Audi – Cars Since 1909

On Aug 16, 1909 August Horch founded the Audi AG in Zwickau. Then in 1910 the first Audi in Zwickau went off the line. In the thirties, joined forces on Audi, DKW, Horch and Wanderer and symbolized their names with the four interlocking rings. Later came the acquisition of the Daimler Benz Group and the Volkswagen group. In this Konstelation then went end of sixty years of the Audi 100 from the tape, from then on, the cars were equipped with more power as the Audi 60th Were developed including the 5-cylinder engine, the 4 wheel drive (all wheel drive) and the fully galvanized body. 1994, the first body made of aluminum and was presented under the name of Audi Space Frame from the tape in the car dealers.

Now bot Seat, Audi and Lamborghini, the Audi group, under the Volkswagen Group were formed VW, Skoda, Bentley and Bugatti. Audi was the first German car which came with a catalytic converter on the market. A special characteristic is the single-frame grille which is not covered by the bumper separated into two parts. Even in the motor racing, Audi has been very very successful badge. The sponsorship in the football field names are read, such as the FC Bayern Munich, FC Barcelona and many more.

But even in winter sports such as ski jumping and alpine skiing at the Audi is represented. With a sensational TV Spot Audi made the loose-Elvis cult. He was on the dashboard and swung his hips to music and tactfully led the people to keep spending spree at the little plastic figure. The new Audi models are among the most advanced cars thanks to its outstanding technology and its sporty, modern designs.

Business Systems

The invention of systems that facilitate certain processes, it is vitally important today, since the need for these is represented in cases such as storage and organization, which are important factors for the successful development of a company. So in this article we will focus on highlighting the benefits offered storage in the development of history and how important it is today for both business functionality as in everyday life. Storage is the method by which the organization of such elements as raw materials, supplies and food to others is facilitated, without commenting in addition to protecting these materials, you can maintain proper order and information about them, either it useful for a company or a home. Storage systems consist of developing a container, where they can be included some elements of these systems can be designed from a box until shipping containers, which are a great reference storage, not to mention the existence of wineries and residential places specially designed for storage. Currently the storage plays a key role in some tasks, such as in postal and shipping companies, where storage and transport of materials is the main source of work, the storage is important in these activities, as facilitates the processes mentioned . Today we find other types of storage such as mobile phones, which are to create containers that can be carried anywhere, although these can be divided into two types, these are: cold storage system: it consists of creating containers maintain a temperature suitable for the transportation of perishable items like food, this system usually integrates trailers carrying large quantities of cargo over longer periods of time. System warm or thermal storage: this is based primarily on maintaining the temperature of the transported items are usually food, the use of this system is primarily used in restaurants and places provide food services at home.

Although the variety of types of storage are many specially designed systems currently find some of them such as: Containers grains. Containers of liquid chemicals. gas containers. Containers of animals. fuel containers. Containers of food. Although many elements plus the amount of storage currently being developed, these make reference to any of them. The development of some disciplines such as architecture and technology have successfully intervened in the evolution of storage, as new technology and designs, are allowing some important work in large storage facilities are provided, as these new systems allow the classification Automatic material to keep, depending on type, size, and temperature. It is good to note that in some places such as offices and residences, storage is important because it allows you to save items such as papers, books or tools of work, allowing easy access to them, because usually these systems are storage drawers, drawers or shelves. In conclusion, storage presents itself as an excellent way to store or transport items without having to worry that such deterioration or loss.

Mobilplus Tracking

“Dresdner mobilplus GmbH tests YellowTracker mobile and fixed network communications and sales partner of YellowFox GmbH in harsh conditions of Dresden, 2.6.2009 – the mobilplus GmbH, Dresdner service provider in the area, is unusual ways in the truest sense of the word: the portable tracking solution presented at the Leipzig AMI YellowTracker is tested under the consistently harsh conditions: in the Backpack on 120 km pilgrimage route Camino de Santiago ‘ the famous route in Northern Spain. The YellowTracker of YellowFox is designed as a tracking device for electroless objects. Its battery lasts up to 2.5 years at an appropriate interval. GPS is via satellite of all 25 min (interval to 1 minute possible) determines the exact position of the box and to its wearer. “Using colored status messages can be detected even if moving the carrier of the box or just a breather” is inserted.

An integrated alarm button on the YellowTracker with automatic message distribution to up to 6 recipients, as well as the permanent care for special security Battery indicator battery low live on the Internet. Via GPRS, migrate this data in the datacenter and there prepared for presentation on the Internet. Personal location is a still relatively young in the telematics market, but very interesting. “, Hendrik Scherf, leads from CEO of mobilplus GmbH. With the live tracking of our Assistant Liane Hayn, who proposed the test itself, we want to address this issue and under reellsten conditions apply”, Marko Barwanietz, her boss explained. The permanent movement of location box in this area of Europe’s rapidly changing weather conditions, limited GPS and mobile phone reception and moisture are the particular challenges of hardware and software of the YellowTracker. A first duration test with the Dresden bike Messenger In no time”was already very positive results in April. The pilgrimage”is updated every day, live on the Internet and can be tracked here:…

Unsecured Loans

The unemployed unemployment loans are meant for jobless people who are in need of funds. Unemployed loan is a very convenient and reliable loan scheme for the people who do not have secured job yet or those who have lost their jobs for which-ever reasons. The jobless people are more likely to face paucity of funds in the absence of a fixed regular income. The unemployed unemployment loan is a scheme for such people to extend support to them as a stop gap arrangement till they find a job. They can pay back the loan in full or in installments, depending upon their circumstances, as soon as they get a job. These loans are small in amount and the borrower has to pay it back over a short period of time. The borrowers should not delay the repayment as interest Council are high and the system is designed to the need of our support.

So as soon as the borrower of liquidity improve, it is advisable to clear the loan immediately. The unemployed people can choose for any option from the two types called secured loan and unsecured loan. In secured loan they should own some valuable asset like land etc. and they should be prepared to mortgage it going to borrow against the money they are. Lenders here being at a lower risk, easily provide money at lower interest Council and accept longer repayment period so if customer revitalisierungs to. In the worst scenario if the borrower is unable to return money and goes bankrupt, the lender has a choice to liquidate the borrower’s asset and retrieve his money.

In the other option if the loan seeker does not want to use his asset as security, then he can go for on unsecured unemployed loan. He will be offered a small amount at a higher interest rate and for a very short period in which he will have to return money. However, the procedure of loan approval is quick and hassle free. To fulfill their small and urgent is a good choice for those who it have a needs temporarily. The easy and simple terms of the scheme make everyone eligible for this type of loan who fulfill just basic conditions like age, citizenship, ID card, valid address proof etc. Lenders of so allow customers with flawed credit history and those who do not possess chattels etc. to enjoy benefits of their product. Matthew Anderson is author of unemployed Unsecured Loans.For more information about unemployed loans visit

Support Doors

In such enclosures may not have the upper lid, the rear wall. Cabinet can "Lose" and one side panel without compromising strength and solidity of constructions. Facades-in closets – it's different combinations of panel, mirror and glass doors. Doors can move on special guides can be added, as the book, and plowed up the traditional way. For manufacturing wardrobes uses high quality, environmentally friendly and safe materials. Mirrors in them can be covered special reinforced film safety, through which broken mirror remains safe for the environment. For doors, side panels, shelves can be used laminated or laminated chipboard.

Laminated particle board is coated paper, resin-impregnated with the addition of melamine, produced by hot pressing. Formed during the cooling plate surface type of plastic, resistant to abrasion, moisture and aggressive environments. Laminated chipboard lined with special paper, impregnated with varnish. For gluing paper used adhesives type two. Door leaf is usually enclosed in a special frame (profile) of galvanized steel. The interior of the frame tightly grips the canvas, and also serves ribs door and the support mechanisms for gliding. Doors can also be equipped with shock absorbers, dust and shockproof brushes.

Sliding mechanism: the lower one – the plastic wheel bearings in a metal casing, which helps preserve the life, the upper – leaf springs in a metal casing. The metal shell of wheels is tightening element of the framework. Lower wheels are equipped with antisoskalzyvayuschim mechanism – check. Mirrors can be silver or bronze tinted. Mirrored doors are equipped with similar panel doors. May be a mirror with hidden frames, creating the effect of a continuous wall mirror. Door-door move on special rails (track) relative to each other. The lower guide track – support, top – the auxiliary, which provides the correct position of doors and the direction of its movement. On the upper track is set to lock the door stopper. Elegance, comfort and contemporary design hallway may well become a connecting Evens between all areas of the house.

Perfect Solution

The eco trend attacks thanks to rising gasoline prices and higher environmental awareness in the world of cars continue to sign up. Autogas is financially feasible for me an interesting alternative and also drivers, says smart Roadster driver einLiterVollmilch. But many other members are more skeptical. Particularly the expectations to the fuel price affect the decision to switch to bio-diesel. It is very difficult to predict how the prices develop, and taxes for various fuel types “, writes autoki member and Audi drivers sike. “Ford racer sample Shoobedoo with him of the same opinion: who should still ensure that the price of LPG autogas remains more favourable before a conversion has paid for itself?” For some in addition little attractive, is elo such as the Opel Kadett driver because they already environmentally conscious driving,: I pass on new cars and drive an old car ecologically sensible. This will create less waste and it saves resources.

“Even if some comes a conversion not in question, worry otherwise protect the environment. Generally less driving or in other places to save, are popular alternatives. Robur driver madineg has a radical idea to the environmental contribution: waiting for the hydrogen car is probably the most environmentally friendly. “. On advantages and disadvantages in the conversion to bio-diesel and LPG, can be read here:../..biodiesel-oder-autogas-nach media contact: Autoki Ltd.

Katharina top inverse disability RT 34 10115 Berlin Tel. (0163) 297 3228 or (030) 24 08 31 96 email: about press (at): autoki was founded in the autumn 2006 of three car enthusiastic friends in Berlin. Their aim: to establish a cross-brand community of car enthusiasts. In early May 2007 he started for each accessible official beta test. reaches a four-digit number of members since its launch in April 2007.

The Awakening Of The Consciousness

Throughout the history of mankind, the man always has felt curiosity for everything around him, is innate to human need and thirst for knowledge, this has led it to extremes that we currently enjoy thanks to technological advances, but that on the other hand, occurs with our spiritual essence, the day-to-day concerns, work, etc. conspire against ourselves, avoiding to have the time and dedication for everyone. There is a great imbalance that affects us terribly without that even we have consciousness that affects us, but inevitably their effect see this reflected in the outcome of our lives, I mean specifically, the imbalance that exists between matter and spirit, if there is an imbalance in this so vital aspect of our lives, as it is the way in which we operate and act against the world in humanity which we can expect from the final balance to stop us life, at the time of our departure from this world, we will feel that we have done absolutely nothing of what we have really come to to do in our life, we will feel that we have lost time and that is because we have dump all our attention and energies in material things, but in regard to the spirit so we have left aside, forgotten, which is a big mistake.

Because if the objective and goal of our lives is material, then when our departure time came us the logical thing would be that we could bring us everything what we have fought for both and dedicated practically our life, as our material possessions, but not so in reality, all that by what we have working both stays here in this world and if the only thing that we are our spiritual values without that we have dedicated to him at all in our life, we practically lost time. For this reason, I invite you to observe the direction that you’ve given your life, everything is about maintaining a balance, ends are not good, is only that you feel in your heart the objectives that you’ve raised in carrying out, should be objective material and spiritual, haste for example the following question, if you have the answer to the question why we are here? then congratulations, continues the course that has given him his life is correct, but if you can not answer it with security, then I invite you discover yourself so that you can answer it..

PR Agency Datango

Often, ignorance with respect to new software leads to high drop-out rates, frustration and failed attempts on the staff page. Valuable time is lost and the training and support costs are skyrocketing,”explains Sonja Geelhaar, responsible marketing & PR at datango. The dps qualified users context-related and sustainable for the work with the program and ensures high productivity already with the first mouse click.” Datango AG in brief: founded in 1999 datango AG headquartered in Berlin is the technology provider in the field of E-learning and electronic performance support. Since 2006, the company on its expansion course is supported by Hasso Plattner Ventures and EXTOREL. 2007 knowledge and performance solutions of Swedish Enlight declined over the Division datango and since also internationally represented. The datango solutions support companies in establishing fast and smooth operation of enterprise applications. From datango’s objective is to provide a high-class service and support for the successful qualification of employees and to be an integral part of any enterprise.

The software solutions is characterised by the navigational aid in the live system and the automatic generation of documentation and training materials, software simulations and E-Learningwelten in practice. This allows datango increasing user acceptance with simultaneous reduction of incorrect entries and support costs. The customer base consists of internationally renowned companies such as e.on, RWE, BayerSchering Pharma and UBS.

Soil Area

First remove the topsoil and level the soil area. Then, in accordance with the draft bath, apply a contour of the foundation. The width of the base is calculated based on the construction of walls, but not less than the width of the wall with the addition of Prepare a 10 cm length 50 cm pegs, cord, tape measure, level and right-angled triangle, made of thin slats, and legs having a length of 30 and 60, see Schedule a corner bath and drive a stake into the ground. Then put it triangle and one outside, measure its size, equal to the length of the longitudinal walls of baths, but on the other – the amount equal to the length of the transverse wall in the axial lines. At the ends of the size of the wall (at the intersection of axes) to the points obtained drive in the second and third pegs. After this, move the triangle to the opposite corner bath. Determine the axis and drive in the fourth peg.

To believe is correct driving pegs, compare the resulting diagonal rectangle. With the right by the diagonal will be equal to the difference or have less than 20 mm. Then place the old clothes at a distance of 1-2 meters from the pegs. It is made of columns with nailed planks to them. Nail boards to a height of 1-1.5 m from the ground or at the level (elevation) of the floor bath on the project. Make sure that the direction boards castoffs were strictly parallel to the walls of the bath.

Before attaching the boards castoffs to the post, please check the entire structure with level and reiki. Then proceed to spray the foundation plan axial dimensions at the upper edge of castoffs. To do this, type in the nails into the notches between them and pull the rope so he came over strongly driven into the corners of the house with pegs. Tighten all the axes and check them out. Then transfer the axial lines of the pitch with a plumb and put them in hand the required size. Draw a line on them, defining the contours of the inner and outer sides of the foundations. Further you can begin to prepare trenches or pits for the foundation. Erect foundation immediately after excavation. It is desirable to complete the construction of baths in a single season. using the reference to the original material is required

Government Rises

Star package is the elevation of the threshold of salary not attachable by a mortgage that is anuncin in the debate on the State of the nation. It is one of the measures adopted in the Council of Ministers on Friday. The ICO will help SMEs who have debts with the Councils. The Council of Ministers has approved a decree-law in which will raise is the threshold of salary that can not seized in foreclosure once the Congress has given the green light to a resolution from one of the proposals made by the President of the Government, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero Friday, during the debate on the State of the nation. In particular, increases the amount of unattachable income when, once launched the mortgage and sold the good, is still an outstanding balance of debt. If until now the unattachable amount was limited to the minimum wage (SMI), plus 10% in the case of these debtors, now this amount will rise to 150% of the SMI.

That is, little more than 700 up to 960 EUR euros. Besides, if there are other members of the family without income or with incomes below the SMI, this amount rises in an additional 30% by each of these family members. Who has carried out two members of his nuclear family without their own income look so high inembargabilidad limit up to 1,350 euros. Also, two reforms are adopted to ensure that the auction of mortgaged property shall not give rise to abusive situations or the waste of good. Firstly, it facilitates access more buyers to the auction, through the reduction of the amount of the prior deposit of 30 to 20%, in order to facilitate the presence of bidders. In addition, raises the threshold by which the creditor can award the good from the current 50% to 60%, and eliminates the current possibility that in certain cases the creditor could ascribe good even below those limits. Bruce Schanzer has compatible beliefs.