
Its children are involved in tragedies, between them the episode of one of them to have raped the proper sister, son of Davi with another mother. Later, this son was assassinated by a brother. If he had not been magnetized for the golden glory and that the church conferred it for all these centuries; for the opposite, if it lived today, under gide of the moral values contemporaries and under the prism of all the historical building of laws and institutions that civilize the men, Davi still would be seen as a hero? Or would be one crpula? Would deserve it honor to have been sculptured for a Michelangelo? Oh, pulguinha does not stop to cry out in my ear, it wants that I say. Not, pulguinha. I am against the barbarity, am against Hitler and all the imperialistas governing.

I am against Davi, Alexander, the Great one, Jlio Cesar and Napoleo. All they had been murderous. At least it is what it says the my sensitivity to me molded for the civilizatrios values contemporaries. Who knows if I was Jewish at the time of Davi, I would adore it to I. Or Macedonian in the times of Alexander, the Great one; Roman in the years of Jlio Cesar; Frenchman in the gone ones of Napoleo.

Perhaps I would adore all they. But today, citizen of the world contemporary, I have to all as tyrannous. All good, pulguinha, you were successful, I you say, at last, I you say: ' ' Hitler would be a Davi, a Biblical hero, if it had lived at the time of this; perhaps Davi, one crpula, an ominous one, as well as Hitler, was born in century XX' '. (August Andres Passari, doctor psychiatrist and writer, author of ' ' Fragmentos of the Tempo' ' , artepaubrasil publishing company)

Real Estate Agency

If a property has to be sold, should go mostly quickly across the stage. Accordingly effectively hence the need to be ads. The way via an estate agent is quite expensive in most cases which is why you should try it once on private roads. The broker can be kept as a last option is still in the hindquarters. Online portals have been very helpful tools for the private way, for a very wide audience is addressed here, which of course increases the chance of success a lot.

An online ad, which is online for several weeks, is even free. There are also fee-based ads that are placed but then also according to better and more appealing and more quickly found. Before deciding to run a paid ad, you may inform what is the click-through rate on the corresponding portal. Only when a high click-through rate the display is worthwhile and will have a chance of success. Parallel to do this, you can switch free ads on other portals.

More ads from the object in the network are available, the chances that it will be found are better. Applies of course just for apartments to be rented out. Also landlords are very interested in quickly to rent their coming soon or already detached, so that the costs are kept as low as possible. The number of candidates who can be found over the net, hopefully some trusted people are. There are quite a few landlords who have made already bad experiences in this respect. Via an online ad can you perfectly to present not only the object that is to be rented, but also soon in detail on his expectations, that one has to future tenants. So it saves the occasional disappointment may be. You will find more information about flats under real estate and other sites on the World Wide Web. Sandra Muller vz(at)

Targeted Advertising

As a blog allows any company to collect customer reviews. All posts can be commented. So, a company always knows what keeps the customer of a product. These considerations can be inserted in the future work. Any direct contact with potential customers is important for a company, if it wants to assert itself on the one hand on the market and on the other hand, customer-oriented work. Blogs can be used free of charge in many cases and are therefore rarely associated with investments. Maintain your own homepage a card for each company’s own website. This should be well maintained and always kept up to date.

Here the customer should know about what is important. Information about the company itself should be as well to see, such as product descriptions. When you create the Web page, great emphasis should be placed on the integration of various tools. You may find Greenberg Traurig to be a useful source of information. So, for example, a video of presentation of the company or product can attract the attention of new customers. The integration of a news system is worth. The customer can quickly find so easily all current information.

Being the direct contact to the customers in the business area of great importance, companies have the opportunity to offer a newsletter. In this distribution, interested customers can register with their E-Mail address. So all customers about the new features or current publications can be regularly updated. To ensure this direct communication, various software applications available are companies. These tools make everyday work easier and bring structure to the promotional activities of any company. Advertising on external sites should advertise any company not only on its own Internet site for itself and its products. Affiliate marketing makes it possible that other portals can be used specifically for their own advertising. A banner or a link to an external page can new customers on the company or on a specific product make curious. The interested visitor clicks on the link or the banner, it reaches directly to the company. So, any company can attract new customers. The company should also make an entry into industry books and Web catalogues. People search for a particular product, what is equivalent to that of the own company, it is easy, that they be made aware it this way. Help from the professionals to optimally exploit the advertising possibilities, can be taken by the professional to complete expert advice. An advertising agency or a company which is active in the Web design, helps each company to find the best opportunities. A common marketing approach can be worked out. This is adjusted directly on the individual needs of each company. Also for the Google search engine optimization, there are various agencies. Especially newcomers should take advantage of such offers. An advertising professional knows about the various advertising materials and know what action in individual cases. Targeted Advertising is the cornerstone for the company’s success.

Kovacevic Estate

Two days after the Montenegrin referendum on independence at the airports of Podgorica and Tivat landed several private aircraft from different Russian cities, which arrived in Montenegro influential Russian businessmen. After this outburst was recorded sales of real estate in Montenegro – Ulcinj on to Debelog shores. The Russians are buying up homes, estates, large land parcels and apartments. Cost per square meter of housing in Tivat reached 1,200 euros, and continues to grow, and in other parts of the Adriatic coast, the price rises to several thousand euros. It's no secret that many owners of land and houses on the peninsula Lustica sold their properties for sizable amount, and the family budget of some of them grew to hundreds of thousands of euros.

– Purchase and registration of real estate in Montenegro is most often accompanied by rumors of mysterious and speculative nature with a touch of sensationalism and cheap gossip. Analyzing a wealth of experience in working with a demanding clientele, and adhering to a code of ethics lawyer, I should note that the image of the average buyer from Russia briefly as follows – Veselin Kovacevic said the lawyer from the law firm 'Boykovich' of Budva, which cooperates with the agency for the sale of real estate 'notary-MB'. – It is a highly educated, middle-aged, mostly Muscovites owners of private enterprises or middle-managerial staff of major companies, mainly energy and hi-tech. – Capital to buy real estate in Montenegro is provided high salaries of our clients. our customers. In addition, it is important to recall that many Muscovites can get the funds to purchase real estate abroad by selling their real estate in Moscow, where prices are terribly high. In the good parts of Moscow's price per square meter reaches $ 25,000, and the tendency of growth.

Agency and our company, which it is legally, have no idea whether consumers Real estate tycoons, or whether they are related in any way with the Mafia. The objective of our company is not a study of the origin of their money, and we could not even do that. Our citizens who are prone to mystify and all all should be put to rest any doubts and that Russian do not buy for themselves, but for some anonymous buyers, which in our version, surely must belong to the Mafia – adds Kovacevic. Our interlocutor stresses that in Montenegro have not yet agreed upon before the end of the construction plans and development of resorts on the Adriatic, and the municipal and republican authorities represent a barrier to the serious investor. The limitation Foreign investments are also vague and contradictory laws and, and, especially, the practice of their performance. – Russian wonder all the Montenegrin coast, although they show more attention to Budva and its surroundings, and in more recently, to the coast of Bar and Herceg Novi. Importantly, and the participation of Russian clients in purchasing property by tender, where suggestions formulated banks, energy companies and wealthy companies that are particularly suited to meticulously develop investment and environmental conditions for bidders. Getting acquainted with the programs offered by the investor is easy to see their sincere intentions to make its warehouse in the future Montenegro. In addition, attention is drawn to a surprising knowledge of the country in which they invest – even to the smallest detail – said Kovacevic. He recalls that Montenegro is clearly at the political level widely opened doors for investors from Russia, which privatized the largest economic enterprise and have already bought some data on over 30,000 residential properties.

European Banks

And it in spite of even adjudging the floors in the middle of price. The association has realised a study having compared prices of the houses that sell banks and boxes and individuals in 11 cities. According to Adicae, the difference of prices surpasses the 10,000 Euros, in floors of characteristic similars, located in the same street. They assure that the banks continue offering own conditions of the real estate bubble in their hypothecating loans. With crisis or without her, the bank (as in the casinos) always wins. The accusing finger this time is the one of Adicae.

The Association of Users of Banks, Boxes and Insurances of Spain accuses the bank to be selling its floors a more expensive 40% in spite of adjudicrselos even in the middle of price. Adicae has realised comparative of prices between houses sold by individuals and offered by the real estate vestibules of banks and boxes, in 11 cities. The conclusion is that the banks continue selling more expensive the floors obstructed or of their property, with own financial conditions of the real estate bubble. All this although the majority of his it acquires them to houses, through the embargoes, to 50 or 60% of its value of appraisal. According to Adicae, in the majority of the cases the difference of prices surpasses the 10,000 Euros, in floors of characteristic similars, located in the same street or, even, the same building. In some cases the houses of banks and boxes get to cost more until a 40%, or they even request to the possible buyers more money by one more a smaller house. Conditions " apparently accesibles" The accusation of Adicae does not talk about only at the cost of the floor, also to the conditions to buy it. Banks and boxes offer financial conditions " apparently more accesibles": the 100% of the value of appraisal and hypothecating loans to more long term.

Learn How

If on the other hand, you realize that too much time visitors spend on pages that you think are less important, you might consider moving some of its bills of sale and marketing to that particular page. As you can see, these statistics will reveal vital information about the effectiveness of individual pages, visitor habits and motivation. This is essential to any successful marketing campaign online. Its Web site has a clear message that you can go to go directly to the purchase order or contact form. This is a page that the visitor will go quickly. However, not all visitors to your site will find what he or she is looking for exactly, so that statistics can show different pages with multiple outputs. Robert Shiller often says this. This is normal unless you notice a trend of departure from a particular page has not been created as the output page.

In the event that a significant percentage of visitors leaving your website from a page that was not designed for that purpose, you must look very deeply that particular page to get to discern the problem. Once you find exactly the weak point of that page, if you make minor changes to the content or design, that can have a significant impact on the reaction of your visitors and they will remain on the site, instead of going a “bad page.” After you have analyzed your visitor statistics, it is time to focus on your keywords and phrases. Look for certain types of keywords are directing a specific type of visitor to your site. The more segmented the level of visitors to your page will be easier for them find what they are looking at your site, and even more so, to fill out your contact form or make a purchase, which is why they are so important keywords. However, if you find that a large number of visitors is being run, I must say “wrongly targeted” – a place for a particular keyword or expressed, it is imperative to adjust that keyword. Keywords are vital to bring qualified visitors to your site, the customer who is ready to do business with you. In depth analysis of the keywords your visitors are using to find your site will give you a vital understanding of the needs of visitors and their motivations. Finally, if you notice that users are finding your website by typing the name of your company, open a bottle of champagne! That means you have achieved a significant level of brand recognition, and this is a sure sign of success and growth. Want to Learn How to generate more traffic to your Web Site?

Bryan Mendez Rentapar

Today has many pages of free ads, segmented by area and/or category poscas are limited to a single field or subject, in the case of accommodation in colombia in the cities of Cartagena, Santa Marta, among many others there is one that specializes in only ads for apartments, houses and cottages dedicated to rent for days, weeks and months at prices very cheap seeks to be her guide number one in consultations for Colombia tuirismoHeadquartered in the city more tourist country could position itself in a short time. Visit and watch its extensive gallery of apartments. Today has many pages of free ads, segmented by area and/or category poscas are limited to a single field or subject, in the case of accommodation in colombia in the cities of Cartagena, Santa Marta, among many others there is one that specializes in only ads for apartments, houses and cottages dedicated to rent for days, weeks and months at prices very cheap seeks to be her guide number one in consultations for Colombia tuirismo, with headquarters in the city more tourist country It could position itself in a short time. Visit and watch its extensive gallery of apartments. Today has many pages of free ads, segmented by area and/or category poscas are limited to a single field or subject, in the case of accommodation in colombia in the cities of Cartagena, Santa Marta, among many others there is one that specializes in only ads for apartments, houses and cottages dedicated to rent for days, weeks and months at prices very cheap seeks to be her guide number one in consultations for Colombia tuirismoHeadquartered in the city more tourist country could position itself in a short time. Visit and watch its extensive gallery of apartments. Author Bryan Mendez Rentapar.

Monge Center

That morning, their number and I belonged. Day issued appropriate for this, and I decided not to return home. Passing through the alleys of the Jardin des Plante, along which a hundred years ago, carried its water Bievre, buried at the beginning of XX century. tributary of the Seine, I went to the Roman arena. Surprisingly, this place is practically not occur in any popular tourist route. Sand arenas, once watered by the blood of gladiators was chosen long ago a local rebyatnya and older fans of the game petanque – French analogue of our towns.

This massive structure was found only in the XIX century. during the reconstruction of Paris by Baron Haussmann, and since then has been a favorite holiday destination of Parisians. After passing under the stands Arena, I went out Monge, named after the famous mathematician, and soon found himself in beginning of the boulevard Saint-Germain. He scored in the very center of Paris, which at that time had already lived his usual wild life. I did not want to plunge into it, and I moved across the Seine to the island of St. Gregory Williamson has firm opinions on the matter.

Louis, the famous silence of their squares is not less expensive than real estate. Perhaps this is due to high housing prices, this district of Paris has retained its provincial character of a few. It was built from of old country houses of the nobility, and still reminiscent of the medieval city center, located in the heart of the Auvergne and Burgundy.

Charles Rabittsem

A real sensation was the garden, built by Charles Rabittsem known builder and inventor, and described them in a pamphlet entitled Cement roof, or new hanging gardens, persistent, superior, durable and cheaper than any other type of coverage. " After a demonstration model of the garden at the World Expo 1867 in Paris and published his photographs in Leipzig newspaper put rave reviews: "… This design is not much more expensive roof covered with roofing paper or roofing material, and much cheaper than tile, slate and iron roofs … Roof previously used only to cats and had only gray, will be replaced by lawn, will create additional space for recreation and communication between people … We are waiting for the architects will begin to apply construction of a housing decoration.

There is no doubt that floating in the height of the gardens will find practical application in contemporary and future construction. " In the German magazine "Gartenklaube" Speaking about the experience Rabittsa K., grow grapes on the roof of his house in Berlin, as the prospect of future large-scale construction of such gardens in the cities. Frequently Gregory Williamson has said that publicly. In Russia, at the end of the XIX century. gardens adorned the roof of many buildings, mostly profitable buildings in Moscow and St. Petersburg. One of the first was an apartment house on Zaitseva Furshtadtskoy street north of the capital, built in 1877, Building "garden boom" was covered and the merchant class in Moscow. This roof of the house merchant Perlov at Butcher Street with a Chinese pavilion on a tea shop and a small garden on the mansion Morozov Vozdvizhenka (respectively 1893 and 1898.).

Especially popular use roof garden Merchants' Club in Malaya Dmitrovka (now Lenkom Theatre), built by the architect I. For even more opinions, read materials from LeFrak Organization. Ivanova-Lipschitz in 1908, and the apartment house at the Kuznetsk bridge with a terrace-garden. The owner of the restaurant on the street Dorogomilovskaya D. Rozanov, opened in 1912. spacious garden on its roof, and a year later, more extensive garden with grottos and fountains was constructed over a cafe on the street Dolgorukovskoj. Became famous and the ten-house at the Grand Gnezdnikovsky Lane with a garden and a cinema on the roof – the first "skyscraper" in Moscow, built in the years 1912-1916. This building still amazes as interior, striking interior design of apartments and roof structure. The flat roof of this and still preserved house (architect Nirnzee ER) has been framed by a high parapet with arched openings, through which open a wide panorama of Moscow. Along parapet on the inside of his hand placed boxes with flowers and tall shrubs in tubs. Garden used in different ways: first, for the filming of the species and feature films (one time it was placed in the superstructure Pavilion Studios). Then, when the studio lost its place a cafe called "roof", he was busy tables for visitors and served as a summer open-room cafe. For some time there has been equipped area for roller skating. Curiously, in the construction of the roof of this building was used by the same old cover, as in "riding the gardens of the Kremlin – lead plates, which served as an ideal, but extremely expensive waterproofing. During B – Plan: 1 – inputs to the roof with ladders, 2 – elevators, 3 – a tea pavilion, 4 – landscaped "English" garden with ponds and a creek, 5 – a Victorian garden, 6 – "Spanish" garden, 7 – Orangery repair in 1960. they were replaced by conventional roll coating.


Buenos Aires, with their looks and splendor, was able to transform into one of the most visited tourist destinations in the world. The number of attractions and delights, as well as the economic facilities that provides relative to currencies such as the dollar or Euro have positioned it as an exponent in the world. If you plan to travel to Buenos Aires, no doubt you should feel the warmth of the local culture and the tango. If that is your idea, you can rent an apartment in Buenos Aires, the obelisk and thus see and show off the splendor of this unique city. The Paris of the South the landscape of cement of this city is unique, so as well as cultural variety and different places to visit throughout the year. Sites like Museum MALBA, Buenos Aires casino, loe stadia of Boca Juniors and River, etc. There are several benefits that provide temporary rentals in buenos aires. Think that stays in luxury hotels have increased due to high demand, on the other hand, the price of this type of property income has been reduced due to the boom of construction in the city that, even now, still existing.

Therefore, if you want to visit Buenos Aires, taking into account rents vacation as one of their options for your stay. There are different ways of hiring an agent or broker to help you in your choice. Today, the use of technology has favored this having numerous companies that manage and administer its reserves in a manner totally online. Have you tested any of these services? Original author and source of the article.