Thanks to this change of paradigm, more comprehensive, more spiritual, is that I took the decision to start in my same attitudes that promote the protection of the environment, I’ve made since then commenting in my exhibitions or work meetings, including as a fundamental part of the project of extraction of water in sources of supply and considering new options to reduce consumption and above all to avoid wastage in population centres and cropland. In this regard I can comment on with great satisfaction that my proposals have been received with pleasure both by housing developers, especially in terms of the control and exploitation of pluvial drainage and municipal Ciudad Juarez and Chihuahua authorities. As a vital issue, directly related to the evolution of consciousness, both individuals level group or society, is education. Holistic education is the alternative of the future, is the best choice for future generations and is also a great opportunity for those who are strive to better ourselves no matter the age. The first master’s degree I studied, education for peace, taught me everything that has to do with human values, she di the first steps towards a greater spirituality and to transmit these benefits toward my children, workers and friends. Now in the Masters program for education holistic receipt at depth the range of human development, I managed to understand the physical, cognitive, emotional, aesthetic, social and spiritual dimensions in which any person must develop and I became aware of the level found in the education in Mexico where even has a system of unilateral transmission of information from teachers to students with a minimum of attention to the human and sensitive part of the trainees and zero attention to the spiritual part of them. Education is now one of my priorities in life, I am not a teacher, but I am an educator if I take it as a parent or as a husband, friend, worker, professional or simply as part of a whole where there is something to offer others and something to receive all such as education or experience always. .