Time does not slow down the run, everything flows, everything changes, except that a person's love for flowers is unchangeable. Moreover, the more we learn about the world, the more we love their "green darlings." When there are no greens in the house, it becomes cold, devoid of life colors that Feng Shui is considered a bad sign. Too many people set up home on the rules of Feng Shui, often willing to buy online store full of feng shui, but what to do with your plants do not really know, and are arranged according to their own preferences. And what we get from this – Feng Shui in the home is good, but misplaced it ruined plants. Make home a stylish and successful in Feng Shui to help, not all plants, some of you should refuse. However, you can arrange them so that they will not interfere with the smooth and harmonious flow of Qi energy. Let us not forget that all the plants in Feng Shui are the elements of growth – the Tree.
Home – Devoid of a Tree, deprived and development. If you want you have good luck and prosperity in your house have to live flowers. In Feng Shui works with all the plants, but some clearly prefer: plants with round and thick leaves, as well as having magnificent globular shape – like a green hat. The favorite form of leaves in China and Japan – thick and juicy round leaves, mostly succulents. In South-East Asia believe that they are attracted to the house of wealth. Good smells produced by potted flowers and potted plants are also very important.
If, in the absence of plants you can use incense or oil burner, then the presence of our green friends – their natural flavors. Plants with large bright flowers and magnificent forms are strong, they have high life potential, there is positive energy – all they can give the house itself. In each house there defects that need correcting. That's what will come in handy climbing or running down the plant, as well as high and large tubs. It is believed that plants with long leaves and sharp spines can change or movement Qi energy in the house and destroy the power of owners. However, the rules for that and there to make one exception. For example, a cactus because of thorns and a peculiar form of the plant considered bad, but if it is placed on the window, for blind (that is, to remove its negative influence), it would scare away thieves. Agree, not everyone uninvited overnight guests decides to overcome this natural barrier. And if on the same windowsill will stand awesome form (but good inside) dog fu – the more the attacker would not dare enter the house. Grow flowers, place them according to Feng Shui, and it will help you realize your greatest desires and potential opportunities.