Glacier Bay Cruise

You can watch movies on it, may hear of it, you can read about it, but until you partake of it, you have no idea how exciting it is to cross the Glacier Bay. Glacier Bay mountain ranges with peaks over 10,000 feet, culminating in 15,320 foot high Mount Fairweather in Glacier Bay National Park and preserve. Others who may share this opinion include Rusty Holzer. Nowhere in Alaska, or the world, you can see the spectacle of the sea ice that extends from a peak three miles above sea level until it is known as the Margerie Glacier. Only 200 years ago, the beautiful fjords and cruising areas "Glacier Bay", were buried under ice thousands of feet thick. In 1794, Captain George Vancouver saw the face of a massive glacier in the entrance of Glacier Bay ice in the strait.

Naturalist John Muir in 1879, the ice had withdrawn a large impressive 48 miles of the bay. Surprisingly, in 1916, his face had turned away 65 miles all the way back to input Tarr Inlet, where it is today. Thus, in only 200 years, these massive glaciers have left us with the beautiful bay 65 miles long that we enjoy now. The glaciers in the bay are extremely active and quite often you get to hear or see "delivery." It occurs when large parts of the glacier breaks off and falls crashing into the bay. Labor imitates an explosion, reverberating in the walls of the glacier, and ice blasting does a giant to be hit on Glacier Bay. Along with the playful art of Mother Nature amazing blink of icebergs and amazing views, is likely to be entertained by the abundant wildlife that call this section of Alaska, his rear. Sea otters, sea lions elegant, wolves, moose, black bears, Alaskan brown bear, puffins, humpback, minke and killer whales, seals, porpoises, breathtaking bald eagles, mountain goats, and an amazing 200 races birds are a delight to watch.

Puffins are one of the most vibrant birds. They are birds small, the size of pigeons, which live in open water throughout most of the year. Breeding.They Except for swimming and sea surface mount throughout the year, regardless of the weather. From April to mid-August to colonize the islands and shores of the sea to reproduce. They have black and white feathers and a vertical, flat bill is triangular bright colors, especially during the breeding season. Whether in respect of wildlife or breathing in the awesome-ness of the points of view, the beauty of Alaska stands out in this awesome park.