Declaration Of Income For Sale Property

Few know that the sale of immovable property return must be filed with always, regardless of the need to pay tax or not. Declaration can be filled in by yourself or offer it to the tax inspector for a fee and write it all incomes, including wages, although it taxes already paid by the employer. You will also need to attach additional documentation and application for a property tax deduction. Declaration for the deduction must be given no later than April 20, and the amount of tax paid by 15 July of the year following the year of sale of property. You should know that if the property is located in your property Bole three years, you are completely exempt from income tax for its sale.

No matter how you became the owner of the property: buy it, privatized, were inherited. If the seller stayed owner of at least three years, he is obliged to pay income tax at a rate of 13 per cent of the amount exceeding one million rubles from the sale of real estate. So often in the transaction in the sales contract should indicate the cost of just one million rubles, as the Civil Code does not oblige the parties to conclude contracts at market prices or documenting the value of property transactions. But you can get a certain amount from the state, being the buyer. The fact that you are entitled to a tax deduction, that is exempt from income tax on the amount of not more than one million rubles. That is, buying apartment for one million rubles and more, on your application to the tax office with the sum of one million rubles you will be tax deductible – a maximum of 130 000 rubles.

Application for a deduction can be made within three years from the date of purchase. The law stipulates that a citizen can exercise their right to this deduction only once in a lifetime. But this point is easily bypassed, if you place an apartment next to the spouse or child, which deductions have not yet received. Less in this case the same: to get the deduction, you need a decent "white" wages. Do not forget that the deductions – is income tax returns that you have already paid (or who paid for your employer). So if you get a salary in an envelope, then you have nothing to return.

The 4 Golden Rules For Success

Gradually, Twitter is becoming an increasingly used tool for the general public, but also by business and media. Yesterday afternoon, while returning home, listening to the radio, more specifically a station that was discussing the day football. The reporter talked to a player, and then said that in his particular Twitter had won more than 100 new supporters in a minute, because he was giving information about that player. I really enjoyed listening to the radio sports journalists of the Spanish radio stations are already using Twitter to communicate with users, and I liked to hear that users like you and me are already using Twitter to "listen" to media. I wanted to leave you here all 4 Golden Rules for success in Twitter. There are four rules that we can locate within the normal common sense, but in any case, if you're starting to introduce you to the Twitter world am convinced that if you follow these four simple rules, you will have a huge success with your Twitter.

1. Show the face of Counting: When you see a person who is counting on your Twitter so handsome, tall and nice it is … you think it is not as smart as you think. Rather than use Twitter to tell the people who we are or what we know, we should focus on providing the people we "listen" on Twitter quality information on the issue we want to talk about. a Thus, we can get that our followers on Twitter are attracted by the contents and the quality of our messages on Twitter. 2.

Apasionata by the process: No matter if we have 5 or 5,000 fans. We should always have the same passion and interest in the process of Twitter. If we love the process of Twitter, if we make the act is something interesting Twitter, attractive and motivating, it's only a matter of time that our list of supporters grows like wildfire. If we put effort and passion in what we do, the results will not be long in coming. a 3. Find The Balance: We must find the balance, the point where we feel comfortable with what we do, in this case Twitter. It is physically impossible to be aware of all the messages we receive through Twitter, and therefore, we must choose very carefully who to follow on Twitter. In addition, we should not make Twitter an obsession, but on the contrary, we find the perfect balance point, the "zone" where we feel comfortable being with our Twitter. We know when to use our Twitter, and also must know when to stop using it and pause. 4. Focus on what you can make, not the technology: Twitter is simply what users make of it. Many people think that Twitter is a very useful tool, but there are many people who think Twitter is a waste of time. Both views are correct. Why? Because Twitter is exactly what everyone does with the box we have on our screen or mobile phone. If think it's a waste of time, then it will be, but if we think we are providing valuable content and information in that text box where you can add only 140 characters each time that Twitter, then become a useful and beneficial for us. If you are interested in adding Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, or another social network for your company, contact us and we will plan a budget for marketing in social networks without any commitment.


REALITY Conceptualization As it clarifies William Luijpen, ' ' all and any construction human being, either in science, either in the art, the philosophy or the religion, estimates or has as its starting point the Real. The act to question themselves on the direction of the life, from the reflexiva conscience, and to construct reality concepts (s) that it varies (m) position according to where if finds the citizen observing, are characteristic proper of the beings humanos' '. For W. Luijpen, the quarrel on the diversification of the realities and the variety of the worlds are associated with the one of the multiple truths, each one of these truths with its specific values in one determined context, not remaining degree or anteriority of one (scientific truth, for example) in relation ace others that are aesthetic or philosophical. W. Luijpen, Intr. to the existencial fenomenologia ' ' Reality, therefore, is an extremely complex concept, that deserves deepened philosophical reflections. After all, all construction human being, either in science, the art, the philosophy or the religion, works with the Real, or has in it its bedding or starting point (and of arrived).

Better saying she treats yourself, in last analysis, of if to question the direction of the life human being, life that, endowed with a reflexiva conscience, constructed its concepts of reality, from which if exerts in the world and if it multiplies, modifying to each moment the face of planeta.' ' Joo Francisco Duarte Jnior, Intr., 12 Joo Francisco Duarte Jnior defines types of Reality: 1.a Daily Reality that if all imposes we with its weight. It is the one that if can say reality par excellence, in which we move in them as fish in the water. It is based on intentions practical, that in last analysis, have to see with our survival. 2.a Scientific Reality is one ' ' reality of second ordem' ' : apia reality that if in that one where we day-by-day move in them in ours. The scientific constructions leave, inevitably, of our perception human being of the reality (daily reality).

Prenzlauer Berg

In the two main centers in Berlin, the old district Center and the environment of the Ku dam, but also at the Grunewald and of course in the Prenzlauer Berg rents significantly above the model forecasts (on average in Prenzlauer Berg and Center about 20%). This must not zwangslaufig represent an overestimate of the rates, it may indicate in these cases also unobserved qualities. What is striking, however, is that the spatial distribution of deviations differ from the model forecasts in the purchase prices of real estate from the rental. In Neukolln stands out particularly from the results. Both rent and purchase prices are overestimated on the border of Kreuzberg which implies gentrification. Southeast of the Hermann square, rents are still not overrated, but the purchase prices: this may indicate expected Gentrifizierungsprozesse.

According to study evidence of real estate bubbles in Berlin markets of part of, the ratio of the overvaluation between rental and purchase prices significantly for this is generally, whether from an incipient bubble speak can or rather not. “” If fails the overvaluation in the purchase prices greater than the rental price “, so Dr. Yosef Gabriel Ahlfeldt, can this pattern be interpreted as an indication for the beginnings of a real estate bubble”. Because rental relatively well the actual ratio of supply and demand are reflected, the purchase price, however, above all expectations. Southeast of the Hermann square can occur therefore also to a bubble if not the expected Gentrifizierungsprozesse. In other areas, as large parts of the Prenzlauer Berg can speak already of an incipient albeit a small bubble. Maps and info to the PSI on the Internet de/showcase/new psi price / de/showcase/berlin-index-psi / initiators Dr.

habil Gabriel Ahlfeldt is lecturer in urban economics and land development at the London School of Economics and political science (LSE) and an associate member of the Center for metropolitan studies of the Technical University of Berlin (co-head of the urban) Economics Group). Dr. Nicolai Wendland teaches and his Habilitation at the Department international economics of the Technical University of Darmstadt and is also an associate member of the Center for metropolitan studies of the Technical University of Berlin (co-head of the urban economics group).


The city is an oven. Only when we arrive somewhere that has air conditioning we realize the many benefits that these products bring to our lives. Now that summer is over, it is the ideal time for repairs to maintenance of your air conditioner LG in Mendoza. When we observe carefully how it works an air-conditioning unit we realize the wonder of its operation, and that a small volume may contain as many different parts that combine to give the fresh breeze that relieves us when the temperature rises as a result. A basic air conditioning has a compressor, expansion valve, an outlet and an air vent, two fans and a control unit. True responsible for that cool air is a refrigerant called freon. The compressor is located in the outdoor unit, placed on the outside of the environment we want to weatherize.

This device will compress to freon, giving you increased pressure and temperature. This hottest freon reaches the condenser, place where the gas is blend and loses temperature. But not completes the route of the gas, responsible for our sense of relief. This colder gas passes through the valve hand, losing pressure and warming up. Here it enters the evaporator, place where finally cools the air that we feel on our face. Whole mechanism is completely reversible, i.e., changing the controls, can be that you hot air instead of cooling it.

In fact they are very complete devices, since with a single investment we get to have the ideal climate, both in summer and in winter a friendly. In addition, the placement of the air conditioning Split is extremely simple, and don’t need to break walls, as with traditional models of window. The constant use of the air conditioner exhausts freon refrigerant gas, therefore impresindible perform a periodic recharging so as to maintain its ability to control the weather. In addition the air passes through various filters that necessarily will tend to get dirty with running of the time. The purchase of a unit of air conditioning is not one minor investment, so it is necessary to allow in skilled hands the maintenance repairs must be carried out each year to maintain its operation as the first day that was installed. For this reason, it will be necessary to find an LG service in Mendoza who may be able to perform these tasks in an efficient and professional manner.


But often overlooked something very important, so-called "soft" technology. These have to do with the way it organizes the production process (the way tasks are distributed as defining the qualifications required by staff, as it is practiced and understood the authority, it collects and distributes information) and were of such significance that industrial success can not be separated from its implementation and improvement. Thus the productive performance of the company is determined by how you manage to combine both kinds of technologies. The importance of today's organized production technology has been revealed by numerous data, which clearly indicates that countries that show better economic performance are the most invested in technology development and products that increase their participation in international trade are those in the technology value outweighs Hence the importance of management to identify where technology management, technology management is the organizational activity by which it defines and implements the technology needed to achieve the objectives and business goals in terms of quality, effectiveness, value addition and competitiveness. Technology Management Company is applying a set of practices that allow you to set a technology strategy consistent with its business plans. In the business environment technology management revealed in their plans, policies and technological strategies for the acquisition, use and creation of technology and innovation when it is assumed as the core of development strategies of business. It is also evident when the corporate culture has been "creating innovative thinking, focused on lifelong learning to underpin the growth of competitiveness in the long run" (Colciencias, 1998). .

Denmark Sweden

Back to nature: the new country pleasure in 2013 offers Europe’s leading holiday home provider NOVASOL in Denmark, Sweden and Norway more than 11,000 houses including a large selection of organic – houses. -Hytte Stuga, or sommerhus?: Holiday House catalogues for Denmark, Sweden and Norway published – more than 11,000 houses in Scandinavia – large selection of organic homes with ecological power generation, private wells, etc. Hamburg, October 2012 recharge, rest, relax every year more people travel to Scandinavia, to recover from the stress of everyday life in the breathtaking nature. At the same time, Norway’s fascinating fjord landscapes, extensive forests of Sweden or Denmark’s beaches are a paradise for nature lovers and Rejuvenator. Europe’s leading holiday home provider NOVASOL has recognized this potential of Scandinavia: with his back-to the natural “holiday homes in Norway and Sweden the company on nature pure and offers with its Houses”in Denmark holiday houses for eco-conscious travellers to. NOVASOL provides a wide range of new energy-saving houses or houses placed energy efficiency on the latest savings holiday in Denmark in Denmark.

About solar power plants or heating systems, solar energy is used here at many holiday homes. Holiday House guests save so considerably the expenses and vacations at the same time particularly environmentally friendly. With the savings holiday”holiday budget can be spared Additionally: booking of at least two weeks to get ten percent discount on selected houses in Denmark during the low season. Just click on the homepage or look in the catalogs on the spar holiday icon (white S”on red background) or the note in the description of the House. Example of energy: If a great nature, tranquility, a rural environment and sea are on the holiday list, then is this cottage in Stauning in the Ringkobing fjord in West Jutland just right. It is heated with a heat pump. Because it is a Sunshine House, it costs even in the high season 650 euro / week.

Audi – Cars Since 1909

On Aug 16, 1909 August Horch founded the Audi AG in Zwickau. Then in 1910 the first Audi in Zwickau went off the line. In the thirties, joined forces on Audi, DKW, Horch and Wanderer and symbolized their names with the four interlocking rings. Later came the acquisition of the Daimler Benz Group and the Volkswagen group. In this Konstelation then went end of sixty years of the Audi 100 from the tape, from then on, the cars were equipped with more power as the Audi 60th Were developed including the 5-cylinder engine, the 4 wheel drive (all wheel drive) and the fully galvanized body. 1994, the first body made of aluminum and was presented under the name of Audi Space Frame from the tape in the car dealers.

Now bot Seat, Audi and Lamborghini, the Audi group, under the Volkswagen Group were formed VW, Skoda, Bentley and Bugatti. Audi was the first German car which came with a catalytic converter on the market. A special characteristic is the single-frame grille which is not covered by the bumper separated into two parts. Even in the motor racing, Audi has been very very successful badge. The sponsorship in the football field names are read, such as the FC Bayern Munich, FC Barcelona and many more.

But even in winter sports such as ski jumping and alpine skiing at the Audi is represented. With a sensational TV Spot Audi made the loose-Elvis cult. He was on the dashboard and swung his hips to music and tactfully led the people to keep spending spree at the little plastic figure. The new Audi models are among the most advanced cars thanks to its outstanding technology and its sporty, modern designs.

Business Systems

The invention of systems that facilitate certain processes, it is vitally important today, since the need for these is represented in cases such as storage and organization, which are important factors for the successful development of a company. So in this article we will focus on highlighting the benefits offered storage in the development of history and how important it is today for both business functionality as in everyday life. Storage is the method by which the organization of such elements as raw materials, supplies and food to others is facilitated, without commenting in addition to protecting these materials, you can maintain proper order and information about them, either it useful for a company or a home. Storage systems consist of developing a container, where they can be included some elements of these systems can be designed from a box until shipping containers, which are a great reference storage, not to mention the existence of wineries and residential places specially designed for storage. Currently the storage plays a key role in some tasks, such as in postal and shipping companies, where storage and transport of materials is the main source of work, the storage is important in these activities, as facilitates the processes mentioned . Today we find other types of storage such as mobile phones, which are to create containers that can be carried anywhere, although these can be divided into two types, these are: cold storage system: it consists of creating containers maintain a temperature suitable for the transportation of perishable items like food, this system usually integrates trailers carrying large quantities of cargo over longer periods of time. System warm or thermal storage: this is based primarily on maintaining the temperature of the transported items are usually food, the use of this system is primarily used in restaurants and places provide food services at home.

Although the variety of types of storage are many specially designed systems currently find some of them such as: Containers grains. Containers of liquid chemicals. gas containers. Containers of animals. fuel containers. Containers of food. Although many elements plus the amount of storage currently being developed, these make reference to any of them. The development of some disciplines such as architecture and technology have successfully intervened in the evolution of storage, as new technology and designs, are allowing some important work in large storage facilities are provided, as these new systems allow the classification Automatic material to keep, depending on type, size, and temperature. It is good to note that in some places such as offices and residences, storage is important because it allows you to save items such as papers, books or tools of work, allowing easy access to them, because usually these systems are storage drawers, drawers or shelves. In conclusion, storage presents itself as an excellent way to store or transport items without having to worry that such deterioration or loss.

Mobilplus Tracking

“Dresdner mobilplus GmbH tests YellowTracker mobile and fixed network communications and sales partner of YellowFox GmbH in harsh conditions of Dresden, 2.6.2009 – the mobilplus GmbH, Dresdner service provider in the area, is unusual ways in the truest sense of the word: the portable tracking solution presented at the Leipzig AMI YellowTracker is tested under the consistently harsh conditions: in the Backpack on 120 km pilgrimage route Camino de Santiago ‘ the famous route in Northern Spain. The YellowTracker of YellowFox is designed as a tracking device for electroless objects. Its battery lasts up to 2.5 years at an appropriate interval. GPS is via satellite of all 25 min (interval to 1 minute possible) determines the exact position of the box and to its wearer. “Using colored status messages can be detected even if moving the carrier of the box or just a breather” is inserted.

An integrated alarm button on the YellowTracker with automatic message distribution to up to 6 recipients, as well as the permanent care for special security Battery indicator battery low live on the Internet. Via GPRS, migrate this data in the datacenter and there prepared for presentation on the Internet. Personal location is a still relatively young in the telematics market, but very interesting. “, Hendrik Scherf, leads from CEO of mobilplus GmbH. With the live tracking of our Assistant Liane Hayn, who proposed the test itself, we want to address this issue and under reellsten conditions apply”, Marko Barwanietz, her boss explained. The permanent movement of location box in this area of Europe’s rapidly changing weather conditions, limited GPS and mobile phone reception and moisture are the particular challenges of hardware and software of the YellowTracker. A first duration test with the Dresden bike Messenger In no time”was already very positive results in April. The pilgrimage”is updated every day, live on the Internet and can be tracked here:…