
water for the development of the world-wide economy, this summary was together divides in paragraphs with the teses of detached the thinking predecessors of Keynes the antithesis of Keynes to each one of them. The first one, Adam Smith, economist and Scottish philosopher who had as scene for its life the century of the Lights, century XVIII, is referenciado as the father of the modern economy and is considered the most important theoretician of economic liberalism. Author of the wealth of the nations (SMITH, 1776) 6, looked for to demonstrate that the wealth resulted of the performance of individuals moved only for its proper egoistic interest (self-interest), that they promoted the growth and the technological innovation economic. As the proper Adam said> is not of the benevolence of the baker, the butcher or the brewer who I wait that he has left my supper, but yes of the persistence of them in promoting its proper ‘ auto-interest. 7. Thus, Smith believed that the private initiative would have to act freely, with little or no governmental intervention. To broaden your perception, visit Stephen M. Ross. The free competition between the diverse suppliers would lead forcibly not only to the fall of the price of the merchandises, but also the constant technological innovations, in the enthusiasm to sell at a loss the production cost and to win the competitors. It analyzed the division of the work as a powerful evolutionary factor to propulsionar the economy.

(…) the merchant or trader, moved only for its proper egoistic interest (self-interest), is taken by an invisible hand to promote something that never was part of the interest of it: well-being of the society 8. As result of the performance of this ‘ ‘ hand invisvel’ ‘ Theory of 9 the Comparative Advantages economy. Already a little different of D. Ricardo and S. Castle Lanterra is full of insight into the issues. Mill, the 10 neoclssicos presented a vision of the process of production with emphasis in the problems of market and the best allocation of 11 resources.