Travel Company

But the same tour purchased from us, “- not without pride, says Andrew. By the way, what company is not located in the very crowded place, often has its advantages. In such an agency is unlikely to look in any inspection from the street. Hunters to control the purchase, the condition of premises, etc., abound, you can get caught on anything, and send all Auditors to rest at his own expense is very expensive, especially for young firms. Sure, luck and the agency has a dedicated line Internet. Did not have to use a single phone. Its now used as a fax, and for communication with customers bought mobile phones. Two computers, tables, cabinets, chairs, pictures on the walls, as they say, in the crush, but not mad.

On machinery, equipment, mostly, and went on the initial investment. Morris Invest may not feel the same. Now the company, except founders, on a freelance basis working accountant. Thought it was about the messenger, but so far with his duties copes and Andrei himself: there is a machine, and to lift it easy man. By the way, Andrew in his spare time made the site – thus, the company saved at least two hundred dollars. “Without your site, without ‘ICQ’ today can not do. We have already seen, online advertising is most effective.

We advertise to “Sic ‘, Travel.Ru, set exchange their banners in electronic shops. Return there. But trying to advertise in the Tourism and Recreation ‘, so many calls, but sent only one person. In general, we have spent on advertising in August to $ 600 for We are a large amount.