The romantic model of Walter Scott was suffering modifications throughout the times, being that one, occured one still in century XIX, the Cinq-Mars workmanship, of Vigny, consisted of presence of historical personages as protagonists. Other authors, as Victor Hugo, also base its workmanships on the individual action, exaltando real heroes and opposing the scottiano model. Thus, in century XX, with the transformations of the historical speech and the conception of proper history, the historical romance gains a new feio, in which the author does not feel obliged more to copy and to reflect the world external, but to create its proper worlds, without if worrying in always saying really? paper of the historical speech? nor with the probability that kept the traditional ficcional speech. In short, the author if feels freer to transit between one and another side of ‘ ‘ barreira’ ‘ that he separates the ficcional speech of the description.
Lukcs, to develop its study concerning the scottiano model, lingers to analyze it the process of construction of the personage. Different of many workmanships of the Romantismo, the romance of Scott always has as central figure ‘ ‘ medium hero and prosaico’ ‘. Lukcs makes use of conception of hero of the epic formulated for the Hegel philosopher opposes and it to the profile of the hero of the historical romance. While in that one the hero understands in itself what generally he meets spread in the national character and therefore it occupies the center of the text and ties its individuality with its main events, in the historical romance the protagonists acquires representation for its typically national characteristics, not in the direction of comprehensive eminences, but yes for representing the average. Therefore, while in the epic they are ‘ ‘ the national heroes of the poetical conception of vida’ ‘ , in the historical romance they are ‘ ‘ heroes prosaicos’ ‘ , that is, for Scott the heroic personage is only representative of an important and significant chain that understands ample layers of the population? he is a vulgar, trivial hero.