Dealing with the Career Itch

Two weeks ago, I received a newsy email from a former client. Dan gave me the scoop on her life and her new love, and concluded that while the work has improved, he felt the itch again to go after career change. Give me a call soon for some personal training sessions. I responded very well to all the news of him, and itching, he said, "Call me when it comes to a burn." Why is this tough love response? I meet dozens of professionals who are unhappy with their work. In almost seven years, I've never seen anyone make a significant change unless there is a burning desire to change. You must have a clear articulation of personal gain you see for yourself at the end of the rainbow career change? and the staff increase must be greater than the pain of staying in place. Dan I did not want to waste their time, energy, or for that matter, money.

So how do you know if you feel an itch or a burn? Pica is usually situational. A confrontation with a coworker? A poor performance evaluation? A disagreement with your boss? Environmental stress. Pica create lots of smoke, like "I can not wait to get out of here." or "That is all. I'm going." But no focused action towards change. And these "reaction" moments are often followed by patches where work is actually in agreement? an interesting project in the works, shared good feelings. In other words, the motivation for change is externally driven. It waxes and wanes based on what is happening in the environment.

All of us have career itches at one time or another. Burns are much deeper. Chop not go? That have been around for a long time (a year or more)? And they have started their value system to the point that: 1. You can no longer compartmentalize work towards life. 2. It is almost impossible (even terrifying) to crawl out of bed in the mornings from Monday. 3. You'll through the motions at work? your feelings are completely disconnected from your work activities. 4. Your energy hits the skids, get sick a lot or have difficulty shaking a common cold. 5. You may feel hopeless or a little (or a lot) depressed. It is an important difference, do not you think? Itchers have a good few ways to regain your balance? Set firm limits workplace, finding a fulfilling outlet outside of work, participating in physical and emotional care that allows you to shrink things better. Burners? you can do these things, too, but probably not their final solution. A split system of values is only recommended when there is a realignment between body, mind and spirit. For burners, career change is not an option? which is a requirement. Take time to regain your energy and perspective. In this more relaxed state, find out how to get help. Your Employee Assistance Plan? Mentor or understanding colleague? At first, do not try to solve the whole problem? draw only a few steps ahead and give yourself a timetable. Their world is just happy as a result of the election and put into action. Patricia Soldati is a former President and COO of a national funding organization that changed his working life in 1999. Now, as a compliance specialist career, she guides unhappy in the work of significant corporate professionals – both inside and outside the corporate walls. For more information about their background and approach or to receive 5 Complimentary Career Change Lessons, visit

International Real Estate

I know many of my readers feel the less astonished to see that such a question I ask myself, knowing my love and passion for advertising and strategic communication in general, but for various moral reasons I am compelled to publish this article. There have been countless mails I've received through the web has invited me to echo the latest rumor of our little world has entered the fray. Evil tongues say that Ruiz Nicoli Lines has purchased outright the prize has been awarded recently by Nielsen. I really do not know what to think. I have always believed and still believe, in cleaning up this type of event where our best creative undoubtedly make a display of professionalism running a large-scale pieces.

I can not imagine managers Ruiz Nicoli Lineas "wheeling and dealing" under the table by taking away a prize or so. I think the first and most important is to make sure where you are coming that kind of rumors, "are perhaps the competition?," Come from the assumptions harmed by the award?, have you leaked the information to someone in the organization of the prizes? These are things to keep in mind, let's not forget that we are dedicated to advertising, counter advertising, information, misinformation … in this sector and we all come back. There are also rumors of the alleged purchase of gold in Cannes, or at least tell me that readers like you who dare to write me, if this is so, we face the same international conspiracy right? No truth, my all this gives me to think not that I prefer to look away, or a lover of mainstream dogma, is simply that I strongly believe in the professionalism of all those who like me to train and qualify to establish itself as authentic strategists century. I firmly believe in the professionalism of the advertising sector in Spain and I think the management of this sector is being carried out by professionals in a masterful way, putting Spain at the top of international scene. However it goes without saying that if I was working in the communications department of one of the two companies involved in the rumor, or Nielsen or lines Ruiz Nicoli not take long to post a disclaimer and try to identify the source of such harmful rumors to stop them in terms that might be required.

In our country the style is very much "if you give importance'm telling you I have done" but things are not so. You can not play with these things if we want to be a serious sector. Must be found liable whether the rumors are true or not and put an end to such practices. Not be allowed or corruption within the sector nor tarnish the reputation of a great agency for free. Anyway dear readers … time will tell! By: Javier L Piriz

Real Estate Sale

The sale of farms is not easy since they are big businesses. Everyone is looking for the best deal out winners, as the amount that can be released from this act usually is of considerable size. To make the work of the sale of property is less difficult, we must make certain improvements that contribute to the recovery of the property to make it more eye catching to potential customers. So the most useful tips in improving a property to promote sales in this case the sale of property, are: the farm must be in the best possible condition at all times for the eventual arrival of any prospective buyer, or activities as mechanisms for this task, it is good to give the general property maintenance such as cleaning, painting, retouching of metal and wood structures, we must keep the property stays closed long time since it began generate odors that hinder the sale of the property is good to use all media possible to fulfill the task of selling the farm, so way be put advertising in media such as print, online, comment on the report of the sale of property to the known, place ads in places of competition, if there is a close friend who has a shop is good to place a notice on its establishment, provided that without the authorization of the same, is also a useful tool to go to a company that promotes this case the sale of property, as they can provide advice at the time of the sale of property, is also of great benefit since that these businesses already have a track record and can generate greater advertising impact than a single person performs as a reference point to those places easier to reach people and from there you can give information to prospective buyer, in addition to a possible visit to the property by a prospect buyer, the company could have a commercial agent to be a professional in the subject of the sale of farm and may have a greater impact on the criterion of buyer. As regards Concerning the value of the property is necessary to study certain aspects to determine the value to agree on the sale of property, the most important aspects are: – location of property – state where the property is located – a comparison against any sale of Previous farm, which has similar characteristics to the property to be sold – must be given real options to encourage the potential buyer, also if in the event that a buyer make an offer close to amount request to accept the proposal, perhaps losing a bit a win-win much, that the more time passes more investment must be made to make the sale. So when the sale of property should be studied very well all the aspects to expedite the sale of the property and available quickly so that capital held static..

Good Business Practices

Here is an example, suppose that in a store used books thousand people a day enter, but not all look the same books, say two hundred search of history, another hundred and fifty of literature, looking three hundred technical books, and the rest looking for various books. The item used books, is a market segment, because there are the “new books”, but within the rubric “books” are the items “history books” is a niche. This is what you should concentrate on a specific niche for you, you calmly analyze what you like best or that is what most know and once you have clear, direct you to that specific audience may need what you have to offer. It is not what I’m saying again and probably already have heard, but it is necessary that you burn it with fire, not pushy longer be true and valuable. Vocalizate on a specific topic instead of several. I’m not saying that if you like a number of issues does not develop, only one at a time, so you can be treating each issue and, over time, you have several websites.

Decide on a specific topic, research, study, learn and get started, and eventually, you can become an expert. You have a wide range of options to choose from, here are some: For Sale Stock Market software. Selling info products. Real estate. Travel and tourism.

Virtual Business. Games & Entertainment. Recipes. Theater. Sporting events. Collecting. Antiquities. Art and culture. Beauty. Self-help. Home. Religion. Health. Die tas. And I assure you that there are many more. As you can see the possibilities are many and varied one must choose the niche market as you stay, the best you feel. Once you’ve chosen your product dedicate yourself some time to study what kind of audience you’re going to run, EVERYTHING IS NOT FOR EVERYONE .. There is no question of placing an ad on Google and come to click on the advertisement any person, if you aim at a specific audience, is to spend clicking and is throwing money away. You have clearly identified the public to which you are going. Choose the public and find out what they want, once you know, just give it, adapt your product to the greatest needs and provides the solution to your problem. For now collects all this information, either in this article or other, save and serve to orient you. Finally: Sorting information, staying with what you serve and discarding what does not, you will learning, and learned everything you get your own answers and certainties.

Vacation Apartments in Rome

If you are planning to go to Rome for your next holiday, I would like to give you some recommendations regarding the selection of apartments for holidays in Rome. It is very important that you first determine how many days are going to last in Rome. You should know that if you live in Europe or elsewhere in the world possibly Rome is a city that is above the price of the place where you come with respect to income received by the people of your country. In general, if you come from somewhere in Latin America, and you are traveling to Rome for your holiday can also find prices in Rome are much more expensive than in your country of origin. Sense in general Europe is expensive and has some of the most expensive cities in the world. Taking into consideration that holidays are to enjoy, enjoy and rest, not to suffer, it is very important that you can make a good plan with a good budget that will allow you to enjoy your vacation in Rome in an appropriate manner. As one of the things that is most commonly spent in hosting, depending on the time you think happen in Rome, the selection of apartments for holidays in Rome can be an excellent choice for you instead of going to a hotel or something like that. If you are going to spend a month in Rome you can find some of those options of apartments that are also hotels, or the so-called hostals in which you have all the facilities that a hotel offers possibly two or three stars, but at the same time you pay a rent equal to as if you were paying for an apartment.

There are many options which you can select within your plan’s search for apartments for holidays in Rome. One of the tools that you will help a lot in your search is the Internet. There are a number of programs online to find apartments and even for your booking them for when you go to your vacation in Rome. This is a very beautiful place that you must not lose by lack of budget or poor planning. Our best recommendation for you you’re looking for holiday apartments in Rome is that you can get something that fits your budget, that is well comfortable, that you not occur any time of discomfort, since it is assumed that you are on vacation and you need to free yourself from all stress, but that at the same time you have left great part of the money for food and visit all the places beautiful and important, historical, religious and cultural sites that has this impressive and beautiful city. Many people understand that the search for apartments for holidays in Rome is better option than going to a hotel in the city since it is very expensive if it’s you go to maybe spend much of your time at places of visit and only going to sleep at the hotel.

Primary Housing Market

In case of insufficient purchasing power of the primary housing market turned to the need to involve in the implementation of qualified real estate agency. On Web sites, many companies now can be seen supply of new apartments, which cost much cheaper than the builder. Due to what form such discounts? Under the conditions of termination of financial flows, construction companies are forced to switch to barter offsets. Active interaction with the real estate agents or contractors of construction companies can offer customers a unique cost. What is remarkable, when you purchase multiple objects Commission is minimal or no charged (ie discount on the purchase is paid either by the contractor or construction company). With apartments, obtained by barter schemes, today entered the market many: the producers of building materials, design institutions, even the media Reduces the cost of the labor market, optimized costs trimmed profits plan. Due to discounts on service contracting organization is formed off the apartment, which ultimately ultimately a benefit to all parties involved and, above all, an investor who has the opportunity to buy a new apartment at a very attractive price.

Until recently, the function implementation objects developers pinned on their own sales departments. Today, construction companies increasingly prefer the system real estate agents. Why is that? Until recently, developers and real estate agents could not begin dialogue. Construction companies, was no shortage of buyers did not need to active sales. Moreover, the speculative demand for housing helped to develop fertile ground for speculation in this market, as "Rollback" sales and sales of queues at the conclusion of the contract.


At present different disciplines approach the happiness and in some cases and are linked to education, from the 50’s humanistic psychology Carl Rogers proposed a different learning, not based on data, memorization or knowledge but on learning that permeate the whole person and change their actions. (Rogers, 1996). In the current educational psychology and constructivism and cultural psychology the concept of open learning and include subjective aspects of the students who should have impact on educational practice with the aim of achieving greater prosperity and happiness as the social-emotional imbalance and deficits at maturity, are directly related to high rates of school failure.

For its part, science, put on the scale of happiness and located in the human brain, arguing that like everything else, you can learn and develop. You will find uses and health benefits for the optimization work, and of course for learning and is from utilitarian approach comes a powerful reason for happiness and education begin to touch, later clarifying that talk about levels of happiness. In science we find great contributions as that of Dr. Patch Adams, who realizes that the closure of happiness in education has come to cause problems of dehumanization and health problems. (Adams, 2009).

Positive psychology promoted by Anglo seek psychological currents of postmodern man welfare and development of human potential, opposing the negative psychology focused almost exclusively on pathologies and traumas, Dr. Seligman is one of the most prestigious neuroscientists and argues that true happiness is not only possible but far from being dependent on the fate or genes, can be cultivated by identifying their strengths and traits that already possess.

Power Cable APvV

Brief description of the cable APvV APvV Power cable is designed for transmission and distribution of electric power in stationary installations, the ac voltage 10, 20, 35 kV, 50 Hz for networks with isolated or grounded. Cable Construction APvV APvV power cable comes with an aluminum housing multiwire corresponding to class 2 according to gost 22483-77. Surface veins superimposed display of the extruded conductive peroksidosshitoy composition of polyethylene and polyethylene insulation peroksidnosshitogo. On the insulating layer is also superimposed screens: extruded conductive crosslinked polyethylene composition and Combined two-ply. The first layer of superimposed coil, made of conducting paper tape or conductive polymer tape thickness not less than 0,2 mm. The second layer is made of copper naviv wires with a nominal diameter 0,7-2,0 mm, over which is superimposed spiral copper tape with a minimum thickness of 0,1 mm and a width of not less than 8 mm. This is followed by separating layer of two strips of crepe paper or cable or rubberized fabric thickness of not less than 0,2 mm, as a protective element provides the shell of pvc plastic.

Technical and operational characteristics of the cable, power cable APvV APvV can be operated at ambient temperatures from -60 C to +50 C and a relative humidity of 98% at temperatures up to +35 C. In operating mode, the maximum allowable temperature for a long time of heating cable cores to + 90 C, while in emergency mode, or under overload conditions, its value may reach + 130 C (heating duration is not more than 8 hours per day and 1000 hours for the entire period of service). Short-circuit (up to 4 seconds), the maximum permissible temperature of conductors + 250 C and heating copper cable screen 35 C. Under the terms of nevozgoraemosti cable APvV its ultimate temperature of heating wires short-circuit is 400 C. Cable installation APvV without preheating at a temperature not below -15 C (for cables with pvc jacket) and not less than – 200C (for cables with plastic insulation). Minimum bend radius – 15 Dn, using special templates – 7,5 Dn (Dn – outer cable diameter). Building length cables stipulated in the order. The service life of cables APvV under normal operating conditions – 30 years old, lifetime warranty – 5 years. Scope APvV cable Power cable APvV used for fixed wiring in cable structures and industrial buildings, on roads without limitation difference levels. Allowed wiring in dry soils. With a single gasket APvV are self-extinguishing.

Property Transferred

October 7, 2010 the Trial Chamber on Civil Cases of the Supreme Court of Ukraine held the generalization of the judicial practice of considering the civil cases arising from the credit relationship (2009-2010) (Excerpts) In particular, the analysis of claims statements indicates that when you contact the court to creditors is limited only by the requirement to foreclose on the mortgaged property / collateral without the requirement to collect the appropriate amount of debt. When Settlement of Disputes in this category is considered fundamental if a court finds non-performance or improper performance of the principal obligation, only if a court and has the right to foreclose on the subject of mortgage / pledge. Under the provisions of Art. Art. 33, 35 of the Law of Ukraine "On mortgage", according to which in case of violation of the basic obligations and / or conditions of the mortgage contract mortgagee and the mortgagor directs debtor, if he has different faces, a written request to eliminate the violations no later than thirty days. This document specifies a summary of broken commitments and to prevent the transfer of the mortgaged property in case of failure to do so. If within the time limit requirement of the mortgagee is not satisfied, the mortgagee may initiate foreclosure on the mortgaged property in accordance with this Law. Failure to comply with these regulations is an obstacle to foreclosure on the mortgage, but does not preclude treatment with a claim against the debtor on the implementation of the secured mortgage obligation accordance with Part 2 of Art.

Mineral Resources

2.4.Zakon "The promotion of tourism" Law 2634 "On the promotion of tourism," contains provisions for the development of the tourism sector, determines the order of foreign investment in the Turkish tourism industry, and also determines order of protection of cultural monuments. The introduction of this law has greatly facilitated the use of real estate by foreign investors in the tourist areas. Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Turkey can take in Rent real estate Turkish and foreign natural and legal persons on pre-defined conditions, to establish this property of the autonomous and permanent rights, including the easement – the right to use someone else's real estate. List of cultural sites and historical heritage, are allowed to lease by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism in consultation with the Council of Ministers of Turkey. In accordance with the Law 442 "On the rural settlements "and 2644" On registration of property rights "by the decision of the Council of Ministers of the rights of foreign nationals to own real estate may be limited to" protected zones of cultural heritage and development zones tourism "in favor of Turkish citizens. 2.5.Zakon "condominium" in Turkish legislation on property rights of houses, namely, apartment, shop, office or warehouse, and others regulated by the Law 634 "About a condominium," The Act also does not makes the difference between Turkish citizens and foreigners in relation to the acquisition and enjoyment. 2.6.Zakon 3213 "On Mineral Resources" The Law "On mineral resources" have provisions which make it possible for foreigners to operate in the field of mining and mineral resources in the best conditions.