Investment Partners

Discover the supernova idea of distributing goods and services, which in record time, captures the minds and opens up new customers. The epidemic of common sense in action! How do you feed? Intrigued? Then read on! Intrigue – Here is one of the most powerful levers of viral marketing. Today I will tell you about the methods of information transfer, which are unprecedented in their effectiveness, speed and cheapness. The idea virus has nothing to do with computer virus and does not harm people. Viral marketing does not tolerate spam, and refers only to interested Internet users. It’s no secret that traditional advertising is too intrusive and ineffective. When This, after an advertising campaign demand falls.

What can maintain a constant interest in your product, service, site, you ask? The answer is – viral spread. Thanks to technology viral business you receive an ever-increasing traffic, which grows like the Big Bang into the universe. And all this time without your participation. What do you need to run like a virus? First of all, we need a great idea. The idea should benefit the people and the like. Like the idea should be so that users wanted to share it with your friends and acquaintances. If the idea is good, then we will have no problems in order to ask the host our links or become an owner of major thematic resources and newsletters for its target audience.

It is also important to develop your own personal brand. ide-financing/’>ARC Investment Partners. The vast majority of resources in the Russian-speaking Internet unnamed or simply stated the name or nickname – for a company or product is not visible for a specific author. Your future clients or partners want to know whom they entrust their money and time. The next thing to keep in mind – need to know your audience and turn it to her. For example, if your site or newsletter about real estate, you should not apply to people engaged in breeding purebred dogs, etc. I want to finish my story so that Today, if you have the knowledge and experience in their fields and have a quality and popular original content that you want to share for free, then make a name for himself on the Internet without special expenses not problem. With all the ensuing emotional moments. I’ve listed the basic principles of viral marketing – now it’s up to you. I wish you good luck and new achievements!

Property Purchase in Italy

We continue to talk about how the real estate purchase in Italy. The offer to purchase (Proposta d'acquisto) After the buyer has decided on the choice of property, he must declare his intention to buy favorite subject. To do this on behalf of the buyer to the seller constitute an offer to purchase, which includes the basic terms of the transaction. The proposal is sent to the seller for approval by fax, e-mail, or in any other way. If the seller accepts the offer of the buyer, then you can proceed to the next stage of the transaction. Robert Speyer will not settle for partial explanations. In drawing up proposals for the purchase of the buyer leaves a deposit in the name of Vendor to confirm their seriousness.

Usually this amount is small in size. This deposit also serves as a guarantee that the seller would not sell the property to third parties. If the seller does not accepts the proposal the buyer, the deposit is returned to the buyer. If, after signing deals to buy both parties the buyer changes his mind and refuses to buy this object, the money left in as a deposit, the buyer will not be returned. If the seller no longer wishes to sell the facility after accepting an offer to buy, he pays the seller the amount of deposit received twice as much. Stage design offer to buy is not mandatory at the conclusion of the sale of real estate in Italy. Preliminary sales agreement (Il Compromesso di compravendita) The next step to buying a property in Italy is a written pre-sale contract.

Walter Scott

The romantic model of Walter Scott was suffering modifications throughout the times, being that one, occured one still in century XIX, the Cinq-Mars workmanship, of Vigny, consisted of presence of historical personages as protagonists. Other authors, as Victor Hugo, also base its workmanships on the individual action, exaltando real heroes and opposing the scottiano model. Thus, in century XX, with the transformations of the historical speech and the conception of proper history, the historical romance gains a new feio, in which the author does not feel obliged more to copy and to reflect the world external, but to create its proper worlds, without if worrying in always saying really? paper of the historical speech? nor with the probability that kept the traditional ficcional speech. In short, the author if feels freer to transit between one and another side of ‘ ‘ barreira’ ‘ that he separates the ficcional speech of the description.

Lukcs, to develop its study concerning the scottiano model, lingers to analyze it the process of construction of the personage. Different of many workmanships of the Romantismo, the romance of Scott always has as central figure ‘ ‘ medium hero and prosaico’ ‘. Lukcs makes use of conception of hero of the epic formulated for the Hegel philosopher opposes and it to the profile of the hero of the historical romance. While in that one the hero understands in itself what generally he meets spread in the national character and therefore it occupies the center of the text and ties its individuality with its main events, in the historical romance the protagonists acquires representation for its typically national characteristics, not in the direction of comprehensive eminences, but yes for representing the average. Therefore, while in the epic they are ‘ ‘ the national heroes of the poetical conception of vida’ ‘ , in the historical romance they are ‘ ‘ heroes prosaicos’ ‘ , that is, for Scott the heroic personage is only representative of an important and significant chain that understands ample layers of the population? he is a vulgar, trivial hero.

Rhine Carnival

In the beginning, the carnival lasted three months and was the time when everything was allowed. The church and the power constraints were checking over the years. First fornication banned in churches. Then, the weapons in the hands of masked men. Later, namely the use of the mask to the Carnival, taking into account that the Venetians had extended its use to many secular celebrations of the year … In any case, these masks features and lavish clothing are the best of this carnival, unique in the world. Source: LeFrak Organization.

Precisely because of its great tradition, can be difficult to achieve if we do not seek it. (Germany) Shouting Alaaf Kolle! (Meaning Viva Colonia!) Thousands of people are wandering the streets of this German city that grows in the shadow of its giant cathedral and the Rhine Everybody has a beer in hand and a handful of candy in the other. The best time of carnival is Rose Monday when involving some twenty thousand people in a grand parade of floats its way through the streets of Cologne, which is taken very seriously by this event, reaffirming the power of the people if only for a day. Womens Carnival is the Tuesday before Mardi Gras. This day the women took power and with the men held at the Old Town. If you’re thinking of escape, and we recommend that you start looking, before the ticket prices are made by them The Swiss city, also on the Rhine, organized the country’s most popular party. Some twenty thousand people dress up and take to the streets during those days. The highlight is ‘Morgestraich’ which is held the Monday after Ash Wednesday. When the clock strikes four am, drummers and pipers dressed ‘Charivari’ are set up with lamps placed on the head.

Tuesday night is dedicated mainly that fill the city with its cacophony improvised. In the city of Basel are one of the most important in Europe, masks and colorful costumes make it one of the best shows on the famous visual exposure.Madeira (Portugal) Under the theme ‘Seas and Oceans’ is held in Funchal, the capital of this island the most famous of all Portuguese carnivals. The city is full of lights, feathers, half-naked bodies and a lot of music, the rhythm of samba and many other salsa rhythms, prevents stop dancing for a moment. The highlight is Saturday night, when he plays out the procession of floats, with their queens, mermaids and other creatures marinas.Niza (France) For eleven days the capital of the Costa Azul live carnival as a great show exquisite, with a street environment in much more sedate and quiet in other carnivals. Their battles of flowers and horseback riding are true works of art, where every detail of the choreography and costumes are a waste of elegance and French. This year twenty floats accompanied by over a thousand musicians and dancers recreate the passion for the environment through the slogan ‘The King of Blue Planet. ” Carlos Hernandez is a passionate wanderers, always ready to backpack and live the adventure. Back home, like a child enjoys telling us about life experiences and stories of people and mysterious places.

Credit Without Collateral

Because of the current economic downturn, more and more people need loans to pay for goods at other times they can pay for themselves. Many now have to deal with credit and creditors. The problem is that there are so many different types of loans that it is easy to get confused. As you know, if you make wise choices? You want to do what's best for you, but it can be difficult to know if you do it. Most common types of loans you see in the security, or unsecured. So which is better? Loans with security against an unsecured loan.

The difference between these two loans is that secured credit is due accompanied by some kind of pledge. It is a pledge, it can be taken if you do not have to repay the loan in a timely manner. Unsecured loans do not have any collateral. You just get a loan because of your good credit rating. If you are trying to figure out what is best for you to secure against an unsecured loan, you just have to look at your own personal situation. You must understand that what may be a good solution to the credit one person may be wrong for another person. How to find out which is better secured or unsecured loan, you need to know whether you have a good credit rating. You do not get more money from unsecured loans because your credit history otriuatelna, you should choose a secured loan.

Just because you have bad credit rating does not mean that you can not repay the loan. The only question you'll have deal with reality, if you do not repay the loans. You'll have to put up some personal items as collateral, so you have to do everything possible to repay the loan, not to lose your questions. On the other hand, if you you know you have great credit and should not be a problem getting credit of any amount, the winner of security against unsecured loans fight should be an unsecured loan. You do not have to worry about loss of any personal belongings, if you somehow default on the loan. Details can be found by clicking Robert Speyer or emailing the administrator. Loans for any need


Obama mortgage rescue plan, FHA refinance lenders many people are now facing problem on their finances. Some are buried in debt and on the brink of declaring bankruptcy or business foreclosures. Many may have to surrender their assets and that will be the most stressful thing of all. Losing all your hard earned properties can be the most girls’painful thing that can happen to any individual. If this happens to you, there are many options that are available to you. But most are not really that attractive and might make you more in debt than ever.

Some people try to avail of home refinancing loans only to themselves find being taken advantage by some unscrupulous lending agents. Most of these finance lenders will, by this time, dictate all the terms and the borrowers have no other choice but to accept them even if it means that they have to pay for much higher interest Council. Eventually, instead of being able to get back on track, the borrowers find themselves in deeper trouble than before. Fortunately such individuals nowadays, there are government programs that can help. One of these programs is the home affordable refinance program that is specifically designed to be in aid of those who are about to lose everything they own. This home affordable refinance application process is very easy. The landowners want to just have to prove that they are indeed on the brink of bankruptcy and that the home they are trying to finance is their primary home.

The Government’s intervention on home refinancing programs want to oblige the banks and other lending companies to offer home affordable refinance Council to the borrowers. Making home affordable program guidelines as the new system in mortgage process wants to be a big drawback for private lenders because with these guidelines, they have to refinance loans at much lesser value. But they do not have any choice as these guidelines were presented by the government itself. The Obama loan modification plan is the fruit of the President’s ambition to save the housing market by reconstructing the mortgages so that homeowners will stay at their homes as they struggle to keep their finances afloat. This plan is concentrated on helping homeowners keep their homes, but to be able for that to happen, they have to continue paying their monthly payments. Homeowners do not need to worry though about the monthly fees as they will be much lower than what most private lenders want to rate them without the Government’s plan. John Smith is a senior consultant at and shares his five years relevant experience on Obama mortgage relief and FHA streamline refinance.

Mexico City

One of the sessions that I remember in particular is one in which the tears overflowed despite the effort to contain it, was painful, but very clearly not happened, instead of going, to mourn, out, took me to the depths of me, with impressive clarity and conscience, I could touch the chaos that I was drowning, discouragement, despair was profound, yearning for the ineffable was about to abandon moral exhaustion could no longer hold, with the crying was such a relief, smooth and easy that impressed me, it was a cathartic moment, they the know the perfection, was healing, and I appreciate infinity, now that I look back, I can feel, almost touch, peace and love that filled the void that was the consciousness of what was happening in me, it's as if everything was there had been transmuted. Again, each session in person, for me has been amazing, particularly in the master's, resistors, jam, attachments, conditions, are tangible, I can feel like they are frozen, they are like scabs could not remove, and in each session I could see, feel, and fall apart, fall apart, sometimes turning and are no longer, there have been times when it comes back to Mexico City, commenting Marce theory was given, there are parts that simply do not remember, but I'm inside very restful, peaceful, with renewed energy to continue and something in the view of reality changes, something breaks, do not explain it but for example, there is no routine in reality, nothing is monotonous, auque activities continued in ever, learning is smooth and steady before that happened to an extraordinary event that broke the routine, not now, now maintains and nourishes face each session. . .

Buying Property In Sardinia, In A Condominium

In preparation for buying real estate in Sardinia, in a condominium is necessary to check, whether fully paid the appropriate fees for the previous periods at the time of transfer of ownership of property. Article 63 of the Civil Italy provides that any new member must pay the condominium fees on condominium management costs for the current and previous years. In other words, the buyer (new owner) with the seller have obligations to the condo to pay the cost of the condominium for the past two years. A serious question, because the condominium manager in the presence of arrears of contributions from a participant condominium, as a rule will apply to the court against the new owner / buyer. To avoid unpleasant surprises and problems when purchasing property in a condominium in Sardinia to time to check availability of existing debts to the seller party condominium. WARNING! When purchasing real estate in Sardinia in the condominium check for the seller to pay the debt of regular contributions to the condominium to the signing of the offer to purchase, or before signing the preliminary contract, and in any event, before signing the Notary Deed of transfer of ownership of the property.

The buyer may boldly ask the seller to issue a written consent / permission to view customer documents relating to payment kondominialnyh contributions, which are stored at the reception condominium. The latter, in its turn, has no right to refuse a buyer who has applied to him to see the accounts of the seller-member condominium, with written permission from the seller. Thus, the buyer, directly referring to the administration of the condominium, the seller can check on the regularity of payments and late payments of contributions to the management and maintenance of the condominium. In addition, the act of transfer of ownership of property should include the phrase that the buyer is exempt from any liability for past due payments to the seller kondominialnyh contributions. The rules on joint and several liability under the law, there is retreat, which exclude the use of joint and several liability in the event of agreement between the parties that requested to do by including a limitation in the final sales contract. By doing so , in the case of disputed arrears after the condominium is a fait accompli transfer of ownership of property by passing a copy of a notarial deed administrator condominium, new the owner can be sure that it has not filed any claims by the administration of the condominium to pay the debts, the outstanding former owner. If all the same, the opposite happened, then the buyer can withstand the prescribed payments, involving a witness seller, thus freeing themselves from any obligations to pay the arrears condominium, it is not related. So Be careful in this regard!

Declaration Of Income For Sale Property

Few know that the sale of immovable property return must be filed with always, regardless of the need to pay tax or not. Declaration can be filled in by yourself or offer it to the tax inspector for a fee and write it all incomes, including wages, although it taxes already paid by the employer. You will also need to attach additional documentation and application for a property tax deduction. Declaration for the deduction must be given no later than April 20, and the amount of tax paid by 15 July of the year following the year of sale of property. You should know that if the property is located in your property Bole three years, you are completely exempt from income tax for its sale.

No matter how you became the owner of the property: buy it, privatized, were inherited. If the seller stayed owner of at least three years, he is obliged to pay income tax at a rate of 13 per cent of the amount exceeding one million rubles from the sale of real estate. So often in the transaction in the sales contract should indicate the cost of just one million rubles, as the Civil Code does not oblige the parties to conclude contracts at market prices or documenting the value of property transactions. But you can get a certain amount from the state, being the buyer. The fact that you are entitled to a tax deduction, that is exempt from income tax on the amount of not more than one million rubles. That is, buying apartment for one million rubles and more, on your application to the tax office with the sum of one million rubles you will be tax deductible – a maximum of 130 000 rubles.

Application for a deduction can be made within three years from the date of purchase. The law stipulates that a citizen can exercise their right to this deduction only once in a lifetime. But this point is easily bypassed, if you place an apartment next to the spouse or child, which deductions have not yet received. Less in this case the same: to get the deduction, you need a decent "white" wages. Do not forget that the deductions – is income tax returns that you have already paid (or who paid for your employer). So if you get a salary in an envelope, then you have nothing to return.

The 4 Golden Rules For Success

Gradually, Twitter is becoming an increasingly used tool for the general public, but also by business and media. Yesterday afternoon, while returning home, listening to the radio, more specifically a station that was discussing the day football. The reporter talked to a player, and then said that in his particular Twitter had won more than 100 new supporters in a minute, because he was giving information about that player. I really enjoyed listening to the radio sports journalists of the Spanish radio stations are already using Twitter to communicate with users, and I liked to hear that users like you and me are already using Twitter to "listen" to media. I wanted to leave you here all 4 Golden Rules for success in Twitter. There are four rules that we can locate within the normal common sense, but in any case, if you're starting to introduce you to the Twitter world am convinced that if you follow these four simple rules, you will have a huge success with your Twitter.

1. Show the face of Counting: When you see a person who is counting on your Twitter so handsome, tall and nice it is … you think it is not as smart as you think. Rather than use Twitter to tell the people who we are or what we know, we should focus on providing the people we "listen" on Twitter quality information on the issue we want to talk about. a Thus, we can get that our followers on Twitter are attracted by the contents and the quality of our messages on Twitter. 2.

Apasionata by the process: No matter if we have 5 or 5,000 fans. We should always have the same passion and interest in the process of Twitter. If we love the process of Twitter, if we make the act is something interesting Twitter, attractive and motivating, it's only a matter of time that our list of supporters grows like wildfire. If we put effort and passion in what we do, the results will not be long in coming. a 3. Find The Balance: We must find the balance, the point where we feel comfortable with what we do, in this case Twitter. It is physically impossible to be aware of all the messages we receive through Twitter, and therefore, we must choose very carefully who to follow on Twitter. In addition, we should not make Twitter an obsession, but on the contrary, we find the perfect balance point, the "zone" where we feel comfortable being with our Twitter. We know when to use our Twitter, and also must know when to stop using it and pause. 4. Focus on what you can make, not the technology: Twitter is simply what users make of it. Many people think that Twitter is a very useful tool, but there are many people who think Twitter is a waste of time. Both views are correct. Why? Because Twitter is exactly what everyone does with the box we have on our screen or mobile phone. If think it's a waste of time, then it will be, but if we think we are providing valuable content and information in that text box where you can add only 140 characters each time that Twitter, then become a useful and beneficial for us. If you are interested in adding Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, or another social network for your company, contact us and we will plan a budget for marketing in social networks without any commitment.