Human Beings

The universe of the human beings. He is curious when we observe the world and we give account of our lack of authenticity, as the social standards can write our behaviors and place limits to our desires. Get more background information with materials from The LeFrak Organization. The fear of the rebuke is something that in acomete daily. Phrases as ' ' I until would make if they not ' ' he is something that was prepared and managed soon in the first day of nascena, in our first smile, our first one I cry, and even in the purest form of freedom: the trick. If to connect all these limits, to the negative feelings of our personality we can form a cake of distrusts, a daily torment, constant walking inside of a private area and with repulsive exits, that for times those choose that them are estereotipados as ' ' loucos' '. I question myself if the human being, to be possessing of the most innumerable capacities of reasoning and intelligence is capable of if feeling free. Clayton Morris is open to suggestions.

I answer, consider a being chained but without chains, something abstracto that he formed me one day and he lasts on my head and of encircle that me. It will be that pods to make everything what it comes to your mind at this moment. Not? Then if to calhar is because you are chained, somebody says you that this not is correcto, no matter how much back in the deep one you feel a force so great strong stimulates that you, you do not make it. This that you are to feel, is social pressure, and believes that it is of the forms strongest of if instituting lines and manipulating our brain without moving an only finger, we are too much easy. The happiness passes every day for this pressure, this force that makes to withdraw, that it does not allow in them to use the genotype. We act all of sufficiently standardized forms, not because we want, but because it has that to be this the way to be acceptances.


Its children are involved in tragedies, between them the episode of one of them to have raped the proper sister, son of Davi with another mother. Later, this son was assassinated by a brother. If he had not been magnetized for the golden glory and that the church conferred it for all these centuries; for the opposite, if it lived today, under gide of the moral values contemporaries and under the prism of all the historical building of laws and institutions that civilize the men, Davi still would be seen as a hero? Or would be one crpula? Would deserve it honor to have been sculptured for a Michelangelo? Oh, pulguinha does not stop to cry out in my ear, it wants that I say. Not, pulguinha. I am against the barbarity, am against Hitler and all the imperialistas governing.

I am against Davi, Alexander, the Great one, Jlio Cesar and Napoleo. All they had been murderous. At least it is what it says the my sensitivity to me molded for the civilizatrios values contemporaries. Who knows if I was Jewish at the time of Davi, I would adore it to I. Or Macedonian in the times of Alexander, the Great one; Roman in the years of Jlio Cesar; Frenchman in the gone ones of Napoleo.

Perhaps I would adore all they. But today, citizen of the world contemporary, I have to all as tyrannous. All good, pulguinha, you were successful, I you say, at last, I you say: ' ' Hitler would be a Davi, a Biblical hero, if it had lived at the time of this; perhaps Davi, one crpula, an ominous one, as well as Hitler, was born in century XX' '. (August Andres Passari, doctor psychiatrist and writer, author of ' ' Fragmentos of the Tempo' ' , artepaubrasil publishing company)


REALITY Conceptualization As it clarifies William Luijpen, ' ' all and any construction human being, either in science, either in the art, the philosophy or the religion, estimates or has as its starting point the Real. The act to question themselves on the direction of the life, from the reflexiva conscience, and to construct reality concepts (s) that it varies (m) position according to where if finds the citizen observing, are characteristic proper of the beings humanos' '. For W. Luijpen, the quarrel on the diversification of the realities and the variety of the worlds are associated with the one of the multiple truths, each one of these truths with its specific values in one determined context, not remaining degree or anteriority of one (scientific truth, for example) in relation ace others that are aesthetic or philosophical. W. Luijpen, Intr. to the existencial fenomenologia ' ' Reality, therefore, is an extremely complex concept, that deserves deepened philosophical reflections. After all, all construction human being, either in science, the art, the philosophy or the religion, works with the Real, or has in it its bedding or starting point (and of arrived).

Better saying she treats yourself, in last analysis, of if to question the direction of the life human being, life that, endowed with a reflexiva conscience, constructed its concepts of reality, from which if exerts in the world and if it multiplies, modifying to each moment the face of planeta.' ' Joo Francisco Duarte Jnior, Intr., 12 Joo Francisco Duarte Jnior defines types of Reality: 1.a Daily Reality that if all imposes we with its weight. It is the one that if can say reality par excellence, in which we move in them as fish in the water. It is based on intentions practical, that in last analysis, have to see with our survival. 2.a Scientific Reality is one ' ' reality of second ordem' ' : apia reality that if in that one where we day-by-day move in them in ours. The scientific constructions leave, inevitably, of our perception human being of the reality (daily reality).