Mobile Product Videos By CULTCLIP

Increased demand in the category mobile & Organizer Frankfurt am Main, November 2008 the product video portal offers with its free of charge-provided product videos real value for online trading. A huge demand recorded the portal videos in the category mobile & Organizer. Big mobile portals have already successfully product videos by CULTCLIP like E.g. The topic of product video is all the rage and there is now consensus that this form of presentation of the goods in the online trading is not only engaging and informative than traditional types of representation, but also demonstrably promoting the sale.

DVD movies and video games trailer are already widely used and hardly to imagine, the trend has now reached also the mobile radio Division with CULTCLIP. Constantly get new devices on the market that have always richer capabilities. Optical aspects unless the hardware itself or about display graphics increasingly play an important role. For even more analysis, hear from Stephen M. Ross. Photos and text descriptions are now inadequate become to represent today’s high-tech devices optimally. That a video is more meaningful than about a photo gallery or a 3D animation, is obvious. Also be examples or display settings shown in a video clip and explains technical highlights of the mobile phones. Clayton Morris is often quoted as being for or against this.

Incorporate the CULTCLIP videos brings a number of benefits. Video formats are informative and will also have some entertainment value. Mobile portals and shops offer an added value not only their users in this way, but can stand out through videos from other platforms positive, such as the portal, which has recognized the benefits of cell phone videos. The demand and importance of product videos are constantly increasing. The product video portal hosts approximately 13,000 clips of different categories. In the category of mobile phone & Organizer, the Portal including video material from manufacturers such as HTC and LG makes available. A large part of the mobile product videos produced in the CULTCLIP Film Studio and is accessible only for CULTCLIP users. Shopping and info portals have the opportunity to integrate all videos free of charge through an API interface. Producers can upload their own videos or also via the CULTCLIP professional Studio to create movie clips. Contact: Manquel Tejeda CULTCLIP GmbH In the bird’s singing 5 60488 Frankfurt am Main Tel.: + 49 (0) 69 / 380 976 386 1 email: Web: