RCD Circuit

On embodiment of wiring is divided into open and hidden. In the accommodation is used under plaster, and in the offices or premises open wiring. In this article, for anyone who decided to change old wiring to new or installation from scratch, we consider the basic rules and requirements for installation flush. There are two ways of wiring installation – it repairs the old wiring and installation of electric zero. Before starting the repair and installation to select an electric wire.

The cable is preferably selected with a copper cross-section, as copper, unlike aluminum, has a better tokoprovodimost. To illuminate the room, we can use copper cables with cross section 1, 5×2, which is designed for a current 16A and 10A circuit breaker. Cable cross section 2, 5×2 needed to install the sockets on the current 25A and 16A circuit breaker. When repairing an old wiring it is useful to strengthen the weakened contacts outlets and switches, or replace them with new ones. If necessary, change the damaged area of wires between the junction boxes and mortgages boxes, switches and sockets. At zero installation is recommended for the wiring layout and locations of their rotations. To avoid damage when drilling and nailing, the channels for wires made by stretching two lines – vertical and horizontal. The vertical line wiring should be removed from the corners of rooms, window and door openings are not less than 100 mm in the horizontal of at least 60-100 mm of the beams and eaves, at 150-400 mm from Ceiling and 300-400 mm from the plinth, and their location must be known to you.

Channels betonokonstruktsy overlap or end with a jack sockets and switches. It is recommended to have switches at the entrance to room so that the doors are not overlapped, access, and the height of the switch from the floor shall be of 1, 50 m. Outlets are placed at locations expected to set a height of 40-70 cm from the floor. Further, the output nodes are formed pair wiring, which ends after soldering and insulation factory according to the box (podrazetniki). Rusty Holzer can provide more clarity in the matter. You have to know that it is prohibited to install outlets closer than 50 cm from the grounded device, such as dishwashers, shells, tubes, batteries, gas and electric. After this work Stroebe channels are sealed with cement or alabaster. The installation of the RCD or circuit breakers are best left to professionals. Will be optimal connection protection for each line, whereas in the case of short circuit turns off only the damaged line, but not all, not all electrical engineering.