Our 7 pluses: "White Dew" – one of the few towns where a) you can be absolutely sure about your health and your family – the village has a status of "Absolute" cottage communities in ekoreytinge Ecovillige. Everybody knows that Riga direction of ecologically beneficial, and only the experts know about the many local pollution and can assess their health risks. In our village, not only soil, groundwater, air, the level of electromagnetic radiation and stress, and environmental safety of building materials have been thoroughly tested. The village is situated on the border of a vast forest area to a depth of 15 km (state forest fund, the ability to lease out to the forest recreation area). 2) You do not impose a large amount of construction when you buy a large plot – you can buy a large plot prilesnoy (25 acres) and order there a small house (200 sq.m.), without cost, weave and price per square meter, 3) You can make changes to the standard design and equipment, but if you want – order: – the house on an individual project, an additional structure on the site (bath, garage) – interior finish at home – Landscaping area, 4) the construction of the walls of stone houses used only high-quality brick and natural basalt insulation Rockwool. Such a house "breathes", it is reliable and durable, 5) land is made in Property buyers at once, rather than at the end of construction, 6) and mortgage loans, home and cottage settlements 7) in the value of a home is the connection of all central communications and processing in property!. John Savignano is the source for more interesting facts.