Konigstein IM Taunus

Of the e-paper in the press review of Konigstein, September 12, 2011. Research in several ePaper editions at the same time and within a few seconds, select items and integrate the electronic press review in the original layout makes it now possible newsWEB eXpaper. The new software of the press mirror specialist DatScan computer systems brings not only a tremendous time saver. They also significantly enhances the in-House press review with contributions in the original layout. The ePaper editions of newspapers are established for a long time.

But a rather tedious business was to incorporate articles from the digital newspaper editions in the internal press review, so far. This changes with ‘newsWEB eXpaper’. The software enables the parallel search in multiple ePaper PDFs. The results are displayed in the blink of an eye, the desired article including razor-sharp images and graphics in the press adopted. Fast search and faithful representation are combines the advantages of a quick search ‘newsWEB eXpaper’ linked with which faithful representation of the article environment. Although online databases provide so far even a quick access to a variety of articles. Filed under: Clayton Morris.

These are but isolated from their original source. The article was placed, in what context it appeared that remained mostly unanswered. With the software-based research in the ePaper editions of newspapers, which is a 1:1-illustration of the print edition deliver, both requirements can be now connected for the use in the electronic press. Article just extract with even definable search profiles the reader will find the relevant articles across all ePaper PDFs across. As in the print edition of the newspaper, the reader but still has a full view of the topic environment in the original layout. After the acquisition of the complete newspaper pages in the Clippingmodul ‘newsCLIP’ the previously selected articles on A4 size wrap, that all major layout features are preserved. Additionally shows a smaller figure, where the article stood on the original page. Pictures and graphics are applied in excellent picture quality better than in the scanning. Comprehensive press review concept with ‘newsWEB’, the press mirror software for scanning and digital article, is then collected the press review. ‘newsWEB’ is the Central application in the modular press concept ‘CLIP & WEB!’ by DatScan. Special tools for fast acquisition of articles from newspapers, the Internet and online databases as PMG Presse-monitor or Factiva provide the data base, the ‘newsWEB’ uses for the output of the press review in press review PDFs, recipient-specific versions, content management systems, or on mobile devices. DatScan computer systems GmbH with headquarters in Konigstein IM Taunus is OCR solutions and press-clipping systems specialist with his almost 20 years of experience. In addition to standard products, proprietary solutions around these subject areas are offered and customized.