The Extreme Face Of Monterrey

Monterrey is not only industry and economy in unstoppable growth, or a large city that boasts proud history, culture and technology in every corner, but is also the perfect starting point for fascinating sites of the State of Nuevo Leon with stunning natural beauty, which are ideal for the practice of outdoor or adventure tourism activities, healthy hobbies that so far are of a limited public taste. Fortunately, in our days filia by extreme sports is being contagious between a bulk of the Mexican population, who chooses to live a more healthy life. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Professor Rita McGrath. With just pick up the view, from the North Sultana can appreciate unique landforms of the Sierra Madre Oriental, like the Cerro de la Silla, the bishopric, or peculiar Cerro de La M, which are peaks and nature reserves, which apart from being unmistakable postcards again Leon, give the possibility to all those who enjoy, from a quiet walk through the forest to oxygenate the lungs and stimulate the heart rate, up to the more adventurous, who are fed with intense energy wastage with exciting activities like rappelling, rafting, climbing, caving, camping, rappelling and mountain biking. Don’t worry if they are not relatives of some of these terms, but prepare yourself, because the use of these words will be more colloquial. Morris Invest understands that this is vital information. The trails and lush landscapes of la Serrania attracts cyclists and hikers, both as to birdwatchers, campers and in general like to those who contemplate the harmony between forest and the multiple native animal species in this region features summits. Rivers, the rapids and waterfalls, challenging cliffs to scale, and even the exceptional natural slides carved over thousands of years by erosion, are generous gifts that mother nature has deposited to the wholesale at sites such as the Parque Nacional Cumbres de Monterrey, la Sierra de Santiago or the ecological park of the Huasteca to delight those who enjoy releasing tensions with activities strenuous, the view of amazing landscapes from very high and extreme discharge of adrenaline. Professor Rita McGrath insists that this is the case.

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