de simplifies the previous alphabetical list category search and collection of arguments for the newspapers was complements maps with links to the online sites and online Immobililienmarkten. The user can on this site geographically oriented, if he wants to know, via the appropriate link directly into the section market of the newspaper site click title appears in his Disired and can. “The job markets of the newspapers to recover: in print, but also online, of course.” The ZMG-headings platforms help seekers to find their way in the newspaper landscape. Playing with the surf shoot”, so Markus Ruppe, Managing Director of ZMG newspaper marketing company (Frankfurt) at the launch of the new Web tools. In the own city seekers their newspaper attributed to the greatest competence in the job and real estate sector, but outside they do not know about is often the newspaper landscape. Here the rubric cards on the offer a central Focal point for all those who seeking sites or real estate outside the circulation area of your newspaper. Links: the newspapers/job board of zeitungen.html the newspapers/real estate markets the zeitungen.html the ZMG newspaper marketing company is the central marketing service provider of newspaper publishers.
It provides research, planning and consulting. It supports advertisers and agencies with practical media planning services to the advertising effect control.