Social Security

We wonder when we will leave the crisis and when we will live a new expansionary phase. I am personally quite pessimistic in this regard. Only the real estate bubble, no great aptitude and talent requirements activity, gave our country ephemeral moments of well-being. It is not easy to change a production model. It really means break even with a tradition, why not, of a legal nature. And of course previously society has operated a major change of mentality and values. In Spain the entrepreneurial initiative is gun single shot, and with this crisis practically all of our entrepreneurs, they have already made use of it, so it may never again begin.

The liability for a particular title by Treasury or the Social Security for unsatisfied debts, which can lead to the Declaration as guilty of a competition of creditors, or the simple inclusion in a registry of delinquency, among other many threats, will prevent them start again. Inherent to the experience learning, will be dismissed. They will not be able to analyze mistakes. Not even them arise it is, inasmuch as they are aware that the system will not give them a new opportunity, and remembering them, of itself is no longer pleasant. We will live a new expansion when two factors are met. First course will be required an exogenous incentive, called bubble or trend that we come given. And second, that we have a new generation that may feel tempted to carry out. We refer to those who live now teens, totally extraneous to the misfortunes we are dealing with.

We talk about seven, eight, maybe ten years. It may not be otherwise as to current date our country has lost its entrepreneurial strength forever. A host of freelancers and small businesses absolutely not only drowned by their debts; also by an eminently punitive order. If Meanwhile we realise how difficult that is to achieve business success, that only 4 out of every 100 companies survive in the 10th year, perhaps we can autosugerirnos a regulatory change that allows the test of trial and error that allows a wise use of experience that make certain inertia to the creation of jobs, as opposed to the situation that we currently live in which collective redundancies are a constant.

Federal Housing Authority

When dreaming of owning your first home, or when you think that it is time to buy a new House as an investment, you start to think but! how the I pay? Over time different kinds of housing loans, have been developed in order to respond to the needs and more diverse economic conditions. So that you know them and you can choose the most suitable and which best meets your income and possibilities, we will make an analysis of the different types of housing loans. Types of loans:-fixed interest rate mortgages. -Adjustable rate mortgages. -FHA loans. -Loans is going.

Mortgages with fixed interest rate? sta guarantees that the interest rate and the monthly payments will not suffer any variation throughout the duration of the loan. It usually has a term of payment among the ten, fifteen, twenty, thirty and up to forty years. Loans with shorter periods have higher monthly payments, but you pay a lower interest in general terms and acumularas capital more quickly. If you want to live in your home for many years and current long-term interest rates are low, it is possible that this mortgage fits your needs. It is important to remember that the mortgage, in addition, it provides you the maximum deduction of interest for tax purposes mortgages with adjustable interest rate with a mortgage of this type, it is possible that the rate of interest that your pay is adjusted periodically, in accordance with the movements of the market. Therefore, when interest rates go down, your monthly mortgage payments also can be reduced. Adjustable rate mortgages offer a rate lower than fixed-rate mortgages, which can help your califiques to obtain a loan for one greater balance. Some mortgages allow, at certain times, convert an adjustable loan with fixed interest rate.

Loans Government also there are two federal agencies that offer loans guaranteed by the Government: the Federal Housing Authority (FHA) and the Department for Veterans Affairs (VA) these loans require the property that is acquired to meet certain basic requirements. Loans FHA with FHA insurance, you can buy a home with a low down payment and even finance the closing costs. FHA mortgage loans have a maximum limit, which varies according to the average cost of housing in the area that your choose. Loans from the Veterans Administration (VA) If you are a qualified veteran, the loan goes will be very beneficial, since it will allow you to buy your home without any initial payment, when your get a loan with a set maximum limit. This program can be that best fits your needs.

Sale Cut A Feature Of Rent

The short sale has become increasingly common since the real estate bubble burst, sending the values of a property that fell to lead at levels that had been unprecedented for years. The sad fact of the matter is that many homeowners who bought property during the boom that age did not have any option but to short sale he or face foreclosure. So therefore, if you intend to sell a rental property, you will need understand how short selling works, what it means for your mortgage and how affects your taxes and your click to know how to clean your credit and credit. Calculate the value of a current rental property until you sell your rental property, you will need to verify that it is worth what you think it’s worth. If you’re selling property through a broker, he or she will calculate it for you. If you don’t have a broker, you will have to hire an authorized assessor estate to handle calculations.

Failing that, you can try to approximate the value of a property facing up the sales prices for similar real estate characteristics theirs (and that are located in the area of your feature) that were sold over the last few months and calculating the value medium. Calculate costs closed its next step must be to obtain free credit reports and then imagine closed costs the combined sum of required fees end sale. If you have a broker, he or she can calculate this. If not, you can consult your local title or company to a real estate lawyer. Once the value of a property and closed costs are calculated, you can put your rent for sale feature. Be upfront about the fact that you’re doing a short sale. While it may be that you deter some buyers, it will make it less likely that buyers who are interested will draw.

Eastern Europe

etc. and the budget gives even for that hire famous architects of international stature to design them and the best thing: everything is sold, the price of rent is exorbitantyou do accounts and what you pay in rent month to month could pay for your own home, but there is a pequeno-gran problem you’re immigrant banks virtually restrict these features credits and do rightly; but as years pass many foreign workers have been unable to settle in construction companies with relatively good salaries and savings begin to see gradually; the banks are trying to trust. For my part I will leave me tempted by the impressive real estate development and will come in full to see the operation of an Italian company of real estate brokerage that for the year 2002 has in Spain 750 offices being the largest company in Europe and the third in franchises of multinational then devoted to hamburger theme for this I will have to start from scratch to learn his philosophy and technique of working so fruitful; so I will be part of one of these 750 franchises and although work apparently seems easy initially discover quickly how heavy and stressful that may become work up to 10 hours a day or more, from Monday to Friday at first, then include Saturdays of course, the advantage: there is much work, because everyone wants to change House and if they have the backing of a multinational with big national coverage and path the result can be very interesting.

Rents and Moving

Purchased your property or rented another, but have difficulty moving to implement? Residental move easily compare with something like horror, because it must carry it in extreme conditions. Here, to some extent issue money and be more physical labor. However, it is easy to get around such problems: hire the trucking Moscow by car companies that specialize in providing services. Housing is a very moving many nervotrepok associated with material goods, about the possible loss or damage of property acquired over the years. To these problems do not arise, must provide documents to the guarantees and insurance. Therefore, better take advantage of the proposal in this area, so it was quiet. The car features can give different from fast gazelles to brawny trucks.

Rent gazelle is the most beneficial way, if things do not a lot and they are not so big. It seems that the problem is solved with the move, but the order ghazal not decide in carrying heavy luggage, for example, heavy rack. And here, some firms have a solution – a team of loaders. That all went well and without problems, allocate all in advance: money, force majeure situation. For example, the order of the ghazal in Moscow only for 4-5 hours to spend 1,500 rubles.

Movers to help load and unload the stuff it's worth 200 rubles per hour. If want to save money at the same time, we can make custom loading services separately from the cargo, but it does not guarantee that it will be cheap. Here, the question of speed and time, as time did the money. With regards to moving to distant city, the recommendation here, enlist a written confirmation that the property or what will not. Choose a shipping company, on time-tested tips, reviews. In reaching its conclusions: if you want to quickly implement a crossing, get rid of the problem, it is better to arrange services for firms. So neither of which has not happened, then get the warranty documents. Want to make the transition easier, ask for service assistance longshoremen. These tips will help you in difficult minute.

Exchange Credit

What is the credito y caucion? Credit and suretyship are two legal figures who generally accompanied by the first of the second. This is because employers or any person to guarantee the payment of an obligation born by a credit, prefer that the debtor provides a surety or guarantee in favour of the same. The credit for its part is a personal right which has a creditor against a debtor, which arises on the basis of an Exchange or barter of a present economical source for a future and it usually deals with a good furniture (money), instead the suretyship is usually a right in rem which has about one thing either movable or immovable that it acts in the form of guarantee for the fulfilment of the obligation in the market there are many companies that seek to ensure the proper use of credit and suretyship therefore implement mechanisms systematized from an own company method to make its management more effective and ensure to the greatest extent the fulfilment of obligations; so they carried out a management as well: First to grant a credit is made a pre-trial stage where he studied to the client and tracked him to his economic status, solvency, debt, among other things; implements result figure for the compensation of damages caused by the breach of the payment and as final part performs an activity of constant recovery after the failure to pay at the time agreed to term, this through different mechanisms such as the participation of lawyers and supporters. With this whole process seeks to ensure greater effectiveness and safety in payment of credits. With respect to the figure of the suretyship, this represents one of the methods most effective and most used to achieve compliance with the obligation since it acts directly against the assets of the debtor subject and generates a greater guarantee since it acts front movable garment on a vehicle – and similarly against the real estate mortgage on the residence – therefore the implementation of the various mechanisms with regard to figures credit and suretyship allowed the making of payments with regard to the right that comes to the creditor if carrying out fully and there is the possibility of that who gave economic support to another subject through a credit that represents the confidence of payment to a specific point in time and the liquidity of the other, not dependent on their will in many cases ill-will – but that is set in advance that a object to act as a guarantee to the fulfilment of the payment of a debt so we can conclude that the credit and suretyship are the perfect combination in to the present to be able to generate economic resources, providing a quick exit and practice a problem to another person and that there is no chance that lost original author and source of the article be generated


Born a new portal’s Classifieds for all Spain. is a completely free service both for individuals and for companies that will provide you the opportunity to share, bid and to publicize their products to other users on the network. You can publish your ads with up to five photos, without registration, in a variety of categories: engine, real estate, employment, etc. Once published an advertisement, you can re-edit it or delete it if it is not longer valid. The design of the new portal has a Web 2.0 touch that makes more elegant navigation through the site. Since its launch the statistics show a gradual increase of their visits, thanks to the work done by its creators, who have also announced to invest in advertising to publicize the website to the greatest possible number of Internet users in Spain.

Federal Reserve

Synthetic indicator of activity. Advances, 6 months in advance, the overall performance of the economy: tender for work consumption of cement registrations trust labor occupation within the industrial sector large companies sales turnover to the minor etc. It takes a downward profile since the end of 2006. Ghost real estate crisis in the knowledge construction sector how are banks, because not just be clarified. At a meeting of the Bank for international settlements, which was held in Basel, has asked for greater transparency and that we learn all of the real situation of the balance sheets of banks. (Spanish banks are in a better position than other countries, because the Bank of Spain forced to make counter-cyclical above provisions which are carried out in other countries. Some have done, in addition, extraordinary provisions on their own).

(February 28, Bernanke, Chairman of the Federal Reserve of USA, said American banks that could fail by the real estate business.) The lack of liquidity. The credit has been difficult because the banks have no money to lend. (If you go out to the street, you will see the amount of Bank campaigns that are now to capture money.) What happens is that the Lord of San Quirze that we talked about before is a little fly and remained doubtful if the best thing is to save money in a sock, as in the good times.) (The credit that has been difficult to say that, do not give it to you, or, if they get it, the conditions are not very affectionate, and for some sectors, frankly unpleasant.) (Closing the circle, you may have guessed that the construction and real estate are two of these sectors.) THE consequences of the GHOSTS the halt in construction has bad consequences. For example: housing prices lower. Many people are with mortgages that are worth more than the home you have mortgaged.

Invest Alternatives Binary Options

With relatively little time in the market, binary options are one of the instruments that allow to perform investment fast and clear on different indexes, commodities, commodities, and even in foreign currency exchange rates. Therefore, in this article we’ll discuss briefly its functioning and the benefits that may have against other ways to invest your money. Put in a nutshell, binary options are predictions that are made on the conduct on the market of certain asset, index, currency, etc. Once chosen what about what you want to do the prediction, is simply says if it is thought that its value will increase or decrease over time, which is usually a few days and even hours, so that the result is quickly known. Binary options are born as a new financial product that unlike his predecessors, has interesting features we will try to explain from the concrete example of investment in a product such as oil. Firstly, binary options provide mechanisms simple to invest (hence its name) and then there are only two choices, that of oil to increase or decrease its value; that unlike the purchase of stocks, bonds and other instruments, is not required have greater technical knowledge, only the money necessary to invest.

Secondly, the results of the prediction are known rapidly. Continuing with our example, predicts if oil increase or not its value in a very concrete, for example today’s deadline until tomorrow at 12: 00 hrs., or from today until next week. Unlike the purchase of bonds to 90 and even 360 days, here the investments have very short deadlines and whatever the outcome, will be it known quickly. As third difference may be noticed that the buying and selling of binary options is done through brokers such as 24option, so that an account is opened with the operator, makes a deposit of cash and with funds that are there, you can start to invest in practically anything, as mentioned above. In the event that made prediction is right, the amount of earnings, which would be deposited in the account of the investor, although previously all those quotas should be excluded by the service provided by operators would be clear. To analyze the above characteristics, it is possible to become aware of those elements that distinguish these instruments and which make them attractive to a segment of the population, as opposed to more traditional such as the purchase of shares or currencies, investments the purchase of financial instruments of low risk but with long delays or still more traditional capital investment in a business or in the purchase of real estate. This is a quick and simple option for investing. Her results can be obtained within hours or a few days, and 24option is a broker of leading binary options in the field of binary options that certainly worth knowing.

Gregorio Hernandez Estate

The current housing market seems a lot to market cars that today seems more a bad dream than a real situation that lived many of the people we meet every day on the street. In many places I have read that the drop of the real estate in bag will not affect real estate, but I think the reality is that more informed investors have already begun to go out with strength of the housing market. If they have started by selling the shares publicly traded is because they are infinitely more liquid than real estate. The illiquidity of the immovables is tremendous and when the fall is of general knowledge can become extremely difficult to sell properties, even lowering them the price. However I think that a lowered the price of real estate siginificativa would be positive for the overall economy and the majority of the population in the long term, although short tensions and imbalances can occur if the fall is too fast.

The hardest hit would be those who have investments in real estate, but would go to benefit the holders of residence, merchants, rehabilitation of buildings, etc. Currently the price of real estate represents a brake on the economy even worse (by corruption, lack of transparency, etc.) or similar to the taxes. The Malaysian operation was assessed the heritage of the most rock in 2,400 million euros (400,000 million pestas). Developers paid that money is, but he actually left, without knowing it, the pocket of all persons who bought flats, local and villas in Marbella during those years. Which is to say that, despite the image of solidity that has real estate investment, a very important part of the price which is paid by real estate is not backed by something tangible and real as the solar or the actual construction, but that is smoke (bribes) that any day may disappear forever.