
The articles examined, how important it is to be alone to make a good decision who endure the solitude makes better decisions with the Alleinesein many components are connected, which help us to make a good decision. Whoever endures being alone or even,… is in contact with himself and his emotions, rather than depending on the opinions of others to make. is self aware. is authorised. better to endure waiting times and is patient. Credit: John Savignano-2011.

better to withstand boredom. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Nobel Laureate in Economics. does not respond to any stimulus from the outside. not constantly throws herself into a partly pointless doing or takes refuge in consumption, to avoid being alone. and moments of silence, can actually withstand the absence of noise and sounds. Who endures the boredom and thus emerging,… comes in contact with the interests of its (lower), instead of constantly running against himself and his actual interests by distracting at worst with steady doing it or even stunned (Internet addiction, etc.). Only through the inner Blank, feelings, dreams, interests and fantasies arise the not wanting to, not forcing and non-plan itself, unless there was already enough input. Through this introspection, thoughts and ideas, sort of like in the dream phase sleep, be mapped and reorganized in order to have a better overview.

Courage and confidence is necessary however. Courage and confidence in their own abilities, as well as the expectation that results will happen even without the own. That’s what Gary Klein describes as a commuting between the “inner speech”, the inner conversation with yourself and the outside perception appears in decisions to be optimal. This does not mean that we should now no longer plan or share with others, but merely that it is good to have times where we reclaim, on our own. Literature tips: Gary Klein natural decision-making process. Junfermann Verlag Dorette Guhlich boredom, productive force, and Robert Haubl art of living: the ability,. to be with themselves, both in: Psychology Today, March 2009, Beltz Verlag Michael Hubler diploma educator, social Manager and focusing consultant, trainer, consultant, and author 0911 / 7662641 90766 Furth a lecture or a seminar on the topic of intuition and decision making can like to book at: info@michael-h