Hamburg Training

First awards in January 2011 in Munich awarded onOffice improved the training offer for REALTOR experts: in addition to the advanced selection of training places, the onOffice Software GmbH immediately selected training participants with the predicates onOffice Pro is and expert user. Professional brokers work is the focus of our training”, Andre Stormberg, trainer of onOffice Software GmbH. highlights from this reason we certify the participation immediately our participants upon successful completion of our training sessions with our onOffice Pro and expert user certificates. The proof of this quality certify the broker that he can offer its customers and prospects professional service in the field of real estate marketing with the onOffice smart software, which we regard as a standard in the industry.” The predicate onOffice per user will be awarded for basic training, where participants tips and tricks for the daily work started with the onOffice is smart to learn software. After the individual fine tuning he smart onOffice versions While the expert training, the participant receives the award onOffice expert user. Hereby he can present his additional qualification as a professional software users in print media and on the Internet. In addition extended onOffice training capabilities by periodically changing locations in the entire Federal territory. Thus, all onOffice users with the opportunity to expand your skills in using the software. The positive feedback and the rising numbers of participants at the seminars in Munich and Hamburg encourage planners, that the concept of the modern real estate agents is accepted and appreciated.

Rome Travel Low Cost

An apartment to rent in Rome is a good alternative, to inexpensive travel and freedom of movement. Are you a person who want to spend to hire a stay in daily or weekly rentals for the summer holiday? You will amaze most definitely, over the set of alternatives on the Web: small apartments in the city centre, luxury loft, country houses. Each option allows you how to feel at home. Staying in the cottages in Rome offers freedom and flexibility, this is the reason why the majority of people choose these solutions for the holidays. The prices are cheap and in particular, there is a saving because you go shopping in local supermarkets.

Before you can enjoy these benefits, you need to find the perfect apartment for your holidays however and this challenge is anything but easy to reason that there are so many sources of information. The first step is to rely on Web pages with a good reputation. Choose a trusted intermediary: any agency or person who rents apartments and gives you security, that you do not forget a person, once the reservation was made. These websites agree upon arrival check and clean up, during and after their stay, and the return of the deposit above. Select the site, then keep in mind that the apartment must be your point of reference.

This apartment will be the starting point of for excursions and tours, so it is a significant fact. If you are visiting European cities, but not necessarily select an apartment Rome in a central area close to a tourist monument. The noise would ruin your stay all day and the high prices in the shops. Off dare many alternatives and observe many photos of the apartments, looking for opinions of other travelers and choose the apartments that have the basic requirements: beds, baths, price, and location. Seepage apartments due to the secondary services through such as the washing machine or the Wi-Fi connection. If you are travelling with your pet, you should tell the owners. In this way, you can avoid nasty surprises on arrival and the owner can perhaps suggest also a better suitable apartment with terrace or garden. Agree with the owner or with the Agency about your arrival and departure time. It is very important to remember that you must leave the apartment in Rome when she was.

Money Service Charge Settlement

The landlord must submit at the latest 12 months billing the tenant after the end of the accounting period the lessor must submit no later than 12 months billing the tenant after the end of the billing period. Billing period called period, the settlement is to grant. Advance payment via the operating cost is according to 556 para BGB each year to settle. The billing deadline is a deadline. This means: has the landlord is not settled within 12 months, he can demand nothing more.

An example: Suppose we have the 20.12.2011. The landlord has put forward so far still no accounting for the previous year his tenants. The tenant would behave smart when he no longer is calling for this in the current year. On January 1 of the following year, he would ask from the landlord. Now, he can no longer lose. He can only win. The settlement has a credit balance in favor of the tenant, it must pay the landlord. The settlement, however, has an additional payment for the benefit of the lessor, the lessee no longer must they afford.

The landlord is not responsible for the delay, he may settle exceptionally even after the deadline. If its Hausverwaltungs – or billing company has more then the landlord for this must be a. That he cannot rely. The landlord in the settlement made serious mistake, the settlement is not effective. The necessary formalities were not fulfilled, so the landlord must submit a new report. This is but only as long as the annual billing period has not expired. The landlord can still correct content errors, miscalculations also after this period. A statement of accommodation costs is formally correct, if she contain the following minimum information: – composition of total costs – specification and explanation of the allocation key – calculation of the amounts of the tenant – deduction of advance payment the landlord can the result of a settlement after the deadline no longer disadvantage your tenant change.

Real Estate Fund Enclosed

DWS ACCESS residential 3, closed real estate fund of DWS Investments leads Deutsche Bank for offering of funds. The DWS in the Federal Republic is fund capital supervised with well EUR 132 billion leader. Also in Europe, managed the DWS 203 billion and thus occupies the 3rd place. Worldwide the DWS with 278 billion managed funds to the 10 most popular fund initiators. DWS ACCESS residential 3 has a minimum investment amount of 10 thousand euros.

The complete profit expectation for the DWS ACCESS living 3 is 158,06%. The quality of the investment criteria graded DWS ACCESS residential 3 as exceedingly profitable for the scope. The closed-end real estate funds DWS ACCESS residential 3 has a planned fund volume of 120 million euros, of which approximately 50 percent as debt ratio should contribute. The closed-end real estate funds DWS ACCESS residential 3 offers the prospect of an indirect participation of German Wohnimmobilien investors. Emitted is in existing apartment buildings or residential and commercial buildings in German main areas and regional centres.

The object selection according to specific Deposit characteristics in cooperation with the asset manager of the alt + kelber real estate group. Currently, the Fund indirectly already has access to 16 properties in nine cities. This residential real estate portfolio depending on the amount of funds should be complemented by other suitable real estate. 3 DWS ACCESS living the investment period is unlimited and can be terminated for the first time to December 31, 2031. For forecast purposes only, an expiration time has been defined by about 11.5 years until 2024. Rental prices have increased annually in the past two years to about 2.6% in the Federal Republic of Germany. In the ten years before the growth rate was 1.1% on average. This fact undoubtedly caused an imbalance between housing demand and housing offer, which reveals itself in the rental prices. A real estate portfolio from different individual properties is a useful asset investment for investors. Increasing rental and cheap interest rates encourage investment in real estate. Closed real estate fund DWS ACCESS residential 3 convinces by the following arguments: DWS ACCESS living 3 the holding period is unlimited and may be; terminated for the first time to the 31 December 2031 just for perspective purposes, an expiration time was adopted by about 11.5 years real estate belonging to the closed. The closed-end real estate funds DWS ACCESS residential 3 has an of thought issuing volume of EUR 120 million, with a debt ratio of around 60 million. The closed-end real estate funds DWS ACCESS residential 3 is subject to taxes from rental and leasing, and investment income. The closed-end real estate funds DWS ACCESS residential 3 has a placement period up to the 30.9.2013 and can be closed earlier. Layla Palani

Spree Island Real Estate

Spree Island real estate GmbH forms booth with exhibition stand construction systems of EasyShare display GmbH the Spree Island real estate GmbH provides residential and commercial real estate in Berlin and Brandenburg. There is the optimal point of contact for everyone, whether you want to disconnect from a real estate or cares for a new. An experienced team of consultants provides support for sales, Vermietungsowie of looking for the right property. The team from Spree Island real estate is to alert potential customers to themselves, in the region of Brandenburg and Berlin on the way. Their new EasyShare display GmbH from Hanover Trade fair construction systems are always part of the game. This need not professionals and they can save organisational effort as well as cost-intensive exhibition stand construction companies on the basis of this trade fair systems. Their construction is designed so that it can be built by non-specialist.

The Spree Island real estate GmbH is for all who are looking for Berlin or Brandenburg in the area of an apartment, a House, land or commercial real estate, respectively of separation would, the right partner. In this case, it is irrelevant whether it is a property near a lake in the countryside or in the middle of the Stadthandelt. The Spree Island real estate employees bring many years of experience in the real estate industry in Brandenburg and Berlin, have a great level of expertise and outstanding detail knowledge. Every day, they deal with the real estate market as well the latest trends. You are their customers also on legal issues around real estate support the page. The Spree Island real estate GmbH sees itself as a holistic, Advisory real estate broker and not as a broker. It is important to locate a property for their clients that is tailored to their needs them. Also try when selling a property, to uncover the strengths of this real estate, best to represent them.

Wiesbaden Managing Director

Alexander Kurz Alexander Kurz appointed to the regional representatives of the BVFI for the region of Wiesbaden Managing Director of IMMO/RO, real estate, takes over the regional representation of the BVFI for the region of Wiesbaden from the 01.01.2013. Thus find all local in the real estate industry make suffers a competent partner of the Federal Association for the Immobilienwirtschaft.Die real estate industry with Mr Alexander Kurz a significant shortcoming: many professional groups, in particular the real estate agent, have a bad image. Cause usually is a tremendous quality and education deficit, combined with a widespread acquisition, cooperation and services deficit. We want to counteract this situation”, so Alexander Kurz by IMMO/RO real estate. We support as regional representatives of the BVFI who pass on the work of the Association, making attention with events on the BVFI, the products and services to the real estate professionals in the regions and as competent contact persons to the Available”explains Alexander Kurz. About the BVFI, the real estate industry in Germany is on the move. An interesting idea is for more and more people become involved, professionally in the real estate business.

There are numerous fields of activity with interesting development opportunities and attractive prospects. The real estate market looks specialized professionals for the marketing of real estate and competent care of customers with increasingly complex tasks and requirements on legal and commercial skills. Therefore, the real estate industry needed new, ground-breaking and also practical solutions as well as a still more training geared to the needs of the customer. For this reason, 2010 of the “BVFI – Federal Association for the real estate industry” as a modern, dynamic and innovative practice Association was founded. The BVFI it is a concern to all in the real estate business professionals practical services and added value, as well as an efficient network on the basis to give tools, products, processes, Expertise, to provide legal assistance, making first place affordable everyday always faster and more demanding. The three-tier membership model begins with an accredited membership (free of charge), which already includes the services of BVFI.

MCM Investor Management

In the coalition agreement of the SPD and the CDU/CSU, a large, decisive role plays the theme of housing and real estate. Magdeburg, 05.12.2013. Housing should be affordable even in the inner districts of big cities. The schwaz red coalition agreement is not only advocates. Green Bundestag delegate Christian Kuhn criticized the real estate of the parties and the real estate lobby in General.

It seems all the points would be implemented, which in recent months has been warned. The brokers Association is against the rent brake. This central point of the Coalition Treaty is intended to prevent drastic rent increases when tenants change. Experts fear the Treaty as a brake for the new residential construction. Landlord associations believed to compensate for the rental price brake depreciation will reintroduced.

With her real estate companies could write off higher investments in the early years than it is today. But even without depreciation, Germany’s real estate developers want to build more homes. Since 2010, the building permits rise for apartment buildings, from January to September 2013 compared even to 25.1 percent to 86 000 flats. Interestingly, the building permits for apartments for rent in this period even by one-third and 14 percentage points more than the climbed for condos. The German tenants Association, however, is glad when the rental price brake comes. This is how obviously even industry representatives. But the goal, to keep people of different social classes in city centres, rather than separate them in different districts, will not probably reach the rental brake. Because the landlord will select the tenants with the best credit rating in the future. Who would like to not worry about the rent brake, but invest in the profitable, German real estate market, is properly advised at the MCM investor Management AG. The Magdeburg company can benefit their investors in the form of an alternative from the Immobilienhype: rights simplifies the access to the real estate market a broader target group. There is therefore a Win-win relationship: Benefits the MCM investor Management AG, whose investors also benefit. A good balance between safety, yield potential and high flexibility of investment products are the core competencies of the MCM investor Management AG.

United States

Increasing real estate prices for apartments and houses in Germany. Magdeburg, 28.11.2013. Especially in the big cities it is becoming increasingly difficult to find an affordable home. According to the Bundesbank real estate prices in Germany’s cities have grown so sharply, that the living room is overpriced considered perfect. Could “currently overvaluations between five and ten per cent there.” In major cities such as Hamburg, Frankfurt am Main, Munich and Cologne real estate prices were up to 20 percent above the level that can be explained with economic factors. Real estate expert Thomas Filor confirmed in a German city a cheap apartment to find is now winning a Salerno in the lottery,”.

Currently there a significant price gap between cities and more rural regions in Germany.” In the monthly report of the Central Bank, they say a nationwide overpricing in the market for residential real estate in Germany is “not while still to recognize”. However, there have been price increases for homes in recent years in urban areas, the are “fundamentally difficult to justify allow”. Residential real estate have risen since 2010 to an average of 8.25 percent. In larger cities, the prices for apartments even by more than a quarter have gone. Background of the price increase in real estate is that apartments and houses in Germany massively won in recent years on appeal as a financial investment, it was said in the monthly report of the Central Bank. After the bursting of housing bubbles in the United States or Spain, foreign investors would have discovered the German housing market for themselves. The opinion have prevailed also among private investors in the past few years increasingly, that asset secure leave best with real estate property. Although the golden era, in which a return of 20 percent and more than guaranteed was gone, but the earnings prospects are still very high, especially considering low interest rates.

Again invigorated interest in Germany’s real estate market for one due to the lack of range of other markets. In addition, the German economy is very stable, which also attracts buyers,”emphasizes Thomas Filor. Despite the developments, the Bundesbank spoke out against so-called rent brake, as repeatedly discussed in the past months by politicians. It only more new apartment buildings would be built if investors look permanently “enough return potential” in the rental of living space, the Bundesbank warned.

Grundinvest Germany

Participation in operating companies project pays off. Unbeatable Munich. Munich, 24.04.2013. “Shortly after placing starting in January of this year group has their first disbursement for the euro Grundinvest Germany 18 Munich euro Grundinvest GmbH & co. KG” done in height by two percent for the first quarter of 2013. Overall, interest amounting to 8% per year before taxes for this Fund is foreseen.

Each pro rata is calculated from the month after the full receipt of the participation amount. A participation is possible there from 15,000 euros plus premium. In addition, it is planned to distribute an additional profit participation for this three-year short-term bonds amounting to four percent annually. This is given, if the investors have received their preferential payments and back is equity, but also Furthermore the Fund expenses were reimbursed them. On behalf of investors, a very fair system. The Quick granting of interest is made possible by the special design of the Fund. Because it invests in existing project companies, the capital is so from the outset operative”and can participate to the win, achieved through the development, construction and sale of apartments in Munich and whose Bacon belt Grundinvest euro. Just the quick sale of apartments in Bavaria’s most popular metropolis leads to his quick cash return.

Project development level achieved so far yields are all in the double-digit range. So far five established real estate development funds of euro Grundinvest a volume could be realized so far of more than 54 million which is higher than the originally planned target volume of EUR 50 million. The company is with all funds in terms of the distributions to be paid in the or over plan. All payments for the first quarter of 2013 were made accordingly. The strong specialization proved a stroke of luck, here but also the long-term market presence benefits us”, explains Jens Behre at CSM conqueror sales & marketing responsible for the distribution of the Fund. After opening the free system distribution CSM last year, demand is increasing continuously. Still, investors can benefit from an in addition granted early artist bonus, which is paid at the end of the term on the basis of paid-up Kommanditkaptals. He is two percent for deposits till the end of the month.

Contact Fisicolos

ServicioLos children perceive our love when we do things for them. Apart from your food to cook them or wash their clothes, are those girls things, seemingly little important, that really demonstrate that you as a parent was aware of their needs. For example: fix your Teddy bear or inflate the wheels of your bicycle. Contact Fisicolos hugs, caresses, kisses and take their little hands. They are all gestures of love that speak for themselves. Words of encouragement animate means to give encouragement. It is one more way in which their words can express your love.

All children have areas in which feel insecure and need their parents encourage them and show that you believe in them. Children will develop their full potential if they receive sufficient recognition on the part of their parents. After delivering these practice guidelines of how to love better to their children, want you to see it as a seed. Love is sowing in the lives of our loved ones. All successful sowing imply a necessary time of growth and a later harvest.

Each time that you love your children, you will be planting a seed that will bear abundant fruit. As mother who already went through those crazy years of strenuous maternity, you want to share that, everything I did while our children were small (and believe me, I tried to do and achieve many things, besides being a mother), the only thing that I can rescue today is the continuous love that I could deliver them. Everything else became smoke. I am approaching the stage of the harvest. Only God knows if it will be abundant or not. What I do know is that none of those moments of complete delivery was in vain. Original author and source of the article.