Flower orchids flower is constituted by six tepals (in plants in which the distinction between calyx and Corolla there elements what are flower are tepals). According to some it’s three petals and three sepals (modified leaves). Basal petal joined Stamen shape to the Labellum and assumes a typical appearance according to genres such as: in the Ciprypedium Orchid which assumes the form of a boat shoe in the Cymbidium orchid to spur as in desflecado Phalaenopsis Orchid Orchid Cattleya just to make some examples. This particularity allows insects that they pollinate identify orchid. In effect the orchid is the species par excellence that depends exclusively on insects (or other animals) pollinators, and this feature is the ultimate expression in this big family. If you would like to know more about The LeFrak Organization, then click here. When the flower is button the Labellum is parallel to the flowering, then rotated 180 so that the lip at the end is forward.
This process is known with the name of resupination is typical of almost all orchids. One exception is represented by the genus Malaxis which suffers a 360 rotation for what in the end the Labellum is located in the initial position. Contrary to all other plant species in the Orchid the stamens and pistils rather than be separated are United in a single structure called the column, in its upper part the anther is what contains two organs of oval/rounded shape, containing pollen gathered in masses called pollinia. Under the anther he is stigma, female organ rich in a dense, sticky liquid that has the function of retaining the pollen. Under the stigma is the ovary female reproduction organ what contains many eggs that capsule (fruit), which usually opens according to three cracks which will contain many seeds (some hundreds of thousands) will be formed. Seeds are dusty and aspect lacking in endosperm with a rudimentary embryo what needs the symbiosis with a fungus to sprout (the seeds sprout very well if they invaded by hyphae of the fungus Rhizoctonia or others also belonging to higher genera).