the humidity, the wind, the precipitations and factors special, as the seismic movements, storms of dust, etc.

It says that to devereconhecer and to analyze certain amount of climatic data for each lugarconcreto, as average, maximum and minimum temperatures monthly, daily, umidaderelativa average, monthly principle and monthly minim, average precipitations, estadode sky, average amount of solar radiation, and direction and speed of the ventosdominantes, amongst other factors. It recommends that if it must evaluate the frequency, the provveldurao and the characteristics of the extreme climatic phenomena and of curtadurao. DOCHERTY & SZOKOLAY (1999) treat on the eferramentas techniques of drawing for the production of the bioclimtica architecture. Elesacreditam that the result of the climatic analysis would have to be one of the maisimportantes ingredients in the process of creation of an architecture project, since its embryonic phase.

Greek Archives

Then in we ask, why ours antepassadosregistravam the information, that is, they drew in walls of caves? Jexistia at this time the concern to preserve the information for the geraesfuturas? Leading in consideration estesquestionamentos, would not be appearing at this moment one begins of archive 2? Because these registers and the concern in behind keeping these foramdescritas information that the thousand of years in grottos. The caves can be considered an archive, and entopodemos to affirm that the first slight knowledge of archive had appeared in the daily pay – history, due to existence of this type of information, before exactly of the invention of the writing. As You mark (2007) ' ' Historical Aorigem of the archives retraces to the beginning of the writing, in the civilizations doMdio East, has about 6 a thousand years atrs' '. The first archives had appeared deformed spontaneous in the palaces and the temples. Some of the main archives dAntiguidade are: Palace deEbla in the Syrian, Archive of the Temple of Medinet in Egypt in the Sc. XI B.C.

Hititas 3 had been the first paraarquivos peoples to construct a special building, in the Sc. XIV B.C. We can affirm that the author defends the thesis that osarquivos, in its origin, would be a natural and spontaneous phenomenon, since oaparecimento of the writing. With the writing it appeared the idea to keep, to congregate to eorganizar the existing supports of writing in the height. She can yourself be said that osprimeiros archives appear of natural way and intuitivamente.

Already Schellenberg (2006, P. 25) affirms que' ' The archives as institution, probably, had had origin in the antigacivilizao Greek. Between centuries V and IV B.C. when the guardavamseus athenians documents of value in the temple of the mother of deuses, that is, in the Metroon' '. Maso author does not present certainty in its theory where the archives could tersurgido in the civilization Greek.

Araguana Property

In this in case that we can affirm that a property in the areas noblest of the city, and located well it will have greater value in the real estate market; regarding the localization, Villaa says in them: ' ' … The first one is of the products in itself? the buildings, the streets, the squares, the infrastructure. The other is the value produced for the agglomeration. This value is given by the localization of the buildings, streets and squares, therefore to this localization that inserts in the agglomeration. The localization if presents as well as a value of use of …

' ' (VILLAA, 2001, P. 72). We notice previously in told facts that the State through its performance when implanting definitive equipment privileges nobler areas, giving it localization, that in turn &#039 increases its; ' value of troca' ' use e. Fact seen in the noble parts of Araguana, that its localization fruit of values previously cited, a it a bigger value in the real estate market. The State, in its municipal scale, only has as the one of its goals, infrastructure implantation in urban, that this process of implantation, it happens of form to privilege definitive areas for real estate pressure of the greater layers purchasing power, and promoters, aiming at with these improvements, the valuation, and consequently the increase of the price of the property of these areas. It is this performance differentiated in the space, they generate localizations differentiated in the urban space, and with different social content, regarding this Corra fact, says in them: In view of this intention the capitalist State creates mechanism that leads to the residential segregation and its ratification. Thus, the differentials of taxes territorial and land are a strong discriminante factor, affecting the price of land and of the property and, as consequence, happening in the social segregation: the groups of raised income more inhabit in located more expensive property in quarters where the price of the most raised land to.


To the other Spaniard lots inside of two or three blocks had been yielded, in each direction. It is Spanish area of residence constituted the center. To a bigger distance, in the direction of the exterior, and leaving space for the exploration of this center, areas had been reserved in which the indians could establish themselves. These areas constitute barros. The measure that the city grew the center was absorbing barros and the indians had been if moving for more beyond. The measure that these increased in number, the area that they occupied and if becoming the biggest one. More growth continued vagarosamente in harmony with established the social and cultural structure.

(HANSEN apud CORRA, 2005, pg. 27). The State nowadays, acts in the same way segregativa, previously cited, a great example of this fact is the Been capital of just created of the Tocantins, where the urban space was thinking rationally, since its foundation to take care of the Capitalism, and this can be observed in its tracing. Araguana was not planned since its foundation, of segregativa form if, according to purchasing power of its inhabitants; plus its growth and implantation of equipment they privilege the classrooms highest of the society, materializing of this form, this process. The State through the urban renewal, values definitive areas, mainly at the first moment the areas more central offices, this fact attributes to these places a new price, that is, active the real estate speculation, after the property suffers a variation in its prices, regarding this fact Saints speaks: … Undertaken Operations of renewal in the urban centers, whose resulted it is, also, to activate real estate speculation banishing parcel from the present population and imposing new logic to the city as a whole. This logical one is of the valuation? distinguishing depreciation of the diverse urban sectors. As, however, these projects CURE are generally associates to the program of the average cities, destined agglomerations to receive decentralized modern economic activities, the common result are the increase of the value of all the equipped lands and the reactivation, in superior level, of the space processes that already define problematic the urban one.

Arrudas Brook

Because they are become attached to the places where always they had lived. Because they prefer to be next to where they work. Because they are victims of the real estate speculation. Because they had invaded the land. Because they are proprietors and make what them she is of interest, despite opposing the legislation and its proper rights.

Because the public power does not fiscalize of adequate form; it is irresponsible and abetter; does not want to be worn out itself politically. For incapacity, attachment, preference, invasion, irresponsibility or right? Many are the reasons of the most different culprits. E, with the time, the hillsides are invaded and busy plains of flooding under our looks and the most different damages. Then, when we inhabit in an area of risk of boost glide flooding or, we accept the facts and we ahead assume our responsibility of the possible occurrences: marshy and inclined lands go down under the force of the gravity, as well as the plain of the rivers are flooded during the full ones. Technologies against flooding can be employees, but with efficiency never drawn out, have seen the reveses of the Arrudas Brook in Belo Horizonte, against which millions already had been used.

Of form that he is more sensible to respect the natural forces because the shock is inglrio. E, in Itaguara, in turn, of the mounts of the Rosary to the valley of the Conquest also if extends to as many concerns and disputes despite the municipal and federal laws are very clear, especially in relation to the areas that cannot be busy (declivity above of 47%) or whose occupation is submitted the geotcnico finding (areas between 30-47%), or that they are of permanent preservation (30 contiguous meters to each one of the edges of courses d? water with up to 10 meters of width), many, to the default, make to be valid the proper will under its account and risk; indifferent to the consequences, if they worry only about the proper interests. However, in some way, all we are connected and the actions of some happen, more early or later, more or less, on the others! In this direction, imagines if all the devastao and degradation that already we imposed to the planet, really, if to come back against us? Not for pessimism, but for realism: ‘ ‘ the man is the Land, and the Land is the Homem’ ‘ To take care of, then, to the ambient legislation must be faced as the best way of protecting in them of ambient disasters, not as a limiter form of the right of ownership, but for the life! New and urgent conscience and culture on the space are necessary, not only on the part of the public power, but, also, for the civil society! We need more conscience and forecast! To take care of more than the hillsides, moving away our housings from the same ones, as well as of the deep one of the incased valleys! To plant more trees, exactly because the few that existed in the streets of Itaguara had been decimated! We need to consume and to waste little! the edges, waters and animals of the old Conquest? They need protection and to be unobligated to load our sewers.

Municipal City

To analyze aspercepes and attitudes of the proprietors and one who holds legal titles to property how much to the implantation> National Institute of Colonizao and the Agrarian Reformation, Municipal City hall deColinas of the Tocantins and Notary’s office of Real estate record. Twelve proprietriosrurais had been interviewed how much the perceptions on the RFL, being four comreas of until 50ha, five with areas of until 999ha and three with area above de1.000ha. RESULTS AND QUARRELS Exist 413 agricultural property in Hills, being that maiorparte of them (92%) possesss definitive heading of property, disclosing a estruturaagrria consolidated in this area of agricultural border. They had been identified 43imveis agricultural with regitered RFL, what it corresponds 10.4% of the total of imveise only 19% of 83.328ha of passvel territorial area of private appropriation. In none of the property that they possess> legal reserve regitered next to the Notary’s office deRegistro of Property was obeyed the percentage of 80%, foreseen for areas defloresta in the Legal Amaznia, even so exists in the Hill territory doTocantins 667 a thousand hectares with forest potential. The first entry only occurred in anode 1991, after the edition of Law 7.803/89. The occured entries between anosde 1991 a1994, in the total of 10, had respected the effective percentage of 50% to the time. importante to detach that the original writing of the Forest Code of 1965 did not determine, explicit, that immovable composites for Closed vegetation of had terreserva legal.

With the edition of Law 7,803/89, deRFL of 20% for such property started to invigorate the requirement. Of the year of 1995 up to 1999, it does not have register deaverbaes of RFL in the Hill city. The occured entries at12/06/2000 had observed the 20% limit, foreseen in Provisional remedy 1736/31, of 15 of December of 1998. Although they have been respected the limits minimums emvigor in the occasion, these RFL already must have been rectified time that alegislao in vigor determines the value of 35% for areas of closed in the AmazniLegal.

The Floors

Others aim that perhaps the problem is that they are expensive too great and luxurious houses and therefore for the zone. Neither one nor the other go absolutely desencaminados. Municipal sources assure that, at the present time, the building has all the papers in rule, although they need that a file of 1997 coming from Patrimony exists in which it inquires into which a wall section concretely appeared archaeological rest during the work which they were not respected. That did, according to those same sources, that were delayed the concession of the license of first occupation until June of 2001. Since then, for already nine years, the real Majorca estate has been counting on all the permissions and could perfectly be sold and be inhabited. Why it has not happened? Sources of the real estate promoter Camats, proprietor of the Majorca builds, clear iron to the mystery.

They point like many of the neighbors, that the floors are too expensive for the zone in which they are. To its eyes, that was the reason by which at the time a single floor was not sold, and affirm that already years ago the same were not on sale, although the poster where they still announced follows there, now, that yes, painted of target by discreet okupas, whose unique ostentation is two small flags: one with the symbol of the movement and another one with the Jo message tamb defenso l okupaci. We were studying to give a new direction them. The option is suggested to rent them or to divide them and to make them smaller to see if thus they found exit, but now, with the new renters, nothing don’t mention it, explains a commercial one of the constructor, who assures that the floors, in spite of not to be sold in two decades, had undergone a constant maintenance, something that confirms the neighbors. But the thesis of the property does not convince to the neighbourhood. We had called several times to ask and they said to us that they were all sold. Something does not square, concludes suspicious a neighbor.

Spain Lowers Another

In which we took of year, the price of the floors has fallen a 3.5%, and a 5.7% in the last twelve months. From the registered historical maximum in April of 2007, the house accumulates in Spain a fall of 26.2%. The price of the floors lowers in 12 of the 17 Independent Communities. The adjustment of prices of the floors has not finished: 2011 continue being another year of falls. According to data of the month of July of the Real estate Index, the floors have lowered a 0.1%. In this way, in which we took of year, the price of the house has descended a 3.5%, and a 5.7% in the last twelve months. According to Fotocasa, the average price of the house of second hand in Spain is placed in 2.178 Euros by square meter ( /m2), which supposes a slight reduction of 0.1% respect at the cost of the month of June.

The floors registered their historical maximum in April of 2007, date in which reached an average value of 2,952 /m2. Since then there are accumulated a fall of a 26.2%. The data of Fotocasa follow the same tendency that the last ones statistics of the Ministry of Public Works and the Economy. According to its last report, the price of the house falls a 5.2% in the second trimester of 2011. The low price in twelve Independent Communities In twelve of the 17 communities analyzed by low the price of the house in the month of July. The most outstanding falls are those of Galicia (2.2%) and Cantabria and Extremadura (both with a reduction of the 1.3%). The rest of communities registers reductions between 0.8% of Navarre and 0.1% of Asturias. The price raises in five regions. Aragon with an increase of the 1.0% is the community in which the price of this month raises more.


The first colonizadores northeast of Brazil, count that the indians of the interior came at the time to the coast of the fruition of the cajueiros and there they stopped war to harvest the fruits, which were called War the Acayu. As the cashew it was an important food for the indians, Maurcio de Nassau, signed a law that fixed in 100 florins, the fine for each cajueiro that was knocked down. The cashew arrived at India, led for the Portuguese and soon it adaptou itself to the climate of the region, later was for Asia, Africa spreading itself for the whole world. Nowadays, it is important, being exported to the United States and some European countries, becoming an important item in the world-wide commerce. The cashew has many nutrients that they need to be mentioned: You leave Minerals, as Calcium, Match, Magnesium, Iron, Zinc beyond staple fibres and insaturada fat that help to lower the cholesterol in the blood.

He is rich also in carboidratos, proteins and lipdios. How much its vitamins, it are riqussimo in vitamin C, well more than orange, still has complex B and vitamin. The fruit of the cashew, more known as chestnut of cashew, has a bending form, being that the almond, contained inside of it, is dries and later torrada – form by which more is known. Prisoner it has a soft, bigger fruit, of colored or orange color, the size more or less of a pear, that is also eatable. It is rich in Vitamins, B, C, being also an excellent antirust substance. Aid in the injuries, in the grippes, also fortifies the muscles for the minerals that it possesss. We only must take care because its value caloric is very high. Its rind also is used to make astringent and tonic.

Until its trunk it has its useful properties, it produces a resin yellow that can also substitute the Arabian, used gum in the pharmaceutical industry and in the manufacture of the paper. Its seiva produces ink and its root the value of its flowers still has purgativas properties being very important, that has tonic properties. Max Burn: Super Antirust substance As well as the cashew chestnut, it has available products in the market that are vitamin sources, nutrients, and antirust substances. Max Burn is one of these products – developed suplemental a deficient feeding especially and to guarantee a balanced and healthful life more.