New Buildings

Today in Kyiv launched a massive construction of apartment buildings, which is conducted on a large scale. Dozens of building companies to cover up all Kiev advertising posters with calls to buy flats in Kiev is among them. In words and in all advertising material is incredibly smooth. Is it really? Let's try to figure it out. The first problem to be faced by the developer in Kiev – is allocation of land for the new building. Opacity parcel in Kiev and corrupt officials of the capital has long been a byword. The price of apartments in new Kiev include the cost of a "decision problem" – 25-30% the cost of all apartments with future house or the same number of them.

Simply put – originally company-builder lays the sum of bribes in the cost of future apartment. And then return the bribe these simple buyers. The second problem – is the availability of working capital for the construction of new buildings in Kiev this. After only 2-3 developers have their own working capital, productive facilities and qualified Personnel working for the construction of a house. Others are forced to take out a bank loan for the construction, under the unreasonably high interest rates, and also the security of future new buildings in Kiev.

And in the case majeure new Kiev is in custody and ownership links to it already in the bank. In this case, private investors who have invested their money in buying apartments in the building, will have to either just take their (at best) and then look for a new version of their placement is on a new, higher price. And, of course, you can remember a fact that in recent years not only in Kiev and throughout Ukraine widespread practice of hostile takeovers of property, facilities and buildings in Kiev are no exception. So give some advice to potential buyers of apartments in new buildings of Kiev not to get the bait scammers. 1. Check the "passport" company-builder buildings in Kiev: Ukrainian Ministry of Construction of the license, which is made solely on the form of strict accountability. 2. The presence of city council decisions about land acquisition under new building. 3. The presence of architectural and engineering approvals for new buildings in Kiev. 4. Availability of necessary facilities for the erection of new buildings in Kiev. 5. The positive decision of the public hearings with residents nearby houses. 6. The most important thing! Remember – cheap cheese is only in a mousetrap. Do not trust to all sorts of "freebies" that you offer. And good luck to you.

In Germany

Increasing housing density and increase in ambient temperature compared with the country territories – now well-known phenomenon that became known as the "urban heat island." Many researchers predict that green roofs could become a tool with which you can reduce overheating of the big city in the summer. The presence of vegetation on the roof closely mimics the natural environment, thus increasing the amount of greenery, the evaporating moisture and provide shade on the roof surface. Evaporation plant, located on the roof, as well as "shadowing" roofs – the main factors influencing passive cooling of roof in the hot season. As a consequence of these factors reduces the ambient temperature, because less heat is reflected back into the atmosphere. The vegetation on the roofs of the town a positive effect on ambient air quality, because it "captures" solid particles in the air, and also binds carbon dioxide – the main product of "breathing" of the city. Green roofs are becoming more successful habitat for various rare and endangered species.

It is reported that in London alone on a series of green roofs biologists have discovered more than 50 species of spiders. In Germany, on the green roofs were observed nesting sites of rare birds. Thus, green roofs could help in increasing the diversity of wildlife, although this advantage is heavily dependent on geographic features. Green roof – a space created by the addition of over a traditional roof system of additional layers of fertile soil and plants. Not to be confused with the traditional green roof, roof garden, where plants are located in freestanding containers (tubs) on the roof terrace or operated parking facilities. .

Rural Life

Hold the hot, grueling summer days in the bustling city (city apartment) – "entertainment" is not the most pleasant. If not suicidal. Hot asphalt and a complete lack of fresh air make people think about the time (sometimes forever) change the situation. If you are not a happy owner of a second home outside the city, then the best solution for you would be renting a cottage. Rent – a question not for children, to address which must be treated seriously. And without the help of the experts here to do very difficult.

First of all, we must understand that focuses on the rental market suburban housing. People who are worried about their health, tend to calm accommodation and wish to protect themselves from the urban bustle of the rare moments of leisure. They choose to live outside the city. To date, at the town market, there are several categories of tenants, according to one of Directors of the Department of suburban real estate: "First of all, these are the people who are going to build or buy a vacation home and therefore wants to try to live outside the city (rent as a stage of moving). Secondly, these are people who do not have to constantly live outside of town, and rented a house they use for recreation or for example, are sending children to summer. Third, it is all those people who are tired of living in a stuffy, dirty, noisy city.

" The popularity of leasing is growing every year. And this applies not only to the summer period. Among the wish to live out of town more often heard opinion that to rent a cottage far more profitable than buying. Some people imitate each other and just take a cottage for rent. Investors and developers are sensitive to any changes in the market. Recently in Moscow began to appear cottage villages, made mostly for rent. In addition to housing, tenants in these settlements provide home maintenance through administration, infrastructure development, sometimes in the rental price includes cleaning and cottages – the best choice for a man twenty-first century, who wants to live out of town, but does not want at the same time spend money to buy their own home.

Preparing for Real Estate Transactions

Preparatory period – nothing like the team conducted research and studies. This is a necessary part of any real estate transactions, regardless of whether it is an individual dwelling house or a huge complex commercial buildings. The buyer must be prepared before you signed the contract. Only during the data collection process can fully explore all aspects of the acquired property. This should be done with the utmost care. Take note. Benjamin Franklin who said: "The zeal – the mother of good luck." If you have identified properties for purchase, the decision is clearly based on the totality of certain surface facts. As a rule, you look around the building and learn some financial information supplied by the seller or broker.

Based on this information and impressions that this property fits into your business plans, allocates an offer. If the seller accepted the offer, work, or rather the team work has just begun! I sincerely believe that any buyer of real estate requires a strong team. Progress the most successful people and companies due to the presence of a team of specialists who are able to solve tasks. No one is able to understand all aspects of real estate, and if you put money in reliance on the opinions of others, you just need it to be the most competent. The site about investing in real estate we will go all the preparatory period. I'll talk about the importance involved in this process experts, give some advice and give some examples showing the importance of qualified and impartial expertise. Picking the team for the preparatory period is somewhat reminiscent of the folding puzzle. Each of the participants – their own specialty, but when a leader brings them all together, the disparate pieces together into a whole, allowing you to see the big picture. As a result, you know what you buy! In the preparatory period should consider the following points: The elements of the preparatory period. Real Estate Inspection Legal due diligence check of the property rights analysis of the reports of other organizations and study accounting tax reporting. I divide the preparatory process for the five basic elements – survey of real estate, legal due diligence, verification of property rights, analyzing the reports of other organizations, the study of accounting and tax reporting.

House Versus Apartment

Detached house or apartment? Now for a comfortable stay to all people need common services: lighting, heating and water, the Internet, that is all that makes life easier for everyone. However, even if the apartment is large, ample, a person will not always be in it comfortably. For example, in the summer swelter in any apartment, the neighbors behind the wall, but still outside incessant cries of children, or transportation. All this provides an opportunity to relax in spare time. Of course, living in the apartment has some advantages, but still many people moving into towns. Modern house in the village is equipped with everything you need for comfort of the person who is accustomed to the conditions civilization. In such houses it is possible to connect the Internet and cable tv with many channels.

In addition to the present day in the country do not have to worry about heating, water supply, as in the present towns such services are provided. In my house you are the owner and no neighbors above or below will not bother you, and you will just make the fire to no one. In addition, in a private home you can do anything want and when you want. If you do a repair in the early morning or late at night listening to music, the dissatisfaction of the neighbors threaten you. For those who love animals, the size of the cottage can hold in his yard different animals – whether it's decorative cat or dog is a rare breed. In a private house can lead his farm – chickens, ducks, geese. Buying a house or cottage in the village, you can hire professionals and do a splendid garden for celebrations, or just relaxing with family. Near the house, you can cook barbecue, play very different games.

Terms such holiday apartment does not allow. In addition, houses in the countryside usually cost much less than in city. Every middle class family can afford to buy a house on the lake or just off the beaten path. I should say that in the village in contrast to the city has no exhaust. There's always fresh air, from which so pleased to receive pleasure. In his spare time you can go into the woods to a river. In addition, on its site, you can grow crops that will be much healthier than bought in a store. This is an exciting experience, however, requires quite some time. Private house – it's their property, which reveals to man the newest frontier. Everyone can realize their dreams and just take care of their own health. At the moment reside in the cottages is very prestigious. In modern towns have a bunch of stores, where, without going into the city, you can buy all the goods you must. Only the person entitled to choose their place of residence, and only he can decide where he will be comfortable.

House Design

Often, the living room is not only room for guests and a dining room or an office, so that a successful design of your home, or rather a variety of areas in the living room or a child is of great importance. more fundamental than likely, you need to figure out why you would use the living room. If the room is then, in order to honor the guest and watch the video, you need to pay special attention to the comfortable furniture and mutual accommodation. Furniture can be comfortable, have the children's game. In addition, of course, often want to look bright dining and extraordinary to be able to show off the visitor convenience clearance.

Again, in no event should not be forgotten universality. If you furnish a beautiful cabinet design furniture and accessories, but they will not be comfortable at the same time, it's hard to call this the right decision. So then, to design a room noticeable enough to use an object, which is the latest twist. Merging the living room and kitchen – it is certainly possible, but, in general, is no longer fashionable. Smells of food will be the topic during lunch or dinner, and after him are beginning to annoy. If you really want to combine two rooms, then summarize better the living room with dining area.

Important part of the interior guest rooms have chandelier. Particularly important to opt for light sources, in case you plan to divide the room into several zones. Perhaps, for example, to allocate a small nook for intimate conversations and add to it a lamp with a good ceiling. And for a party on the living room ceiling hook mirror Bulka, which transmit light in the living room furniture also may be other interesting – a stove, a large niche in the wall or something else. Any of these can make the design of apartments bright and unusual, and if you got the apartment with a fireplace, of course, it's worth using. Fireplace is sure to become povadno object in the drawing room, and everyone will try to take a seat closer. If there is no fire, but highly desirable, it can be purchased – Various simulations fireplace on the market now set. For this purpose, we recommend ekokamin, the latter is not harmful to humans and animals, as well as due to the huge range of configurations can easily fit into any registration Another element allows you to arrange the living room in the style that you prefer – is textiles. By the way, textiles can be used to easily update the design is very often the way you want. Curtains, napkins, aprons, furniture – and here's your room already looks like a completely new

Moscow Apartments: Renovation and Repair

Renovation and repair of apartments in Moscow to start look at what is the meaning of renovation and what is meant by the word. Many people understand a renovated, that if the apartment has walls made of drywall for painting, original plastic sockets and, of course, false ceiling with spotlights. In the repair process using imported materials also believe that this renovation. It is not uncommon and high-quality renovation is called repair. Let's see what kind of differences exist between normal and repair apartments renovated.

The most important differences are: making the full range of renovation carried out repair work on the design of apartment, office or other premises. Stage of works on repair of apartments in Moscow and renovation: – Specialist leaves for estimating space – created design – design – choice of materials and equipment necessary – the work is done – cleaning the premises on completion of work Repair of apartments in Moscow turnkey own home, apartment to be beautiful and comfortable in it, we feel comfortable because we do everything possible to fit all our requirements. Big Money not necessarily spend a major overhaul, as elegantly furnished apartment may seem boring, but cheap furnished and renovated small stylish, with proper selection of the interior may look well, emphasizing style. On our website you will find lots of useful information about the repair and decoration evrremonte apartments, houses, offices. Repair of apartments in the process of finishing an apartment it is important to stick to plain and harmony in the room, it will emphasize your taste. Unfortunately, not all repair companies afford to make repairs and finish quality apartments. In the field of repair of apartments in Moscow, finishing houses, offices and other rooms we operate more than 10 years in Moscow and Moscow region, we are able to perform any repair task! Because when you contact us you will get rid of many complex issues relating to selection of materials, various approvals will be engaged in this and other professionals. We are a responsible approach to solving any problem of repair, and perform as a professional, knows about all our former customers, they recommend us! Make sure you and If you order the repair of apartments in Moscow under the key suburbs or Repair of apartments in Moscow: services, costs and prices for flat repair, photos, dates, price list, repairs to RemontKvartirEvro.

Thailand Real Estate Property

Winter, especially pre-Christmas, characterized for the Russians frosty evening, salad 'Olivier', traditionally served on a table in the , as well as long-long 'vacation'. Many try to go to warm countries, where you can otrelaksirovat the full program, where in December during the entire blooming plants, golden sand is so warm that you get up with him very rarely and even then, to reach the ocean, where water is clean, clean. Idyll paradise, but for many such leave is expensive. So how do you save money, but the rest of the total? Most optimally to take shelter in a long-term lease. You will be able to stay there for periods of holidays and rest of the time to let tenants that will pay you a fixed amount that you can hold off on vacation so tempting, is not it? Many afraid to rent or buy houses abroad because of the difficulty of understanding the process, but you do not need to delve into the subtleties: it is enough to apply to the real estate agency and discuss with the realtor all the terms of the transaction. You become the proud owner of the house of your dreams, Realtor receives a small percentage of what has helped you realize your dream, and you broke up happy with each other What are the bright prospects!

Real Estate Investors

Real estate investors are more popular than ever. There are many reasons for this. Magdeburg, 28.08.2013. Property subject to hardly any cyclical developments. They are also typically predictable income. Considering lower capital market interest rates and favourable financing conditions, they are a useful alternative for those who want to achieve medium to long-term interest and create another revenue opportunity this. Regardless of takes advantage of the extensive protection against inflation. Real estate, posing a not inconsiderable part of work performance in itself, are always more expensive, if just this labor is more expensive.

Since the wages of the development from rise and this according to the inflation, real estate are basically always more expensive. You can say: your price goes up in a certain relation to the inflation rate. These arguments speak clearly, for years for the real estate and especially for the rented condo as an investment”, says Thomas Filor, Real estate expert from Magdeburg. This assessment is also supported by nude figures”confirmed: as the Suddeutsche Zeitung is currently reported with reference to figures of the statistical Federal Office, nationwide roughly 125,000 homes were approved in the first half of this year. These were 9.6 percent more than in the same period last year.

At the building permits of single-family homes, they were, however, only 1.5 percent more. Nevertheless, real estate expert Faraman advises to the exact look. Studies show that the population is declining at about two-thirds of all rural communities and smaller towns. This can have impact on achievable prices in the resale of a property, seems to understand. In addition, one should let show up when buying an investment reference objects of the developer and Manager of the objects. A trend back to the cities and to larger apartments is clearly visible. This was one reason that many families looking for the amenities of the cities again with its offer, especially since more and more Cities in Germany are working on a significant improvement of the quality of life. On the other hand, there are but also increasingly older people who come back to the cities”, as Thomas Filor. Often they had during their family”lived in the surrounding countryside or the bacon belts of cities and now were looking for alternatives that allow a better coverage generally in old age or disease. For more information,

Section Property

Therefore, the law stipulate that in implementing asset management, trustee has a right to perform with respect to the property, any legal and factual actions. The main thing is that these actions consistent with the agreement on trust management, as well as made in the interests of a trusted administrator, namely the founder or control person referred to them (Section 2, Art. 1012 Civil Code). At the same right property transferred in trust assets remain with the founder's control (paragraph 2 of Section 1, Art. 1012 Civil Code). Situations where the interests of the owner may be the trustee, a lot.

In principle, asset management can be established for any purpose not inconsistent with law. The goal can be not only to extract income from the property, but an increase in property, or Suppose an elementary keeping it in good condition. On the other hand, the need for trust management of property may occur due to various causes of a variety of reasons establishment of trust asset management. Normal, ordinary members of civil turnover often do not have the knowledge necessary to manage their property, so they may resort to conclusion of the contract on trust management. Significant wealth is owned by the state, regional and municipal entities, but officials of the local state apparatus and government, of course, preoccupied with other, equally important daily activities, thus not objectively able to maximize these values. As a result, the aid also comes institute trust management. If necessary, ongoing management of real estate and valuable movable property of the ward guardianship authority concludes with the manager, determined that body, the agreement trust management according to property (Section 1, Art.