Then in we ask, why ours antepassadosregistravam the information, that is, they drew in walls of caves? Jexistia at this time the concern to preserve the information for the geraesfuturas? Leading in consideration estesquestionamentos, would not be appearing at this moment one begins of archive 2? Because these registers and the concern in behind keeping these foramdescritas information that the thousand of years in grottos. The caves can be considered an archive, and entopodemos to affirm that the first slight knowledge of archive had appeared in the daily pay – history, due to existence of this type of information, before exactly of the invention of the writing. As You mark (2007) ' ' Historical Aorigem of the archives retraces to the beginning of the writing, in the civilizations doMdio East, has about 6 a thousand years atrs' '. The first archives had appeared deformed spontaneous in the palaces and the temples. Some of the main archives dAntiguidade are: Palace deEbla in the Syrian, Archive of the Temple of Medinet in Egypt in the Sc. XI B.C.
Hititas 3 had been the first paraarquivos peoples to construct a special building, in the Sc. XIV B.C. We can affirm that the author defends the thesis that osarquivos, in its origin, would be a natural and spontaneous phenomenon, since oaparecimento of the writing. With the writing it appeared the idea to keep, to congregate to eorganizar the existing supports of writing in the height. She can yourself be said that osprimeiros archives appear of natural way and intuitivamente.
Already Schellenberg (2006, P. 25) affirms que' ' The archives as institution, probably, had had origin in the antigacivilizao Greek. Between centuries V and IV B.C. when the guardavamseus athenians documents of value in the temple of the mother of deuses, that is, in the Metroon' '. Maso author does not present certainty in its theory where the archives could tersurgido in the civilization Greek.