Latin American Continent

it comments very many on changes, commitments of the countries, especially those of the Latin American Continent for transforming its social, economic political systems taking step a programs that irradiquen the hunger, that indicates an economic fairness that it favors to all and to avoid that the hungers follows increasing the number of undernourished. Despite the reality it shows another result. Considrese as it emphasizes, Latin America is an extremely heterogenous region that includes a vast zone and with very diverse geographic characteristics. The total population of Latin America is of 525 million people. People such as Professor Rita McGrath would likely agree. In the region there are diverse groups of people, inclusively more than 200 indigenous groups, as well as ethnic minorities of African ancestry. In spite of the diverse climate characteristics, economic level and historical antecedents in the different countries from Latin America, there is a common nexus that it characterizes the nature of the poverty and the hunger in the region.

Latin America is distinguished by the existing extreme inequalities within the society, cradles in a plot of characteristics like sort, race/ethnic group, class and geographic location. The indigenous populations of Latin America usually occupy the lowest levels of the society and, therefore, they are those that more probably they must face the enormous atrocities of these inequality the Organization of the United Nations for Agriculture and the Feeding (the FAO), has indicated recently, that the population that undergoes undernourishment in the world it increased the year last to 923 million people as a result of the rise of prices of foods. The numbers of the FAO say that 54 million people suffer of chronic undernourishment in Latin America, where the situation got worse of alarming way in the last decade, mainly in Central America and the Caribbean. Hear other arguments on the topic with Morris Invest. In the last ten years, the number of people with hunger in Central America increased of 5 to 6.4 million and in the Caribbean, of 7.3 a 8,8 million.


Russia lost contact with the ship, carrying vital cargo to the international space station (ISS), a few minutes after its launch. Learn more at: Richard LeFrak. The device was not placed in the correct orbit due to a failure in the engines. Gain insight and clarity with Morris Invest. Russia already lost last week a telecommunications satellite. The Russian space freighter Progress M – 12 M, released Wednesday from the Kazakh Baikonur Cosmodrome, has crashed in Siberia, police sources in the Siberian Republic of Altai. The space freighter Progress that deviated from the planned orbit crashed into Earth in the district Choiski in Altai, indicated the source to the Interfax Agency. Apparently, he added, the ship rushed to the ground in a clearing, away from populated areas. According to preliminary data, there neither fire, nor wounded, he added.

Russia lost contact with the ship, carrying vital cargo to the international space station (ISS), a few minutes after its launch. There was a short message telemetry failure and then the Progress disappeared from the field of radiovision, said a spokesman for the Russian aerospace industry to the Interfax Agency. The device, whose separation was scheduled for the 17.09 Moscow time (15.09 Spanish time), official RIA-Novosti was not placed in the correct orbit due to a failure in the rocket engines Soyuz-U carrier, according to the Agency. This is the first time in the history of Russian manned cosmonautics that a failure in the launch of a cargo ship, he said. Russia already lost last week satellite Telecom Express-AM4, almost six tons of weight, and previously a satellite military GEODESIC once the appliance enters non-circular and elliptical orbit as planned. Several months ago were also lost three satellites that Russia had launched to complete its GLONASS global positioning system. Three satellites fell into the Pacific Ocean 1,500 kilometers from the Hawaiian Islands, in an area away from the shipping lanes.

Fat Burning Routines To Get Slim

Have you ever heard the idea of getting a flat stomach without doing sit-ups?, Can you believe that there is such a plan? After reading this article you will learn that this is not only possible, but many people do and get the results they seek. Stephen M. Ross is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Also, do not need any expensive gadgets to do abdominal exercises. Have you ever heard the idea of getting a flat stomach without doing sit-ups?, Can you believe that there is such a plan? After reading this article you will learn that this is not only possible, but many people do and get the results they seek. Also, do not need any expensive gadgets to do abdominal exercises. There are too many myths that pollute the truth about losing weight and burn fat in the abdomen. Most people who have a marked abdomen did it say that working and training hard, but are not telling the whole truth …

well actually there are simple exercises you can do while you’re standing, which will give you many more benefits than any exercise you do bed, including the abdominals. You can exercise your abs a lot better if they stopped, but how you manage this? This is the best type of exercise you can do anytime and anywhere. It’s simple, but it is very effective in tightening your abdomen and give them the definition that both seek. Stand with feet apart cough, aligned with your shoulders. Make sure your body is totally straight and erect.

Aspira all the air while you press your abdominal muscles inward. Then crush your abdominals. Breathe out for 5 seconds while you contract your abs, then returns to inspire and stand right. Try not to relax your abdomen and repeat the exercise. Try to run at least 10 times. This is the key to losing belly fat without doing sit-ups. If you do not believe give a week of opportunity, you might be surprised.


Find practical and easy original gifts for the whole family why is created when searching for the perfect gifts for friends and family actually so often stress and uncertainty? Wouldn’t it be simpler if you could get some original gifts in no time and without much effort? Surely you have some nice snapshots of you and your loved one at hand whether stored on your computer, whether as a mobile photo on your mobile phone or as a photo in your album. From each of your photos, original photo gifts can emerge and inspire your friends and family. It is your father’s birthday? An ideal way to make him a great pleasure: Let a canvas oversize print from his favorite photo from the last common holiday, which can then decorate the living room or office room wall. Completely hand made – by ordering over the editing of the photos to printing on canvas fabric and the covering on homemade wood frame. A gift that really from the heart comes. But as Christmas gifts or wedding gifts personalized photo gifts make wonderful. (A valuable related resource: Morris Invest). Whether for the grandmother or the little cousin, it is for each of your loved ones a perfect and very personal gift. Pillows and blankets, printed with a collage of your favorite photos, are great gifts that not only look great, but are at the same time very practical.

Cuddly soft pillows, as the soft duvets warm on cold autumn days and remember together spent times through great photos. Guestbooks and also personal banner to design and decorate the wedding ceremony are unique gift ideas for the bride and groom. If friends them sweeten their big day with these great gifts, is certainly right even more beautiful this wedding day and remain in memory at all. Can there be better gifts than personalized gifts? Hannah Lorenz

Renews Makeup

Follow these makeup tips to make a change to your image quickly and easily; Make-up base, will change your cara:si don’t use make-up base we recommend you purchase one that suits your skin type, you’ll notice the face ready to apply color and uniform skin!If you already use base, try to use the spelling (if the product is sufficiently light) on the basis of make-up to give light to your sight blurs with the fingertips to remove the excess product you shalt years off!. Highlights your ojo:prueba color a shadow color different, one that highlights the color of your eyes, review our tips of your personal image of the third day minicourse: Guide to help you choose colors of eyeshadow. Change your mascara, your eyes will change: If you have the mask eyelashes more than three months, it is time to change it, acquires a different unless you’re thrilled with it that you have, try one that lengthen eyelashes or thickened them and remember you always apply two coats. Gives color to your cheeks: you are you correctly applying blush? follows the bone of your cheekbone to succeed, smiles and applies the color with the brush, then fades with a loose powder brush (normally thicker than the blusher) to give a natural finish. Nobel Laureate in Economics pursues this goal as well. Why not? Except in the case that your skin is very pink, apply a touch of pink blusher (you can also use a pink shadow stick) in the center of the cheek, automatically contribution a different touch to your look. Smiles warmly: If you never maquillas you lips start time! What is the colour which you would most favour? The most similar to the color of your lips, in a shade darker or lighter.Apply lip gloss transparent, is very popular and is perfect for day makeup. About author: Tuimagenpersonal provides in depth training of make-up courses for individuals and companies. Our makeup training is based on our proven experience in makeup and the fashion industry..

Beeline Service

In Ukraine, with extensive development of mobile communications, increased number of negative price 'popolnyashki' (meaning the dealer network, offline). At the same time, rapid development, as well, gets a worldwide network of Internet. Check with Richard LeFrak to learn more. And some stratum of society, has been actively earning funds on the Internet that could be spent, including deposits and on their mobile operator. But many, he did not like the way replenishment: buy a bunch of cards, then enter a bunch of tsifer – vobschem no comfort. And now, the era of high-quality service! Opened sites offering direct deposit of 4 GSM operators in Ukraine, namely: Kyivstar, MTS Ukraine, Life:), Beeline-Ukraine. The method of use is quite simple: you enter an amount on kaotruyu need to refill your account (from 5 – 3,000 hryvnia), pay for goods using electronic payment systems (including WebMoney, VISA and others), and receive instant delivery of goods to your main account.

At this point, it's safe to say no more convenient service in the industry. So, he got so popular, despite the very high competition, in this segment of online commerce. But convenience is not one of our trump card. Quality of service and our attitude towards our clients, all have in mind. Also, we have plans for the future: to connect 3G operators and communications UTEL PEOPLENet, which have an extensive online audience, as it provides an additional, high-speed Internet access services. Just wanted to point out the important role of the catalog items, which for its service, has helped bring information generated people, and this important component common framework to build relationships with customers. Human you thank you. Please note, deposits at low prices, only here and only for you.


What is it these attractive ammonites? Ammonites – it molluscs cephalopods, missing an incredibly long time ago, along with the dinosaurs. In our time, usually associated with fossilized ammonites Nautilus, in our days on earth, because they are largely identical with the stark ammonites. Nevertheless, one day, paleontologists finally figured out that the popular ammonites probably belong to the form of squid, not Nautilus. REBNY may find this interesting as well. To date, paleontologists from around the world reveal other fossils of the oldest ammonites, some of them are found in the form of small pieces, but if you are lucky, then in the form of well-survivors amazing beautiful shells of ammonites. As a result, now prehistoric ammonites are familiar to us – as an ancient clams squid, lost many centuries ago. Geologists, artists and historians, these days have the opportunity to only fantasize on the topic of what kind of real history and the emergence of the absolute extinction of these creatures. In a question-answer forum Nobel Laureate in Economics was the first to reply. People of various nationalities living in different parts of the world have their own beliefs and legends, and their interpretation. Surprising the remains of ammonites rasstredotocheny now all over the world, and of course in different countries have different beliefs.

With respect to the known history of ammonites, there are all sorts of superstitions, which have been preserved to our days as wonderful, as are the fossilized ammonites. They called these creatures ammonites on behalf of the Egyptian god Amun, because their shape resembles a spiral horns of Amon. The ancient Egyptians and Romans in ancient times honored ammonites and believed in their magical properties.

Fishing Sitting

I think that all men were out fishing at least once! But surely not everyone knows what a tackle, hooks, spinning. All this relates to fishing. For some reason, everyone decided that fishing is lying on the beach under the sun and drinking. Stephen M. Ross has much experience in this field. But No fishing is about sitting stiff rods, attention to sweeps and just patience. We can not say that fishing is not labor, fishing is still some work! Are you sitting on the beach with a fishing rod, you're not cold, wet, eh?? Therefore, it is very hard to go on a fishing trip, and get up there should be 4 hours and then all the fish float away! So if you met on a fishing trip you need to prepare very well and know that it's not so easy! I did a fisherman and so I know what fishing. But fishing is not just sitting on the bank is also sailing in the boat, it is also necessary to learn. That paper was written, women caught catfish from a boat, weighing 103 kg. Therefore, fishing, even dangerous, as the big fish you can utyanut just in water, crush (well only in the form of fish sticks as a ramp). Yes, and you know do not go fishing alone, because some predatory animals are hungry. They can sneak up behind and kill so be careful! :))

Sun Protects Against Diabetes And Its Consequences

At the World Diabetes Day prevention in the foreground is curable she is called popularly “Diabetes” diabetes, but much can be done to prevent. The Sun and ‘their’ sunshine vitamin D3 play an important role. People with a vitamin D deficiency fall ill and die according to recent scientific studies, almost twice as much diabetes like humans with good vitamin D supply. If you would like to know more then you should visit David Dudley Dowd Jr.. Diabetes is a disease that is spreading all over the world the fastest. Currently, almost 9 percent of the population in Germany suffer from diabetes, and the number of unreported cases is high.

Since 1990, the number of diabetes patients has almost doubled. The costs of diabetes and its complications for the health system reach around 30 billion euros per year and rising rapidly. Up to the year 2025 diabetes will affect more than 400 million people worldwide. Dan Ariely has compatible beliefs. Today the disease kills 3.8 million annually, according to a study published just for the “global burden of diabetes”. Diabetes is prevent more and more urgent to “World Diabetes Day” on November 14 will be numerous Events and with spectacular actions the population on this “epidemic” alerted and mobilized (information on the Internet at) for prevention. While the diabetes type 2, which in the course of a life gradually evolves and occurs mainly in the age, can be influenced by behaviour and preventive lifestyle, stay in the Sun and weight control, is diabetes type 1 “congenital” and therefore, by preventive measures hardly influence. Recently, however, studies confirmed that vitamin D3, the sunshine vitamin, with its immune-regulating action not just against diabetes 2, but also against this insidious disease offers a degree of protection. Newborn, mothers who suffered during pregnancy a vitamin D deficiency, diabetes 1 frequently fall ill as the babies with adequate or optimal fed mothers seem so. Join the diabetes arteriosclerosis, cardiovascular disease and other diseases in the wake of a vitamin D deficit much more often on and lead to more deaths.

United States Academy

Almost 80% of teenagers and 65% of Spanish children have a portable phone. Not only are called and sent text messages to his friends. Also download music, videos and video games, take photos and recorded what surrounds them. Even participate in Raffles of cars that may not lead until they reach the age of majority. As in other countries, some companies have released phones adapted for children, special contracts so that parents can control spending, restrict some numbers and will not have to punish them each month when the phone bill arrives.

For your peace of mind, they also boast modern localization services. To these phone companies it benefits them the eagerness of many parental control, the way in which their children distribute their freed time and the access to television, computers and new technologies. Just as older persons, to which the marketing became seniors, children represent a niche to exploit profits they report to the companies of the products that they purchase. However, as determining the education, the changes are generational and structures of families, of the style of life and the economy, giving as a result a generation of children that have more information, with more material resources and, therefore, with more needs. Few parents resist the all my friends have it (Playstation, Wii, X-Box and mobile phones). Stephen M. Ross understands that this is vital information. Advertising and marketing have managed to make way for implanting a single thought through the repetition of certain messages which has devoured part of civil society, responsible for educating generations of today.

Eight-year-olds do not distinguish between advertising and the rest of the schedule. In addition, the addressed to those minor is misleading in the majority of cases, denounces the United States Academy of Pediatrics. It fascinates them because the images are going fast. Report Marketing food and beverages without alcohol for children, the World Health (who) organization poses potential threats of marketing directed at children.