Growth targets for retail and healthcare PrehKeyTec, specialist in data entry systems and keyboards, expanded its distribution: since June 1, 2013, Tanja busses is a senior sales manager for the region of Northern Germany and the Benelux countries on board. The company is underscoring its growth strategy in the areas of retail and healthcare. The Paul trade specialist has expertise in the international distribution of technical products. Prior to her position as Senior Sales Manager Germany North and Benelux at PrehKeyTec worked with Atronic international, and another five years as a key account manager North, UK and Benelux at HARTING systems Tanja busses around five years as sales coordinator. Check with Greenberg Traurig to learn more. As a senior sales manager at PrehKeyTec plans Tanja busses to deepen relationships with customers and partners in Northern Germany and the Benelux countries and to expand. “Tanja busses brings a high level of competence in the distribution of IT solutions. Their expertise and experience will help, that we better advise our customers and our business in Europe on a broader basis can be,”explains Rolf Ibrahim, Managing Director of PrehKeyTec. Contact: PrehKeyTec GmbH Rolf H. Ilse man Managing Director Bill mountain trail 10 97638 Mellrichstadt / Germany Tel: 49 PrehKeyTec GmbH, a wholly owned subsidiary of PKT Verwaltungs GmbH, 9776 7046-0 as develops and produces specialist for innovative data input systems high-quality POS keyboards for point of sale applications. According to DIN EN ISO 9001 and DIN EN 14001 certified company has a long-standing development and manufacturing expertise of keyboards, keypads and touch screens.