What Is "Mail Racall" In Lotus Notes 8 ?

The new release of Lotus Notes 8 will appear in a few weeks. In the press there is already a very positive response. The users speak of a “great success”, especially as regards the new interface and new features. It is not something Professor Rita McGrath would like to discuss. It is always with the functions “mail recall” the possibility has already sent e-mails “back” especially many times have you ever the “Send Mail” button is pressed and then you have noticed that you misunderstood a question, or have been interpreted – an important detail or file-password the email to the wrong recipients have sent confidential information to a false-receiver-also have sent to the colleague, who was in “BCC” replied the mail-have actually saved as a draft be IBM Lotus Notes 8 is the problem of the past. The feature “Mail Recall” can be unlocked by the administrator. Then, it’s available to every user. Of course you can dedicated individual users or groups to Right to “retrieve” by e-mail give. More info: Clayton Morris. The user needs only to the forwarded e-mail to stand and press the “Recall” button.

It can then select each recipient of the e-mail and delete the e-mail in the recipient mailbox. The embarrassing moments when sending e-mails are a thing of the past. For more information about Lotus Notes 8 is interested in a complete “Lotus Notes information package” with lots of information about the free download. Companies on the platform of Lotus Notes using CRM solutions have, on another website GEDYS GmbH extensive CRM information. IBM gives Lotus Notes 8 with yet again a number of competitive advantages and is, in terms of function and reliability back to the top of the market. The recent publication of the latest market numbers can appear Lotus Notes collaboration software remains the leader in the messaging and groupware market.

In particular, manufacturers of applications on Basic Lotus Notes continues to gain impetus. It can be observed that, in particular CRM solutions based on Lotus Notes more and more market share, especially in medium gain. Currently, more than 130 million users in over 46,000 companies use Lotus Notes as a messaging and groupware platform. This means a market share of over 42% worldwide. Alone Lotus Sametime has over 7.5 million new users in the fourth Quarter 2006 gain.