
The Principality of Andorra is located in the Pyrenees between Spain and France. Andorra is, without doubt, one of the most popular destinations in the whole year, since it has many tourist attractions so you can enjoy your holiday. When people hear of Andorra, in his mind are images of snow, ski, relaxation, shopping without almost taxes, etc. This small country only can be accessed by road, since it has no airport or railway or metro station, and even so, you can’t get visitors to enjoy the many cultural activities offered. There is an Andorra that most visitors are unaware, and the Romanesque Andorra. With apartments for rent Andorra you can not miss this wonderful route, where you will find amount of as well preserved monuments, that you move to your time. Visit churches located in the pre-Romanesque and Romanesque, with high bell towers surrounded by a landscape that won’t leave you indifferent. The Romanesque route encompasses many towns with charm, but not you You can lose one of the most outstanding monuments of this route on the old road from Canillo, apartments in Canillo with enjoy the Church Sant Joan de Caselles and its history.

If you go to Andorra, should take to meet his people, friendly, fun, receptive towards tourists, and especially assuming his role as host. Although we cannot deny its scenic charm, we will also focus on its cultural charm. Apartments in Andorra will enjoy its museums more important, today the most visited is La Casa-Residencia d Areny-Plandolit, whose walls narrate practically as lived this family, which made great fortune with the iron industry and became the only rich Andorra family and therefore the only nobility. If you are looking for is to have a full holiday, do not hesitate to go to Andorra, you will not fail to surprise you.


The solution is to create the counterweights and it is created with a quality education to all levels and with this we will make this monster to fall under its own weight. If we say that quality education is the solution to the major problems it is essential talk about this in abundance and put our full attention on this so soon we generate the agreement and we can have it. What we don’t have in our daily life is difficult to imagine in all dimensions and quality is what lacking, this is why we must talk about this in abundance to get him to understand and integrate into our life. Putting quality education means put joy in what we do, is to put meaning, integrate what we study with what we will do in our future to create the wealth of this country is to connect students with institutions to enlarge the country and its people. You must break with plans and rigid programs, the student will be guided to formulate their life project that is linked to a project of nation that it will be creating. The introduction of new materials that are consistent with the new times is suitable, the creation of new knowledge is now essential because what we learned five years ago is obsolete. Mexico is a country privileged to count on plenty of natural resources, we only need to train new professionals that detect all these resources that serve to generate well-being among all and for all.

It does not seem to be the concern of our rulers, but that is not reason enough for us citizens let us remain with arms crossed waiting to Governments to act. We can start with boost to parents so that they become successful children, you have to do a great job for them. Teachers together with parents have an historic opportunity to make students the great men and women who changed the history of this country.

Definitive Solution the platform antidesahucios PAH requires paralyze the evictions, to establish a retroactive payment in kind and social rents. The en will be in the Genoa Street, outside the headquarters of the PP at 1230 hours. The PAH requires that the moratorium be applied if the cause of non-payment is caused. Rajoy announced the cessation of evictions for vulnerable families. The platform for people affected by the mortgage (PAH) has convened an acampada coinciding with the meeting between the PP and the PSOE to give a solution to foreclosures. The Platform wants to hear and claim that all measures deven passing by halt the evictions, to establish a retroactive payment in kind and social rents. The en is convened in the Genoa Street, opposite the headquarters of the Popular Party at 1230 hours.

The PAH considers moratorium on which work PP and PSOE unacceptable if only applies to the proceedings not yet initiated. Thus, this measure would not affect foreclosures that are already in progress and therefore would out to hundreds of thousands of families who are already immersed in the procedure. Since the PAH, we demand the immediate cessation of all evictions affecting families, provided in the case of residence and good faith debtors, they asked in a statement. The PAH requires that the moratorium applies to all families provided that the cause of the failure to pay is sever and provided that in the case of residence.These and not others are the only acceptable criteria. The platform takes 4 years warning about the situation, making visible the problem and working on the proposals, despite which no has been convened to query. In its statement added that up to the judges, the EU and UN also have criticised the Spanish foreclosure procedure.

The scourge of evictions is breaking lives and literally destroying families, ensures the PAH, which criticizes both PP and PSOE have had plenty of occasions to tackle this indentation and they have not done so. To the PAH no publicity measures worth nor minor modifications in the articles. The PAH does not accept rebates, or mincing electoralistas/populist. So we want everything and we want it now. Our demands are clear, indivisible and non-negotiable: stoppage of all evictions of residence in the case of debtors in good faith.Retroactive payment in kind. Conversion of the housing stock which accumulate the financial entities in a public park for social rent. they add. These demands will arrive soon in the Congress of Deputies through an ILP (legislative Popular initiative) that have already signed more than half a million citizens. See more: en to demand to the PP and the PSOE a definitive solution to the “scourge” of foreclosures

Migration Problem

A long time ago that the migration to USA have become more frequent and more dangerous. In past years the ideology of migrants was the of back and forth to improve its economy, but return to live in his native country. Today most of these migrations are converted to permanent stays. These not only migration go accompanied of dreams, but the family, culture, way of life, and as some claim, if they can up with the parakeet cage. Migration today represents a very strong problem for society by all the dangers that this entails. Many people really have no idea of the crimes that may occur during this process. The problem of migration goes beyond the Act of going to live in another place. This decision, the reasons why people decide to migrate, they are only the beginning of a great torment, which have no idea that they will experience.

From the river that must be crossed, the wall that must be jumping, long roads that traverse supporting different climates and situations such as safari for women, cheating by coyotes, abuse the authorities committed against these persons among other things worse. All these situations that migrants have to cross go hand in hand with the quality of life in their country of origin. Though it may seem illogical, to migrate you need to have an optimum of poverty and need, since people in extreme poverty do not have enough capital to pay a band of migration, better known as polleros, so crossing them to another country. This price increase is due to the extreme safety that the American Government has placed at the borders. The violence to which these persons are subjected is inversely proportional to security and rights which should be received by the countries involved. Unfortunately, Mexico has become the world leader of migration. In my opinion, to break with this immigration epidemic, the Mexican Government should implement a plan to support people in poverty, contribute to the creation of new jobs through the investment companies both domestic and international, and above all increasing the security of the country. Original author and source of the article.

Website Articles

Advertising strategies have taken boom in recent decades. Products require coordinated activities so that the results are expected. The case of web pages is no exception and constantly tested new strategies that seek the benefit of sites and users. One of the most requested forms of promotion today is the building of links between a series or articles directory and the web page that you want to advertise. To better explain, let’s imagine for a moment a series of articles written with keywords that can put each one of them within the range of search for users. Once they have access to the article they are conducted outside this portal and transferred to the website that we want to visit. The key to the success of this type of strategy, lies in the quality with which drafting of articles and the skill that you have to put external links that lead to the main objective. Thus, can ensure that there are several advantages that presents this kind of directories: If you placed specific insurance within the articles, we can make more visits by each visitor who attempt to plagiarize publications and put them on your web page.

You can use the anchor text of our preference. Unlike other strategies, articles directories give the opportunity to place multiple links per domain. The traffic that is received is insured by the same directory of articles. However, not everything is rosy. If talk of benefits like all, also should mention some of the disadvantages entailed by this type of advertising strategies. Firstly, the owner of the web page that tries to promote themselves through directors of articles will be forced to treat only topics or content related to the topic of the page in question. This really isn’t a problem, but it is the quality that is demanded of them, because you cannot copy and paste several times the same article. Requires innovative drafting every certain period, only in this way will they can obtain all the benefits expected. Original author and source of the article

Bad Breath Solution

Millions of people suffer from this problem, which many consider to be minor but that can heavily influence our social life and self-esteem. Know what to do to combat it. What is halitosis or bad breath? Halitosis is a condition of the oral health characterized by persistent bad breath. Often, identify the cause of bad breath is the first step towards treatment of this preventable condition. What causes bad breath? There are so many causes of bad breath as there are sources of bacteria in the mouth.Bad breath can be caused by the following: certain foods foods that you eat greatly contribute to the care of your oral health, including breath. Products such as garlic and onions, or any food are absorbed into the blood stream, are transferred to the lungs and exhausted into the air you breathe. Until the food is eliminated by the body, the possibility of affecting the breath of a person is present. Xerostomia (dry mouth) this condition often is a great contributor to halitosis.

Characterized by a significant reduction in the production of saliva, the mouth is unable to clean by itself and eliminate debris and particles left by food. Xerostomia can be caused by certain medications, a disorder of the salivary glands or continuous breathing through the mouth rather than through the nose. Tobacco products tobacco products such as cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco and tobacco in powder not only stain the teeth and put your body at risk of contracting various diseases, but they also contribute to bad breath. Tobacco users have an increased risk of the following: periodontal disease. Loss of the ability to taste. Irritated gums. Do you want to fight your problems from bad breath to stop shame on you to others and be happier? Today you can get rid of bad breath, in just a few days, and without expensive treatments. Follow the full treatment now with this link original author and source of the article


1 Analyzes the problem thoroughly examines the substance of the problem that has, that is what is triggering it. Will you be? Well very well check this and depending on that it is seeking a solution, don’t be afraid to try new things, you will not always find the solution immediately, always discusses this possible solution investigates what it is about and acts. 2 Get all the information possible as you said investigates which can be the best solution for that problem you have, knows the market, industry, different companies, think about where your problem more researches in that aspect and I assure you that you will find a solution. 3 Study the information is not only investigating and already, but that you have to choose and Act, you must investigate that it’s reliable, and above all that you first know what it is before you buy something. It is good to be filled with information, because this way you can refute something that soon no you’re feeling compliant, so it investigates this is good not to be with doubt and ignorance your whole life.

4 Registers possible solutions after having researched and know that it is somewhat reliable, since it generates you safety, decides to record the contents in the case of a for example online strategy, reviewed its contents and function. 5. Takes decision based on a possible outcome is simple takes action! And decide to apply that new that you’ve known that you know that it will be useful for different possible results, but that if if not testing won’t be able to know how may have gone you. Paulo Coelho says never let doubts halt your actions. Always makes all the decisions that you need to take, even without security or certainty that you are deciding correctly. 6 Acts with firmness and optimism No te metas never to try but you know what you’re going to do, keep present that if you’re going to do something do it with firmness and determination, because if you get to try something, you still do not know that it is and that benefits get to with this, you will not get to your success, because your mind will have the idea that these testing and not actuaras with firmness and optimism that is needed to reach the top, so long as you propose it has done something develop it with love, dedication and security that that will serve you and already you will see that this will be so tell!.! Life is full of obstacles and it depends on as face them without weakness and negativism or steadfastness and dedication.


Do you need to lose the shyness? Surely that on more than one occasion you has passed through your mind that you want to lose the shyness and stop being an introverted person. You experience such desire to interact with others, get more involved in your social environment and be part of a group of people, generally have many relationships with others. Because you let me tell you that you’ve already taken the first step to reach your goal of losing the shyness. Now, we find that the second step has to be a change and you have to start you, already taking action. This is crucial, only so get lose the shyness and feel happier and more free. Insurance already have read enough about techniques and methods to achieve losing shyness, you’ve been researching on the internet and knowing hundreds of ways to achieve this.But it’s worth have nothing saved on your computer a lot of information and not act, do not experiment with your social environment.

You have to establish friendships, talk to people you don’t know, go out more and interact with others. Rest assured that at the principle will have some glitches of confidence, is something very normal, not take it badly. The more practice your best you get unwrap you, everything you will be more natural and easy, getting so much more confidence in yourself. Nothing more simple to understand that you have to practice, as the following example. do you remember when mounted on a bike never had not? You had to start from scratch and slowly, with the help of your parents, little a WAST little overcoming your fears, and one day it started to give pedals you alone, without help from anyone, what you got to Yes? Lose the shyness is exactly the same, aid can have it through a book, a guide or a professional, but do not get lose the shyness if you not throw, as when you learned to ride a bicycle. Article related that you may want to stop being shy, nothing is for free if you can lose the shyness you get as a reward you become someone nicer, more communicative and have relations with others much more healthy.

So I encourage you that you imagine the situation in which you have managed to overcome shyness once you see you so, take control of your life and decide to change at once, if you don’t step does not get it, as when you lanzaste you know riding the bicycle. In my blog, you can read a little more about me, as well as provide you with some suggestions on how to get lose the shyness. If you want to you can take a look to see how and if you have any doubt about something, ask me. Do not consider myself no expert in the matter, but if I have gone through your same situation, and I’ve managed to overcome it. That is why, I decided to share with you tips or suggestions which I think can help you a lot to leave shyness behind. I invite you to visit my blog to stop being shy I would like to know of your achievements and positive changes that you are getting. Remember that you don’t have to pay once you start. A good guide helps a lot, because you know a professional control everything you need to know about shyness, just as well get to lose the shyness.


Every day you spend on that street where is the most beautiful house for you, and you’ve always dreamed of having a House like, equal, or maybe very different, but what these insurance is that you you the House of your dreams. Well in Monterrey the sale of houses, is a business very big, safe and easy to perform, i.e. If you are looking for a house in Monterrey rest assured that you will find it and it will be that always dreamed. The Monterrey homes for sale can now do it from the comfort of your computer, since that many real estate great quality offer websites, with variety of apartments so you find that best fits your needs physical and economic. In the pages of the companies that engaged in the sale of houses in Monterrey, will find all the homes that are on sale and you can filter your information to only see the houses of certain sector or certain price, even you can choose to view only those that have a certain number of bedrooms or bathrooms. This is the reason why the homes for sale in Monterrey has increased so much, as it is very easy and safe, in addition who wouldn’t want to live in one of the cities of Mexico. This city is for everyone, from children to adults, and not to mention young people, is a city that has a great nightlife, where young people will always find a place where having fun. Original author and source of the article.

Exemplary Artist

Rosa Fornes, born on February 11, 1923 in Woman s Hospital (110th Street and Amsterdam Avenue), New York, United States, as Rosalia Palet Bonavia, natural daughter of Spanish parents residing in Cuba who temporarily reside in the American city. His mother, Guadalupe Bonavia Fornoza, housewife from Madrid descent and his father Santiago Palet of catalan origin; they had traveled to New York early in 1921 to promote business. They reside in that place until late in 1925, they return to Havana, leaving the father in New York, and later divorced. Lupe, the mother of Rosita marries Jose Fornes Dolz, Valencian who was entrepreneur of perfumery and cosmetics, as well as written had developed his work as a builder of real estate, becomes the father figure, giving lots of love and a daughter verdaera ageing. Rosita is the eldest of three brothers: the second Jose Henry, born in Madrid, and the third Leopoldo born in Havana, both sons of Fornes. In the family existed artistic antecedents through the breast and the brother of her grandmother, was dramatic actor; and a cousin of both was opera singer, his maternal grandfather was impresario. He accumulated a large nightclub, among which highlighted famous operas. His grandmother, before the artistic, and melodious sotes of the girl, sat to listen to those operatic arias and was narrating it fancifully arguments; increasing its musical heritage.

On the other hand, all their playground spun toward art. She acted, sang, declamaba; sometimes with friends and others in the mirror, but did so with such skill that all were admiring his talent. In 1933 the family moved to Spain; settling first in Madrid and then in Valencia, reason that increased his interest in the song and Rosita manages to learn several cuples and coplas.